All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1581: In hot pursuit

There was a strong demon energy floating in the air, not as strong as imagined, and not as high as the divine concentration of the heavens.

This made Han Chen a little bit more suspicious.

"What happened here? It's completely different from what they described." Han Chen muttered.

But they also said that they hadn't been here for tens of thousands of years, so they didn't know anything about new changes here.

Han Chen thought so.

This is still an endless wasteland, but the devilish energy in the air is still absorbed by Han Chen's gray wings, transforming the divinity dissipated in Han Chen's body, and making up for the lack of body.

As we walked, the situation here has given Han Chen a rough idea of ​​what it looks like.

"This Demon Realm is really boring." Han Chen said.

Then he chose a cave, escaped into it, and made up for his own cultivation base, and restored his peak state.

At this time, even if Han Chen did not have a life stone, he could restore his cultivation by himself.

Han Chen felt that this contained a lot of power ripples.

Han Chen turned into a thousand powers, cultivated his own magical power, and laid out the seven or eight spirits that could be collected from the outside.

Now that he has reached such a level of cultivation, he already has a different understanding of Shenhun.

Han Chen once again swallowed a divine soul through the magic sense of power. The divine soul power in his body rioted again, and Han Chen's body seemed to be torn apart...

As if the soul was going to list two people separately, the unimaginable terror spread throughout the body.

After several more days of debugging, Han Chen is preparing for the second Soul Devour...

After a month of this experience, those seven or eight spirits were swallowed by Han Chen. At this time, Han Chen's spirit strength had surpassed the original level, restored to its peak state, approaching the late peak of the Daewoo class.

"My current cultivation base is already a Daewoo-level intermediate. If my physical powers have fully stimulated the planet's divine body and displayed the second mythological form, it will be close to the late Daewoo-level peak. The soul power is refined by Han Chen, at this time It can also achieve a great power loss."

The power of the second myth form is still fresh in Han Chen's memory.

So Han Chen would not give up this kind of blood, it was in the form of a phoenix.

Thinking of this, Han Chen condensed the second myth form technique again and became more and more proficient.

After another half month of cultivation, Han Chen's body strength returned to its peak state.

The rivers and streams cultivated in "Reincarnation Tianxin" are now a little stronger.

"It's time to meet the **** of destruction for a while."

Han Chen had previously assumed that if the God of Destruction still existed, he must be a strong man in the Conferred God Realm. At this time, Han Chen must have the power equivalent to that of the opponent, otherwise, Han Chen would come in to find death.

Now Han Chen’s cultivation base is very close to the false gods. At that time, in the hands of ordinary Conferred God Realm powerhouses, Han Chen will still be able to escape. Of it.

Before entering the cave, Han Chen had used his soul to scan the wasteland and found everyone in the Han Chen team. They were relatively safe, so Han Chen did not rush to find them.

And the trip to the core **** tomb was imminent, so I followed them in.

Han Chen turned into a streamer and rushed out of the cave. At this time, Han Chen's cultivation base had already surpassed the average people here, so he spread out his soul power and wanted to find some suspicious places, but this wasteland was too vast. , Han Chen looked a little unbearable.

So I knew that while walking, he recovered.

After walking for another six or seven days, Han Chen suddenly discovered that there was a fierce divine fluctuation in front of him.

The person who can produce divine fluctuations in this demon world is definitely not a person in the demon world.

Han Chen showed a weird smile.

Doubt, could it be Yue Qingcheng?

Just thinking about it, so he passed forward, hid in the void, held his breath, and saw the golden light over there from a distance, very different from the black light of those demons, and Han Chen was dumbfounded.

The technique that Yue Qingcheng used was bright moonlight, but the light that appeared at this time was golden light, and it seemed that it was not Yue Qingcheng.

Han Chen observed secretly in the void, and sure enough, he found the surging power over there, the golden light flashed away, revealing a large dragon head.

And in the black light of the other party, it turned into a large black cloud and mist, and the black mist wrapped the place.

For a while, golden light and black light flew around, and the two collided with each other, emitting strong power fluctuations.

The power fluctuations shattered the void, stimulating the turbulence of the void.

Had it not been for Han Chen to hide farther, it would have been affected by this time.

The black light was obviously not Jin Guang's opponent. After the golden light turned into a gigantic dragon, he swallowed the black light and broke it into pieces.

A loud noise in the black light turned into a corpse.

At this time, the battle group of black light and golden light dissipated. The golden light boy who had turned into a dragon just now stood aside and carefully observed the thick man in the black light, revealing a touch of disdain.

Only then did Han Chen remember the power of the black light. It was the thick man among the four people behind Mo Xiaoyan. The cultivation base of that man was felt by Han Chen from a distance, and it was equivalent to the mid-level Daewoo-level cultivation base. .

Never thought that at this time, he lost to the young man among the golden lights so quickly.

Han Chen changed his mind and wanted to think clearly about the big changes. At this time, he also became a little hesitant.

The young man in the golden light suddenly glanced at the location of Han Chen, with a weird smile on his face. Jin Guangshi unfolded and turned into thousands of dragons soaring up, and today's momentum is even better than that of the black light just killed. People are still fierce!

"What's the situation?" Han Chen was stunned for a while. At this moment, where did he dare to stop here, and immediately turned into light and flew away quickly.

Had I been discovered?

Han Chen is quite confident. His concealment techniques are all learned from the void elves. How could he be discovered so quickly?

But at this time Han Chen and Ben Gu couldn't take care of this, and Han Chen didn't want to fight this person here.

If there are other Heavenly Court people here, it means that the situation here is very complicated, and it is not something that Han Chen can handle alone, so Han Chen still wanted to observe it for a while before talking.

But now, only to escape first.

"This person is so fast!"

Han Chen murmured, he had to display the form of mythology, which turned into twenty wings, spread out gently, turned into streamer, and flew away.

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