All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1601: Mutations

"Hey, what happened to him?" As he was speaking, Mo Xiaotian suddenly felt an incredible force change in Han Chen's body.

"Ah, is he insatiable, that's why the power in the body is disordered!" Mo Xiaoyan also almost reached the cultivation base of the Conferred God Realm at the beginning, so naturally he also knows Han Chen's state at this time.

"This son has a firm character, it must be really possible... It's really exciting." Mo Xiaotian looked farther and clearer than Mo Xiaoyan, after all, this is Mo Xiaotian's divine hidden space.

Han Chen was not very good at this time. He felt that the newly absorbed power in his body was too huge. At this time, he actually formed a distinct space with the original divine ocean.

There are still incompatibility between the two divinities.

But they are not incompatible with fire and water. Why does he have to become what he is now?

Han Chen was puzzled.

But the external power was about to dissipate, so Han Chen had to continue to absorb the divine power first, and as a result, the divine balance in the body was broken.

You must know that at this time, Han Chen's divinity has surpassed the average Daewoo-class top level. The two distinct divinities have become terrifying powers of the same power.

Isn't it going to be a fight in my body?

Han Chen couldn't help but smile.

Just as these two forces were about to move, Han Chen's dantian colic was agonizing, a force that emerged from the outside flowed, and the level of that force shocked Han Chen.

"Well, isn't this the breath of reincarnation?"

Han Chen was wondering, the breath of reincarnation in the body had already swirled in. As the third force mingled in, the two forces of water and fire could not help but wait seriously, and slightly moved away. , After all, can’t compete with mussels for profit, right?

At this time, the breath of reincarnation unceremoniously interspersed between the two, and then unceremoniously gathered the flowing stream into a circle, which seemed to have a growing trend.

The deity of the newly absorbed God of Destruction was obviously black, and the deity of the previous cultivation was obviously silvery white. At this time, the one that was used in became round and transparent, but slowly formed. A slightly stable state.

But when Han Chen was about to continue practicing with peace of mind, the black destructive **** was not reconciled, but the silver-white **** was not reconciled, so they began to twist each other, trying to squeeze the transparent breath of reincarnation. To the other half of the space.

The horrible pressure seemed to make the breath of reincarnation very uncomfortable, so the breath of reincarnation broke apart internally. At this time, the time was right to destroy the spirit of God, and quickly invaded the breath of reincarnation, making him half of it. The breath of reincarnation became silvery white.

The twisted breath of reincarnation quickly formed a circle, but the terrifying silver-white force quickly invaded, making this origin also silver-white!

So, how does this form a yin and yang cuttlefish diagram?

Han Chen was shocked beyond words.

"What, this, this is the path of reincarnation!" Huang Mengmeng, the basalt in Han Chen's body, said suddenly.

Han Chen was experiencing unbearable pain at this time, sweating profusely. Although the meridians were still good, his dantian was already riddled with holes and it was horrible.

Suddenly when I heard Huang Mengmeng's voice, I didn't have time to care about Shang, so Han Chen couldn't answer at all.

I was shocked when I heard the reincarnation search disk in my heart. Could there be something similar in Xuanwu?

Is his physique now the same as the legendary beast?

Bijing Han Chen is still very envious of the physique of the beast. See Huang Mengmeng's promotion from an ordinary cultivation base to today's Daewoo-class monk. How quickly can he not be envious?

Han Chen asked himself still very envious.

However, the focus at this time was to stabilize the new stability that had just formed, and Han Chen felt extremely shocked.

I didn't expect such a result in the end, but that's good. After all, the severe pain in Han Chen's body has disappeared at this time. As long as I practice hard in the future, I am afraid that his cultivation level can still grow.

Han Chen thought this way. After Han Chen finished his treatment, the entire absorption process went smoothly, and all the terrifying energy was absorbed by Han Chen.

A short period of seven days passed quickly, and the original great circle has now become nothingness, and the place has become blank, as if there is no existence at all.

At the same time, Han Chen opened his eyes, and the destruction **** Xiaotian who was also meditating next to Han Chen also opened his eyes.

At this time, there was a strong wave in the eyes of the duo, and the two forces slammed together in mid-air, bursting out a strong wave.


Both sides protruded a word from their mouths.

When Han Chen spit out the word war, thick wings immediately spread out on the back. If you have to count them carefully, you will surely find that there are forty-eight wings in it, and the pair of gray wings becomes more and more conspicuous. , Because the gray wings did not seem to split, but continued to maintain that strong and maverick.

"Good guy!"

The Destruction God turned into a streamer and punched Han Chen fiercely. Although his punch seemed ordinary, the terrifying energy ripples still made people feel uneasy.

This is the **** of destruction!

Conferred God Realm powerhouse, a terrifying blow!


Han Chen was finally able to see the opponent's punches clearly. Before that, Han Chen couldn't see how the two strong men shot them. At this moment, he saw the **** of destruction streamer, he punched towards Come over with his chest.

If you don't open more, your chest will pass through.

Han Chen thought, suddenly the horrible picture flashed in his mind, which made Han Chen uncomfortable, and the final attack from the power of the gods came in an extremely ugly posture. Han Chen's whole body was Some swayed.

If this were seven days ago, Han Chen would have become a broken body at this time.

But at this time Han Chen could still bear it.

"Why, are you still not used to the foreseeable future that you have as a Conferred God Realm powerhouse?" The Destruction God said leisurely.

But at this time, the Destruction God's heart was very shocked. What kind of evil is this? Seeing that the opponent's cultivation base has only reached the peak of the late Daewoo grade, but the opponent has the same ability as himself to predict some battle results.

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