All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1579: Sacrifice

From the void, Han Chen saw Mo Xiaoyan surrounded by four people, flying in this direction, behind most of them.

I saw four people behind that Mo Xiaoyan, one of them had dark skin, and was the village chief before him. There are two other people who also have great power and wear strange clothes.

There was still a cloud of mist, and the state in the mist made Han Chen think of the incomplete spirits he had recently collected.

At this time, they were already approaching, Han Chen didn't dare to probe again, and quickly converged, and then saw those people coming rushing over.

"I don't know why they came here."

Han Chen was puzzled.

But I heard the dark-skinned man say, "My Lady Queen, please follow us. This is the place we agreed to open with Master Demon."

"Yes, if it hadn't been for ten days ago, Lord Queen showed us the miracle of Lord Demon from the same ancestry, we would not dare to recognize you! We would not even see the prospect of returning to the demon world. We are all alive Too desperate." An old man beside that also said.

"Are you afraid that the resources here are too scarce, and it is possible to return to the West with a short life at any time?" A bitter ridicule immediately came from the mist.

"I think Lord Queen has inherited everything after our Lord Demon King, so we can return to the Demon Realm. Although this place has good resources, it is not our Demon Realm after all. It is impossible for us to practice more advanced techniques. I haven't increased my cultivation base, it's really uncomfortable." The last stout man said.

"Okay, be quiet, isn't Lord Queen just sensing the location of the core **** tomb? Don't hinder our Lord Queen here." The dark-skinned man said.

The rest of the people were quiet, after all, it was the dark-skinned man who first discovered the Queen.

So they are now headed by dark-skinned men.

"Are you sure this is the place where the core **** tomb is opened? I left here in the early years because my brother was afraid of encumbering me and wandering me out. I finally returned here after many twists and turns, but I don’t want to draw water from a bamboo basket. It's empty."

At this time, the aloof Mo Xiaoyan pursed her lips, seeming to enjoy this state, after all, she had had a hard time before.

If Han Chen hadn't rescued him from the alchemy furnace of the Hehuan League, how could he be happy now?

When she inherited the godhead, she must eradicate the Hehuan League.

As for her cheap master, she can't do it, so let him fend for himself, or she could kill Han Chen ten days ago.

At that time, Han Chen couldn't use the slightest cultivation base.

At this moment Mo Xiaoyan walked up to the cliff, looked at the cliff with a lot of life stones missing, and her heart stunned.

Could it be that Han Chen is back again?

That person was also a freak, and he could still use their lifestones to cultivate without making mistakes.

Even the cultivation base is a bit more sophisticated than before, it can be seen that it is a freak at the front and rear of the car.

At this time, seeing that the lifestones are a lot less, the person who can need so many lifestones is naturally that Han Chen.

I just don't know if he came back because of himself.

"Could it be that he still wants to catch himself back? Does he still want to catch himself to warm the bed?"

Thinking about it, Mo Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing.

"We are sure that we agreed with Lord Demon to be in this place. If we find his sister or someone from the Demon Realm, we will activate the Demon Soul Vortex here to wake him up." The dark man said, and then said, "No I am so happy to know what the Queen is doing! We are also very happy because we can go home."

"Noisy." Mo Xiaoyan said with a grimace.

"Yes, I'm waiting for nonsense. But I have never stopped waiting for homesickness and gratitude for the great kindness of Lord Demon Lord. We are all finally Lord Demon Lord." The dark man immediately changed his words.

When Han Chen saw this, he became more and more sure in his heart that the Demon Xiaoyan in front of him was afraid that she really had an unclear relationship with the God of Destruction, otherwise she wouldn't know so much.

Why didn't I think about torturing this little girl before?

However, at this time, Han Chen felt that it was not feasible to go out and recognize each other. If it wasn't for avoiding herself, why should she meet the old monster alone directly.

Having figured this out, Han Chen quietly waited for them to open the passage through the Demon Realm Vortex, and then went in with them.

This is not very difficult to deal with.

Mo Xiaoyan became more excited when she heard them say this. Brother, you protected me back then.

Now that I have grown up, let me protect you from now on.

"Then you quickly prepare to open the Demon Soul Vortex!" Mo Xiaoyan said with a puffed face, propped up her waistline.

She has a very good figure, and she is more enchanting in that leather armor and skirt.

However, the four men behind him did not dare to look at Mo Xiaoyan.

Although their cultivation base is comparable to Mo Xiaoyan, they dare not act rashly. After all, Mo Xiaoyan and the others have unique techniques to restrain their impure Mozu cultivation techniques, so they still dare not mess around.

"Let's use it now. Soul, you stand apart from Lao Luo and the others, and display the magic weapon, the magic art, and the four of us will work together to open the magic soul vortex!" The black old monster greeted the other three people.

Old Monster Black quickly took out a black key-like magic weapon from the villagers behind him, and the other three also took out weighing mounds, black eyeballs, and black scepters from the hands of the clansmen behind him.

The four separated in four corners and stood on one side. They chanted words and kept protruding words from their mouths.

These are old demon words, so no one can understand them.

At this moment, as the four of them sang, the surrounding power madly emerged, and the magical energy gathered in the center of the four of them, that is, above the cliff, forming a cyclone above.

The cyclone keeps expanding, but because of the mixed forces, there has been no way to unite.

Do not you know why.

Mo Xiaoyan saw that the four people tried four or five times of running-in, but the cyclones just couldn't be combined, and they couldn't form the magic soul vortex that could communicate with the tomb of the gods.

Can not help but feel a little anxious.

"What do you eat? How can you summon a Demon Soul Vortex?"

Mo Xiaoyan said angrily.

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