All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1612: auctions

Han Chen also discovered the problem, and did not stay in it anymore.

After returning to the cave, Han Chen entered into the cultivation base to stabilize himself, and he also needed to experience the four-elephant formation of the God Killing Axe. It was a very powerful formation that made Han Chen feel incredible.

You must quickly upgrade your own cultivation base.

In a flash, fifteen days passed. Han Chen left the customs a day earlier and checked the Infinite City, and found that there were no other abnormal power fluctuations, so Han Chen quickly walked towards the previous shop.

The shop has been renovated at this time, and the sign on the top has been changed again. When he came before, Han Chen found that there were no signs at such a large store, and asked about it. It turned out that this is the shop opened by the eighth Leidaomen .

The auction held was also started by Raidomen.

Han Chen has to say that this place also has various sects gathering here. Han Chen dare not go to Qianfengdao. After all, although he has a close relationship with Qianfengdao, there are many things, Han Chen still has to talk to Qiang. Feng Dao clears the relationship.

After all, he has not formally become the elder of the inner gate of Yunfeng Road.

Han Chen wanted to use these ten years to collect all the fire can collect.

Han Chen has not forgotten that the Perilla God in the Borderless City also has a flame on the fire list. Although Han Chen’s current cultivation base is not comparable to the true God, Han Chen still feels that he is fighting against the Earth God here. Somewhat odd.

At the beginning, Han Chen was chased and killed by the opponent. This time Han Chen didn't plan to give up here, but he still had to figure out what the perilla was here, so that he could shoot.

Otherwise, it will be more troublesome to provoke someone behind it.

When I walked into the auction, there were already crowds of people, but the person who hosted the auction at the door gave everyone a special mask that could block the transmission of the spiritual power of others, thus ensuring the safety of most people.

Han Chen didn't expect to have such a service, so he accepted it with pleasure.

On the stage of the auction, because the people were not yet complete, there were many young women singing and dancing on it, and there were even people from the Sea Clan who acted as slaves.

Han Chen is not interested in these.

Naturally, there is no claim that everyone is equal. After all, those people are still quite pitiful, and Han Chen also knows that the situation does not allow him to look at it like this.

So Han Chen seriously waited for the auction to begin.

After a while, all the shows were over. At this time, I walked out from behind the curtain and the beautiful woman I saw last time. Although this person's face is not as beautiful as Wu Yuan and Sun Xue, this person's coquettish figure is still Attracted the attention of many people at the scene.

The situation was not obvious enough. When the situation stabilized, the woman on the stage said charmingly, "Please be quiet, everyone, our auction will begin soon!"

At this time, the voices of the people slowly quieted down.

"The things that are auctioned this time are very famous. The first auction item this time is a magical pen of a fifth-grade artifact."

"What kind of magic?" Everyone suddenly became nervous.

Often the things that the store took out for the first time are great things in order to attract customers, but just looking at the symbol of the fifth-grade artifact above has already caused everyone to take a breath, and the blood in the **** body is boiling. Woke up.

That is a fifth-grade artifact, no matter how tasteless it is, it will have a lot of power.

"This fifth-grade artifact was sold to us by a Taoist friend, but this pen is indeed a kind of fantasy Taoist. I don't know if you have ever heard that words follow the law, it is a terrible state. His own words can become a terrifying cultivation base and a preparation for the world. Then the pen of God has such an effect, but his own structure is very dangerous, and he can construct a virtual world."

"However, this world must be supported by ink, so whoever encounters it will melt and melt. The higher the cultivation level of the person who masters the magical pen, the higher the power of the magical pen he can release, and the fictional world The more real it is, we can even draw birds and we can ride them."

The woman sitting at the top of the front desk kept introducing it. After all, it was a fifth-grade artifact, and it possessed a very strong divinity.

Shows a very terrifying energy.

Han Chen also feels that such things are a bit tasteless. After all, if you can draw things at will, but those things will dissolve when encountering water, then they will be burned by flames when encountering flames. The actual effect is really small.

But maybe there are other secrets in this one?

Called the car so thinking.

The rest of the people are afraid that they are thinking the same way, everyone is not in a hurry to quote, but seems to want to wait for the Ange woman to continue to say, and then make an offer.

"It seems that you are all very calm, so I'm afraid that you will be shocked by what I said next."

"Then say it! Say it!"

"Say it!" Everyone underneath seemed to have been caught high, and now they were all emotional.

The woman smiled slightly, seemingly easy to win over such a situation, and said, "Do you know what it means to follow the law? Yes, when you use this pen, it can give you a certain chance to improve The comprehension of utterance and the law, the comprehension of such a state of mind, is quite a terrifying ability. Are you already very keen on quoting than you?

"What, it has such a function! We want this thing from the Heavenly Dao Sect!"

"We also want this thing in the Phoenix Dao, but we can't just let you succeed in the Heavenly Dao Sect, we all must have the opportunity to compete!"

Han Chen didn't expect everyone to be so envious of what he said and follow the law. Although Han Chen hoped to get such a magical pen at this time, looking at this situation, Han Chen might not be able to get it.

Han Chen also planned to keep the sacred stone and prepare to buy the nine-layer cold water, which is the most important thing for his current situation.

Last time the woman promised that something might happen.

That's why Han Chen came here.

Han Chen remembered that, so he waited with peace of mind.

The anger in the field has been completely lively, from the first thousand sacred stones, it immediately rose to tens of thousands of sacred stones.

"One hundred thousand gods stone!"

Just at this moment, a tall man behind Han Chen said angrily, and the other voices present were completely silent, which was too terrifying.

That's a hundred thousand sacred stone. Buying two or three fifth-grade artifacts is enough. I didn't expect to buy the artifact that might increase the chance of speaking and following the law.

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