All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1606: Dragon King shot

The surface of the broken world mirror seemed to have penetrated through the heavy boundary walls. It took seven days to finally find the figure. The figure appeared in front of them, revealing a terrifying shadow, and gradually became complete.

"It's that kid! I didn't expect that this kid also has the aura of our Ao Longhuang clan. It seems that this time he must die in my hands." Long Huang looked at the mirror with a sneer.

In a sneer, he stretched out his hand and crossed the mirror...


At this time, Han Chen was thinking about summoning the void elves, letting the void elves hover and fly out with them at once, crossing the void to the Phoenix Road.

But as soon as the Void Elf came out, he immediately became anxious.

"What's the matter? Is it because there was no divine recovery in the Destroyed Gods Tomb before? So you feel uneasy?" Han Chen asked suddenly.

"No, there is a very strange feeling." The Void Elf said.

Han Chen didn't know why the void elves had such a feeling at this time, but Han Chen knew that if he continued to stay here, he would definitely be discovered by the divination star master and the Honghu star master.

So Han Chen must leave here quickly.

But just thinking about it, the terrifying power spread out immediately.

At this moment, the sky suddenly turned into a huge crack. An eye was opened in the crack. That huge eye seemed to be not of human race at all. The pupils on it were all golden, showing a terrible look. Human appearance.

With the appearance of huge eyes at this moment, even the void elves beside them kept trembling.

Horrible energy appeared on Han Chen, and Han Chen immediately felt the incompleteness of his own power.

"No, how can I feel like being absorbed?"

Han Chen thought so, that is, at this time, the terrifying power of breaking the boundary immediately acted on Han Chen, and the one that Han Chen collected from Ying Quliang was immediately inspired by the golden eyes on it. Came out.

When Han Chen found out that he was already golden, his face turned green.

Why do I have a feeling of being unable to control.

"No, the other party can inspire the breaking talisman on his body, and he will definitely plot his own life."

Han Chen immediately thought that this Boundary Breaking Talisman had been snatched from the Dragon Clan Ying Quliang. The other party was able to activate this Boundary Breaking Talisman, so it must be the other party's deployment.

"Could it be someone from the Dragon Race who came to seek revenge?"

Han Chen was stunned immediately. He didn't expect that the people of Long Ting would have such a method, which made Han Chen frightened.

His body had already flown uncontrollably towards the huge eyes, and the terrifying energy was acting on Han Chen, and Han Chen turned into a streamer and flew towards the black space.

"Huh! You want my life, it depends on you!"

Han Chen was also angry, how could he encounter such a mess.

Forty-eight terrifying wings were displayed on his body, and the terrifying gray wings were displayed, and the powerful aura of the top Daewoo-class peak was exuded, and the terrifying power was released from Han Chen.

Great shot!

Han Chen took out the fame stunt in his hand, and the terrifying forehead energy gathered on Han Chen's javelin, and the surging power burst into Han Chen's hand.

go with!

call out!

It turned into a huge black light and hit the middle of the pupil of the terrifying eye. The pupil seemed to be a bottomless pit, and the terrifying javelin kept coming in, but there was no news.

"Oops, I may really have to be captured in which area of ​​the other party."

Han Chen hates him, is there only one method?

Han Chen suddenly had no choice but to test whether he could directly release the blood of God to see if it had any effect.

It was too late and it was fast. Han Chen turned into a giant beast flying in the sky. The giant beast's body was covered with terrifying energy fluctuations. The energy fluctuations quickly covered the energy ripples on Han Chen's body, and Han Chen appeared flame-colored. Horror energy.

"Phoenix True Blood· Planet Divine Body!"

Han Chen looked up to the sky with a long roar, and shocking spatial fluctuations came from his wings, and the light from that golden pupil was swallowed up immediately.

The terrifying energy that was incinerated turned into ashes and flowed into the void, and the energy in the void immediately became less powerful.

"good chance!"

A look of excitement appeared on Han Chen's face. At this time, Han Chen's divinity had increased several times. He naturally possessed enough divine power to support the movement of the terrifying Phoenix blood, and escaped from the capture. .

"How can there be true Phoenix blood on this kid!"

A voice of anger suddenly came from the sky.

The violent voice immediately stimulated a new divine light, and this divine light quickly cast through the golden pupils and bloomed again.

The terrifying divine light was so dazzling that people couldn't see clearly. Han Chen couldn't help trembling when he saw the terrifying divine light.

Han Chen also felt that the outsiders felt incredible, and the current situation had already surpassed Han Chen's thinking.

He just felt that everything was too magical.

That's the voice of Longting Dragon Emperor, right?

Han Chen took a look at the stellar device last time, and never thought that now that he saw something like this, it was really unimaginable.

The last time Han Chen was almost aroused by the opponent's eyes, his body was destroyed, and his spirit disappeared.

This time the other party actually incited the most powerful blow against him, how could he not shock Han Chen.

"Is this the true god?"

That terrifying energy can be conveyed even across the boundary wall, which is really incredible.

However, Han Chen had already been taken to their space by the Boundary Breaking Talisman at this time, so it was not considered to be separated by Boundary Breaking.

At this time, the golden divine light shot out from the pupil, and the terrifying energy quickly spread from there.


Han Chen immediately felt that the power in his body would be completely annihilated by this destructive force!

"Is it locked?"

Han Chen showed shocked eyes, and the power in his body could not be used.

No, you have to freeze me!

Get moving!

Otherwise, I will die!

Han Chen's powerful mental power was released from his mind, one after another, appeared on his dantian, and the newly formed seek disk was now solidified and could not move at all.

"No, I can't die here!"

Han Chen's intense fluctuations completely aroused the divinity on the seeking disk. The breath of reincarnation first recovered his happiness, and Han Chen immediately felt the terrifying energy emanating from the seeking disk.

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