All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1541: Young Lord

"Where did the noodles come from?" Jin Pangli felt more and more greasy and choked back.

The rest of the people were also disgusting at the pink noodles.

"Young City Lord! Young City Lord came here, so what's the matter!" The young man didn't dare to follow them to mock at this time, but walked over very respectfully and waited carefully.

"Young City Lord?"

These three words immediately recalled among the seven of them, but he didn't expect this person to be the Young City Lord.

Suddenly surprised a lot.

No wonder people say that this city lord is weird. He never thought that the young city lord of his family was even more eccentric.

Everyone sighed in their hearts.

Even the little servant was so snobbish, everyone did not respond.

"What can I do, of course, is to see if you have any criminals harboring the Heavenly Court here?" said the shrill voice of the model young woman.

More and more harsh.

Han Chen heard a move in his heart. Didn't this City Lord's Mansion work against Heavenly Court? How could he help Heavenly Court catch the felon? Do you want to pick it up to bluff and cheat?

Or maybe the court really issued a big reward that day.

"We are all well-behaved businessmen under the jurisdiction of the lord of the city. How can we do such an extraordinary thing? It is a felony to harbor a repeat offender!" The young man hurriedly flattered.

"This time is not a joke, the last time the great star master of divination, but abruptly detected that there is information about his precious daughter here, so how can the great star master give up. You know, in our heaven, How much respect the master of divination, every divination can predict some invisible future, and it has become a rare creature in the heavens. Now he is rewarded by a large divination, offering a reward for those repeat offenders, how can we let it go? This opportunity."

The person who came was quite useful, and he explained so much to this young fellow.

The young man knew that it was inconvenient to ask more about this, so he didn't speak up after hearing so much. That's a felony, how could he get into his mouth?

"How do you sell this spaceship? We want it." Jin Pangli received Han Chen's transmission, so he stepped forward and said.

"This spacecraft? This needs two hundred thousand sacred stones!" The young man was shocked for a while, but finally reacted and reported a number to Han Chen and others.

This number of times appearing in the ordinary eternal realm is definitely an astronomical number, but Han Chen is different. He has killed the existence of the priest, and the sacred stone on his body will not be missing.

Of course, nearly half of Han Chen's stock of these two hundred thousand sacred stones will also be used.

Obviously this thing is too expensive, if he hadn't robbed several families, otherwise he would not pay well.

And the energy used to run it is probably not cheap.

"In addition, do you have any energy for this flying boat, and we are willing to spend money to buy it." Jin Pang Liyou stepped forward and said.

"Energy, that is the middle-grade sacred stone, the normal middle-grade sacred stone can be exchanged for 100 ordinary sacred stones. But generally there is no market, so why not sell it to you at the price of one hundred and twenty ordinary sacred stones!" Suddenly, he felt that happiness had come too suddenly. The other party, an ordinary eternal realm team, was about to buy the treasure of their town shop in one bite.

Now his pill reward will be ten times more than usual!

Having said this, Jin Pangli next to Han Chen looked at the noodle boy provocatively.

"Hmph! I think the seven of you are the felons we are looking for. They are on the wanted list of the Heavenly Court. Come back with me." The young city lord suddenly became angry and took Han Chen as the priest who killed the priest. The criminal of Yue Qingcheng.

After this, Jin Pangli turned into a bitter face, and this kid abused his power.

Looking back at Han Chen, Han Chen looked like a sacred mountain, not worried at all.

Then Jin Pangli stepped forward and said, "Do you have any evidence? Are you all planting us like this?"

"Okay, you want evidence, right? Follow me to the City Lord's Mansion to see! Don't be long-winded here, come and come, lock me up. If you dare to resist, then my Young City Lord has the right to kill on the spot!"

The young man wanted to step forward and stop the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, but he was pushed away. This is their big customer.

"What to do?" Jin Pangli and the others surrounded Han Chen and asked Han Chen, which actually meant that he wanted to kill him.

Just as Han Chen was thinking about the problem, suddenly a divine light appeared in Han Chen's body!

In Han Chen's heart, he suddenly cursed inwardly, "It's awful!"

Han Chen immediately released his mental power to check, and found that a star and moon appeared in Laiyue Qingcheng's body, and that star and moon was floating on top of her, breaking all the restrictions on her body.

It was the golden light at this time.

"Is this little girl hiding all the time, and suddenly she is in trouble at this moment? This scheming is really deep! But it's a pity..."

Han Chen sneered, erased the Xingyue, and quickly replanted the ban on that Moon Qingcheng. A wicked smile appeared on his face.

In such a short moment, the Young City Lord didn't know what technique he had cultivated. He actually saw through the changes in Han Chen's body, especially noticing the unusual divine fluctuations in that man.

"You really attacked our priest! The breath just now can't be wrong, it must be the divination star who said that he loves his daughter! This time your kid has fallen into my hands, and it is time for us to make a fortune in Boundless City. That's it! At that time, our weight in Heavenly Court will be even heavier, and your kid can be considered a big help. If you die in the future, I will definitely make you suffer less pain!"

The pink-faced man, Young City Lord, showed a cruel smile, forming a big formation on the left and right, surrounding Han Chen and the others.

While Han Chen and the others were still hesitating, the young city lord inspired a formation given by the Conferred God Realm in mid-air. The formation above opened and immediately turned the surrounding world into black!

"This, this is Absolute!" The little boy was dumbfounded. This is simply not a place for people to stay.

"What is Juefu?" Jin Pangli couldn't help asking, although they were already surrounded, everyone still remained quite calm.

After all, with Han Chen, even if the opponent came to the star master, they could still fight and retreat. What's more, the person in front of him is just a Daewoo-class monk.

As a result, the young city lord became even more excited. He only heard the person say, "The soil buns, you don’t even know about Juefen. Juefen is a space formation that can seal all this space. As for no one can perceive the information inside. Say that, are you desperate? Then you can't have any helpers!"

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