All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1571: Soul brother

Everyone knew something in their hearts when they heard Old Monster Black talk about the past.

Everyone was silent.

"In that case, we might as well catch this person back, isn't it all clear? If he is really related to the Demon King, we use this person to inquire about the Demon Lord’s news. If she has nothing to do with the Demon Lord, we might as well take this When people are refined, that is pure and true demon energy. It's much better than those lifestones." The soul brother turned into a mist, floating without touching his feet.

Everyone felt that there was no risk in this issue, so they all agreed to such a plan...

"Old Monster Black, is what you said is true? You said that the black air came from the biggest cliff in your place." Brother Soul asked.

"Yes, but, Brother Soul, you can't act during the day, how about letting our Black Mountain brothers work for one generation?" Old Black Monster said back.

"This is a great achievement, how can I give it to you alone? Although my ability during the day is limited, I still have a lot of magic power to use." The man called the soul brother glanced around. There was a smile, but the meaning was obvious, that is, you are not as capable as I am.

"So it's handed over to Brother Soul." In the end the elven-looking man said.


Han Chen didn't know that the appearance of Mo Xiaoyan eventually led to the Le Butterfly Effect.

But when the life stones were handed over to Mo Xiaoyan, Mo Xiaoyan was ecstatic and told Han Chen how to cultivate this kind of life stones.

"I can absorb the lifestone." Han Chen smiled.

"What...It seems that I didn't read the wrong daoist friend." Mo Xiaoyan gave Han Chen a knowing smile, and did not continue to pull Han Chen to practice this, but turned her head and said, "This fateful place The magic essence contained in it is not pure, and the effect is not as good as one percent of the true magic energy. If you want to obtain the true magic energy, you must go into the core of the Destroy God to get it."

"But it's better than nothing, as long as there are enough lifestones, and then using the secret method of our demons, you can still restore most of the cultivation." After all, Mo Xiaoyan, flying up and down, swept thousands from the show-off cliff. Thousands of life stones.

In this way, these stones are also called magic stones.

Han Chen had already recovered a little bit of cultivation at this time, and quickly went down to mine thousands of lifestones. Thanks to the cliffs here, no one has come to mine, and Han Chen is pure because of the magic Xiaoyan. The guidance of the devil energy quickly absorbed those devil energy.

Also, the hidden magic stones were found, which allowed Han Chen to recover a lot.

And the weird gray wings in Han Chen's body are really amazing, and the efficiency of absorbing magic stones is even higher than that of Mo Xiaoyan.

Han Chen didn't tell Mo Xiaoyan about this, so Han Chen went back and forth to collect magic stones many times, making Mo Xiaoyan think that Han Chen needed more magic stones to restore his cultivation base than Mo Xiaoyan.

But Mo Xiaoyan is not easy to fool, but she knows another secret, that is, magic stones are originally magic energy containing impurities. Even ordinary demons cannot absorb unlimitedly after practicing, and they need a break. .

When Mo Xiaoyan was meditating and resting, when she secretly observed Han Chen's absorption, Mo Xiaoyan was completely shocked.

This also made Mo Xiaoyan vigilant.

"Could it be that this kid is the son of the Devil King? He didn't even take a breath after absorbing such a devilish energy?"

Mo Xiaoyan knew that even if the other party was really not the son of the Demon King, he must have something to do with the Demon Realm, and that the other party had such a good physique and didn't know how to cultivate.

The two were pregnant with ghosts, and Huang Mengmeng was uncomfortable in this space, and went back as soon as he came out.

At this time, Han Chen didn’t know that he still needed to rest while practicing devil qi. He just felt that in such a dangerous place, he still had to increase his cultivation level a lot to increase his chances of survival. That’s why he tried to cultivate devil qi. .

Along the way, Han Chen finally raised his cultivation base to the Daewoo-level elementary level again, only one step back to the Daewoo-level mid-level at its peak.

However, at this time, Han Chen finally tasted the evil results. Although he had the assistance of the Heavenly Channels in his body, he absorbed a large amount of Demon Qi in a short time, which caused the meridians and Dantian in his body to feel stagnant.

Han Chen stopped absorbing the devil energy in shock.

But in my heart secretly thought, awful.

It turns out that absorbing devil qi still has side effects, but Mo Xiaoyan didn't tell herself about the side effects, so she didn't know what she felt relieved.

Fortunately, his physique was supported by various secret techniques such as gray wings, heavenly veins, and planetary divine bodies, and it was delayed until this time.

At this time, Han Chen felt a little bit about Mo Xiaoyan's cultivation base, her cultivation base at this time had also been restored to the peak of the eternal realm, and it was only a short distance from that Daewoo-class.

If the other party did not lie, she must go to the core area of ​​the **** tomb to practice in the next step, otherwise she would not be able to break through the Daewoo-level, advanced magician, that is, the Daewoo-level powerhouse.

The rankings of their demon world are also slightly different. The demon master is equivalent to the Daewoo rank, and the demon king is analogous to the Conferred God Realm on the side of Heaven.

Therefore, the cultivation base of the Destroyer God itself is the Conferred God Realm, and the title should be the Destroyer God.

After thinking about these things, Han Chen calmed down a little bit, then stopped absorbing the devil energy, and began to revolve Zhou Tian, ​​using his reincarnation exercise to the extreme, spinning the absorbed divinity in a circle, and practicing through the sky vein .

"No, it seems that you must use the Heavenly Veins to refine your divine nature again, otherwise the current Daewoo-class cultivation base is still high risk."

So Han Chen fell silent once again, and tempered all his divinity through the sky veins.

After two hours of tempering in this way, the divinity in the body has been refined, and Han Chen's cultivation base has also been compressed to the Daewoo-level elementary level at this time, which is considered to have saved the cultivation base.

Then Han Chen discovered that he wanted to increase the spiritual energy by absorbing the lifestone, but it had no effect, or the effect was so small that it could not be provided to Han Chen.

Han Chen sighed secretly.

But if others want to know Han Chen's thoughts at this time, they must be scared to death.

At this time, Han Chen wanted to release his spiritual power, but as before, he still couldn't release it. Han Chen felt a little nervous. It seems that the situation here is still not optimistic.

Originally, Han Chen wanted to search for his teammates in a large area through mental power, but it seemed that he still couldn't do it at this time.

Han Chen tried it several times by himself, and it was still the case. It seemed that he hadn't cultivated the demonic energy, so he couldn't manage it freely.

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