All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1603: confirm

"How did we get out of there? It's really weird in there." Jin Pangli hurriedly broke the topic.

"The place we go in has no divinity, and it is useless to absorb the sacred stone. We are just like ordinary people. We have no other means except that we can have some fighting methods. We are miserable, but I heard that our native still There is a tradition of cannibalism, but because we need people to find the life stone, so we can all survive."

Zhao Feiwu also said sadly.

"It's really a great luck for us to be able to come back. It must be God's favor!" Hornets said seriously.

Han Chen didn't speak at this time. When the guide heard the Hornet, his face twitched. The person who sent you out was called Mo Xiaotian, the great demon king of the demon clan.

"You are all wrong, we were able to come out because of my master's credit!" Tu Huang said angrily.

The others also nodded.

"Team Korea, what exactly happened to us?" Sun Xue had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

"The place where we entered is part of the Conferred God Realm powerhouse's divine hidden space. In this Divine Concealment space, all the rules apply to the Conferred God realm powerhouse, and as you know, that place is naturally destroying God The divine hidden space is here. The divine hidden space of the Destroy God must be very powerful, so it attracted the two people in the heavens to fight here. In the end, they should have lost both. We finally escaped by relying on the broken void."

Han Chen still obscured the part of the deal between the God of Destruction and himself. After all, he was trading with the devil again. Fortunately, the devil was not the legendary soul that needed Han Chen.

Just want it, Han Chen's...

Thinking of this, Han Chen looked at Wu Yuan next to him and said with an embarrassment on his face.

"Okay, there is nothing more to do now, let's set off quickly and return to Yunfeng Road, we have to go into Yunfeng Road and practice hard." Han Chen said.

"Yes, we still need to practice hard. At present, the cultivation base has not reached the level of the Korean team. We must work hard!" Jin Pangli said.

His current sword repair has already realized the new cultivation experience, and he needs to retreat for a period of time, hoping to finally break through the current realm after the retreat.

Sun Xue felt the surging cultivation base in Han Chen's body. She knew that Han Chen's cultivation base was a little more diligent than before. The growth in his cultivation base was too terrifying. To truly reach Han Chen's heart, she must go all out. To reach the height of Han Chen's cultivation base, let Han Chen notice him.

Everyone was a little bit lost during Han Chen's encouragement, but more of them rekindled their fighting spirit. Their cultivation bases are all the qualifications of ordinary people, and they all rely on Han Chen to cultivate to this level.

So they have to swear to be someone who really helps Han Chen.

They will all choose their own cultivation path.

Han Chen didn't expect that what he said would arouse everyone's fighting spirit.

But Han Chen's goal is far from over. At this time, the Huang Mengmeng in Han Chen's body said to Han Chen angrily, "You promised me to help me find other body parts. "

"I haven't forgotten this, but now there are so many things, I always have to deal with them one by one." Although Han Chen's cultivation base at this time is not top-notch, it is definitely not something that anyone from an ancient battlefield can do. Come to bully.

So Han Chen still had to pay all the debts he owed before.

Han Chen seemed to remember something, so he said, "Didn't I tell you about the Holy Land of the Earth before? Every time I practice "Planet Divine Body", which is exclusive to the Holy Land of Earth, my body will be unable to help it. Entering another place, this place is also called the Holy Land of the Earth, but it seems that the headquarters of the place I encountered before, it is said that there has been an extraterritorial place."

"A place outside the territory?" Huang Mengmeng looked at Han Chen in shock, what kind of evil is this person in front of him, there is even an outside contact.

But how could this earthly holy land seem to be similar to the place where this kid was born? Could it be because I was born in the earth before, so I became attached to the earth holy land?

In this way, this is already destined for him, but he can't force it.

"Yes, it's really outside the territory, but I still don't know its specific coordinates. It's just that I went back several times in my dream, and they were all repeating the same process, and the people inside told me that they had been eliminated. Now they are just caught in the fog of history, so no one knows whether they are real." Han Chen said.

"Is it so magical?" Huang Mengmeng was a little envious.

"The current problem is that when I entered, only when I was cultivating the **** body of the exclusive cultivation technique planet, did I have a certain chance to stimulate the power in my body, and then I don't know if it triggered the title of the person in the dream, so I was directly summoned to that special space." Han Chen said after hesitating.

"Your situation may really be the problem, after all, the gods of the strong above the Conferred God Realm can't be called casually." Huang Mengmeng said after hesitating.

When Han Chen heard Huang Mengmeng say the same, he had already thought of what kind of connection is there in the book on that planetary body.

"But in the process of cultivation, it may be a certain kind of ritual. Through this kind of ritual, you will descend into that world. You will definitely go to that world again, and you will experience it at that time. If it is some kind of ritual With the formation, you should be able to find some kind of connection." Huang Mengmeng said.

"By the way, what did you say about the reincarnation search disk before, what does this mean?" Han Chen said suddenly.

"That is the biggest secret of our sacred beasts. The aptitudes of the sacred beasts are all natural and better. You know that, but those who truly have the power to become the ancestor of the Daoist are only those who are truly terrifying and amazing. , And there are people with great perseverance. But in each of our sacred beasts, there is a person who is born with a seek disk, but most of us are people who have a seek disk at birth, like my body, It's such a maze-like seek disk."

Huang Mengmeng said, before Han Chen’s face, he took out the path-seeking disk, which was a very peculiar shape with a very peculiar texture, intertwined with various powers such as blood, divinity, and origin. Han Chen was dazzled and confused.

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