All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1597: The land of the gods

"Presumably you have already guessed it in your mind, I am my divine hidden here." The man said lightly.

"What? Shenyin?" Han Chen was stunned. Just now he guessed that the place was special. It is impossible to escape through the void elves, so Han Chen will also intend to trade with the other party.

But when he got the explanation from the other party, he was still obviously shocked.

What a terrifying courage to bring a stranger to his own hidden place.

There are two most important things in the Fengshen Realm, and it can be said that they are one, and that is the faith of the people of God. But the faith of the gods, the gods may also be destroyed.

Therefore, some powerful conferred gods with strong cultivation bases will open up their own divine hiding places in a hidden place in the ancient battlefield, where they will lead those who have very deep beliefs in themselves here.

And used to preserve the truest faith.

For example, there has always been a legend about heaven in the heaven. In fact, others speculated that it is most likely the emperor of the heaven or the hidden place of other true gods.

Many times, there is no way to break or leave the land of the gods. There is only one way to get in or out, and that is through the extradition of the main god.

Similar to Han Chen's situation today, it must be that Han Chen escaped a catastrophe in the end, but was inexplicably extradited to his place by the **** of destruction.

"Since I plan to cooperate with you, I will explain my actual situation to you." So the **** of destruction waved his hand, and Han Chen immediately moved from the original space to a new place.

When Han Chen saw it, it was a busy village that caught his eye. There was gunpowder everywhere, and there seemed to be many gods and people here.

"Go and take a look." The **** of destruction showed a sad look.

Han Chen walked into the rooms suspiciously, and found that all the people in those rooms had disappeared, but the food on the table and the firewood were all hot, as if the people here had just disappeared not long ago.

Han Chen felt inexplicable in his heart, why these gods and people were all gone, and Han Chen felt shocked for a while.

Then Han Chen went to several other places, and did not see the existence of those so-called horrors at all.

There are no gods.

There is only an empty room. The clothes and food in the room are still fresh, but there is no one.

"What's going on?" Han Chen asked, raising his head.

He knew that the person behind must be watching him somewhere in the space, so Han Chen asked casually.

According to Han Chen's understanding, the land of the gods must be living people who live in very regular activities. They pray every day and pray to their main god.

But there are no gods and people here. Han Chen didn’t find it after turning around, but the ingredients and meals in the Naxi area are very fresh, and the food is still hot, so Han Chen feels incredible .

If there are no gods, who are the meals for?

As a result, Han Chen felt unbelievable, so he had to ask clearly.

"Before saying this, please remember my name, the **** of destruction who is keen to regenerate after destruction, the lord of Xing Linshan."

When the voice said these words again, it was extraordinarily majestic, like a magic stick, without a trace of emotion, making that voice tremble like a person's soul.

At this time, Han Chen was in such a state. It was the first time he heard the true **** say his name to himself, and it was still such a solemn situation.

Han Chen couldn't accept it the first time, but he still knew his identity.

Passionate about rebirth after destruction, Lord of Xing Linshan...

I don't know what Xing Linshan means. Everything else can point to that Mo Xiaotian.

"Remember? My real name is Mo Xiaotian." The man asked again.

Han Chen nodded. Although I don't know what it does, but from this I also know the name of the person in front of me. It is really Mo Xiaoyan's brother, Mo Xiaotian, which is really incredible.

"Okay, you know my real name, and you know my relationship with Mo Xiaoyan, you know I won't lie to you." Mo Xiaotian said seriously.

"No, there are many places where Mo Xiaoyan lied to me. You can't reason like that..." Han Chen muttered.

"Um, this. Don't pay attention to these details. You guessed what I was like just now. I was used by the big star master to use mysterious divination. The content of his divination is the people of my divine hidden land. It will disappear in the next moment. And it is obvious that he succeeded in divination, so my gods disappeared in an instant. I can’t fight them with my flesh at this time, because they beat my flesh too. It collapsed, and now I only have Shenhun using the secretary to escape back. But without Shenmin, I can't escape at all."

"So I need to use you and your stellar device to see if I can cross the realm and then enter our Demon Realm. I still have some gods and people in the Demon Realm. Although it has been 100,000 years, there should still be reproduction. So the problem Not big. Do you know it?"

The God of Destruction dropped all those words into Han Chen's mind through mental power.

Let Han Chen immediately know that the other party's situation exists, and that the two terrifying star masters really caused him great danger.

But since this Destroyer God has already hit his body to annihilation, it must be that the opponent will not have any good results.

After all, the **** of destruction still had a god-killing axe.

You must know that the **** of destruction at this time is still full of vigor, presumably the other party has also been destroyed.

I don't know how long it will take the two star masters of the day to reshape their bodies.

But does the **** of destruction have the gods here, he must return to the gods of the demon world, reshape his body, and then re-screen the gods with firm beliefs, and live in his current gods' hiding place.

This shows that it is still a more appropriate transaction.

But how does the other party know that he has a stellar machine?

No, it is estimated that Mo Xiaoyan told him.

Han Chen finally figured out these things, but Han Chen is now going to report on Yunfeng Road, and promised that Xingqing from the Hehuan League would go somewhere. It is estimated that we will have to wait until the end of the matter here.

So Han Chen said, "I can still understand your transaction and it will help me. But I entered the Demon Realm, not from your Demon Race, it should be very dangerous, right?"

"Don't worry, we naturally know the demon's detection methods, and then we can help you cover the breath of the human race." The person said.

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