All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1589: Goodbye Dragon Dragon

"Although that treasure is also very precious, it is a symbol of Poseidon's power, but it is not the godhead of the Poseidon." The man said, although he wanted to exercise restraint on his face, he was eventually restricted.

Han Chen also knew their current situation. At this time, new grudges and old hatreds would make it impossible for this dragon to escape.

At first, Han Chen and the others were sailing outside, but they were stopped by the sea clan. At that time, Han Chen was puzzled and never thought there was a chance to repay.

"Die to death!"

Han Chen transformed into a powerful mythical form, with twenty wings behind it, and the gray wings were particularly conspicuous, directly rubbing the air into sparks, and Han Chen turned into streamer and slammed into the person.

The dragon seems to have expected Han Chen's appearance, but he said disdainfully, "Don't you know what this place is? The divine nature here is a little more practical, and there is less. You are so wasteful, and once you start the mythical form , Are you not going to die?"

That Jiaolong seemed quite confident, so he introduced Han Chen to the situation with confidence.

However, the situation here has long been lost by Han Chen.

In fact, Han Chen can also automatically supplement his divinity automatically.

However, Han Chen would not tell the other party about this matter.

Raising the divinity in the body to the extreme, Han Chen’s mythological form was full of wild tyrants. He flew over the dragon, and knocked the sea dragon over immediately. The dragon took advantage of the situation and fell to the ground to avoid it. Although a little embarrassed, it saves a lot of divinity.

"Interesting, weren't you arrogant before?" Han Chen showed a smile.

"Buddy, remember it for me!" From the previous contact, the Jiaolong also discovered that Han Chen seems not to be restricted by the rules here at all. His body's divine nature fluctuates so much that there will be no shortage. This is already very good.

Han Chen also felt weird, so how can Jiaolong leave today?

"Don't let him go, he has already fought with three of my clansmen just now, and now that his divine nature is defying, it is a good opportunity to kill him!" The Mo Xiaoyan was not busy leaving, and quickly said to Han Chen. At this time, Mo Xiaoyan's cultivation was still the peak of the late eternal stage.

This made Han Chen feel a little weird, and he didn't know how to say it.

Han Chen also knew that the flood dragon was a little weak at this time, so he quickly turned into a huge mythical form and rushed towards the man quickly.

The Jiaolong was too late to escape, so he had to turn his head and confront Han Chen with a dozen fists.

Han Chen is getting better, but the flood dragon complains endlessly. I don't know what kind of freak Han Chen is. In such a state, he can still fight in the circle, and he is not afraid of exhausting his divinity.

Therefore, the Jiaolong fought more or less fearfully.


Han Chen took out the nine-section gun!

The black light fell into Han Chen's hands, and the surging divine fluctuations completely shredded the surrounding area, and there were broken pieces everywhere.

The horrible energy ripples, shaking.


Domineering guns fly out!

This trick again!

Jiaolong said angrily in his heart, regretting it. He knew that when he first met Han Chen's lunatic, he would run away quickly. Now that it is difficult to ride a tiger, the other party has not allowed himself to get away. Now he can only be positive. Coped.

"You are deceiving too much! You are looking for death!"

The flood dragon immediately turned into a seven-clawed golden dragon, with the exaggerated huge dragon claws directly facing Han Chen's forehead.


The tyrant's sharp spear and the seven-clawed golden dragon's paw prints hit everything fiercely, and a harsh sound was remembered from the place where it hit.

The surging power shook all the surrounding debris and turned into a piece of dust, and the violent power shattered the void.

The frantic light of the clouds there was pierced by the javelin, leaving a blank plane halfway through.

Soon that force dissipated in the space.

A weird smile appeared on Han Chen's face, and the javelin in his hand was put away, stimulating the planetary divine body into the most powerful posture, but it did not inspire the second soul form.

Transformed into a powerful mythical form, Han Chen trembles with twenty wings behind his back, and soon Han Chen turned into a powerful cannonball and rushed towards the person!

The person immediately experienced a powerful ripple of energy, and all the scattered things around were scattered.


Han Chen showed bloodthirsty, and his powerful fist slammed on Jiaolong's body!

This is not the place where the dragon adapts. It was quickly hit by Han Chen. Without sea water, the dragon became a dry dragon. He was immediately stuck and beaten by Han Chen. The frequent attacks caused the dragon to hit his fists. After the joss stick time passed, the man had already been injured all over his body.

"You, me, can I beg for mercy? I just coveted your treasure outside, so I won't..."

Jiaolong was panting at this time, trying to break free from this, but unfortunately he couldn't break free at all, and was immediately entangled.

Han Chen also discovered this state. The opponent must have been consumed too badly just now, and at this time he couldn't support such a high-intensity battle.

Coupled with the arrogant arrogance that was broken by Han Chen, this made Han Chen even more afraid of Han Chen.

"Wait for death!" Han Chen roared, transforming from his own mythical form once again to remove the Phoenix blood!

The second mythological form!

The fourth layer of the planetary body!

"Phoenix shot!"

Huge energy emerged from the body again!

"Falling Dragon!"

The Jiaolong spit out a word in his mouth, then adjusted his divine nature to the most powerful state, and then transformed his body into a powerful divine energy.


The surging flood dragon turned into a powerful divine energy, and violently collided with Han Chen's sharp shot.

For a time, the void shattered, and the turbulent flow of the void spread out from it, sweeping away all the weak trash around.

"Die!" Han Chen overdrafted and killed the sharp shot. At this time, half of the divine power had been sucked away, and his eyes were fixed on the dragon in the void.

The body of the Dragon Transforming Dragon violently collided with the sharp spear.

Han Chen still felt a little worried, but his Phoenix shot was completely suppressing the opponent, so Han Chen was not very worried.

I was just worried that the soul would run away. After all, if the cultivation level reached the Daewoo level, the soul would be able to tear the void immediately after it came out.

So Han Chen secretly let the Void Elf ambush the work area with the essence of flames. As expected, a small dragon was immediately drawn on the body of the dragon. After the dragon came out, he wanted to escape control quickly, but couldn't get it out. He was immediately suppressed by the essence of flames. Living.

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