All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1583: Stuck

So he wants to get out of trouble quickly.

But this formation is quite peculiar. As soon as he wants to get out of trouble, the turbulent thunder and lightning will pour down and turn into thousands of thunder rays. The thunder rays fall and beat him all over dirty. Can not use divine nature to clean up.

Han Chen looked at this formation quite proud. Although this formation was a **** thunder formation, Han Chen cleverly added the Ecstasy formation inside. To put it bluntly, he kept repeating the previous actions and constantly consumed. The divinity and patience of the other party.

At this time, Han Chen was able to fully cover the divine fluctuations in the formation, so he naturally remembered that he wanted to hit the opponent head-on.

At this time, Han Chen had tempered the planet's divine body to the extreme, and displayed the mythical form of the phoenix. A terrifying fire filled the surroundings, illuminating the dark demon world.

The power of terror will split the void.

At the same time, the divinity in Han Chen's body was madly losing.

Han Chen smiled bitterly. It was the same when he performed it for the first time. He didn't expect that the second time would still be so exhausting of divinity.

But as long as this blow can maimed that person, Han Chen is confident that it is worth it.

"Phoenix fire burst!"

The flames of Han Chen's whole body radiated, and the enlarged divinity burned sharply in the flames, and he whispered, the phoenix fire burst into a huge fire-shaped phoenix, surging towards the giant dragon in the formation!

In the formation, the man in the Dragon Court, Ying Quliang, seems to have already known that the opponent is holding a big move, so at this time, it has also turned into the shape of a five-claw golden dragon, eager to get out of trouble, but has some mysteries about the opponent's formation. Not going out for a while.

At this moment, he flew in the direction of Thunder, and he didn't care about the pain caused by the lightning falling on his body. At this time he had become a giant dragon, and the effect of thunder light on him was minimal.


With a loud noise, the phoenix fire light smashed toward the golden dragon body, and the giant mouth bit the dragon's tail.

Ying Quliang suddenly felt his tail burning, but there was no way, after all, he avoided the vital position and had already left specially.

Regardless of it, Ying Quliang directly rushed out of the Divine Thunder formation and turned into a golden dragon hovering for a week, looking at the man.

"you wanna die!"

The golden dragon uttered the dragon language and angrily spoke his native dialect.

He saw that his tail was burned and turned into a bare existence, which of course affected his noble status as a member of the dragon clan, so he was so angry.

Turned into a seven-clawed golden dragon!


The seven-clawed golden dragon, turned around, grabbed Han Chen's face with a huge golden claw print.

The terrifying energy ripples directly tore apart the void, and there were several scratches on the void.

"Horrible, is this the powerhouse of the pseudo-god realm?"

Although Han Chen had fought against the powerhouses of the pseudo-god, it was not very miserable. If the ancestral beast had not come out in time, Han Chen had already turned into nothingness, so since then, he has encountered the pseudo-god. Han Chen wants to make a detour for those with strong cultivation bases above the realm. The cultivation bases of those people are really terrifying.

Therefore, Han Chen is also very cautious now. Now that the seven-clawed golden dragon consumes only 50% of the divine nature, he sacrificed the already prepared God Thunder formation, and then gave it to the opponent through the second mythological form. one strike.

I didn't think about it, but only got the other party's tail.

"It seems that people in the pseudo-sacred realm are not easy to provoke." Han Chen murmured, he didn't want to just hang up here inexplicably.

Seeing the claw prints of the seven-clawed golden dragon hovering over, I knew that you couldn't directly face it and you had to avoid it.

However, Han Chen had already used most of his divinity at this time, and the paw print came so fast that it instantly flooded Han Chen.

Han Chen felt the terrifying pressure.

"The phoenix cracks the sky!"

Han Chen had no choice but to wave the divinity of his whole body once again, causing the Phoenix in the second mythical form to perform a blow.

Han Chen's phoenix flew towards the sky. After circling, it turned into a flying arrow, and its giant sharp beak slammed into the golden paw print.

At the same time, Han Chen communicated with the essence of flame, and released the essence of flame from the void. The essence of flame entered the void, turning into streamer and flying towards the golden dragon!

For a time, the entire sky was surrounded by firelight.

The terrifying flame energy instantly enveloped the surroundings, completely sealing off all space forces.

Han Chen's firelight phoenix collided with the golden paw print the fastest!

The terrifying power shattered the surrounding void.

At this time, Han Chen had put all his last divinity together, and the owner of the golden paw print also wanted to take Han Chen in one fell swoop. Both sides are increasing their strength crazy!

"This terrifying flame!"

This time even Ying Quliang felt the opponent's crisis, although the opponent's cultivation base was much lower than his own.

After using most of his divinity, facing the strange flame of the opponent at this time, he didn't dare to entrust it.

Therefore, Ying Quliang had to tear away his golden paw prints and broke away from his divine support. He knew how long the golden paw prints could persist.

But he can't hurt himself for this, so he is now more and more raising his strength to the extreme.

The dragon hovered and soared among the clouds.

The dragon body drew a huge current from the void, and the current attacked the flame.

But the flame didn't seem to be afraid of the water flow at all, and came over as if nothing happened.

"This terrifying flame, could it be the fire on the fire list!"

Who is this person? The family is so rich!

Is it a disciple from a big family?

Even though he could deal with the flame in a thousand ways at this time, he would not continue to use it at this time, because time was too late.

When the fire attacked just now, it was the vacuum time that appeared after he charged up, so that's why the fire came in like this.

"Who on earth are you? Why do you have the breath of a traitor from our dragon race, you really recruit!" The golden dragon kept moving, but hesitated in his mouth.

"Hmph, you just want to fight, why bother to talk like this." Han Chen replied.

"Okay, interesting, but I can tell you that the traitor you harbored is our dragon enemy, and he has a treasure on his body, which is a stellar device. And let me tell you again, that man was once the prince of our dragon. It’s just that their Ao family has been rebelled by us and the entire world has been killed by the dragon uprising of the entire world. Only the evil barrier in your hand is still alive."

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