All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1617: White jade bottle

Although the white bottle had a strong spatial ability, it was still a bit weak in front of the void elves.

Therefore, Han Chen had the opportunity to escape through such a void elf.

After escaping, the Void Elf hid Han Chen in the void.

At this time, Lord City Lord seemed to be immersed in the victory just now, and he had a natural sense of trust in his own cave, so he didn't check the surrounding void at all to see if anyone was hiding it.

Han Chen didn't dare to fight directly with the other party at all. Now the other party's white bottle is indeed very powerful. If Han Chen comes out directly, it is estimated that he will be arrested again, so he still has to find a new method.

But this opportunity is only once. If he fails, he may never have such a good opportunity again.

Instead, Han Chen calmed down. Han Chen said to the enchanted Xiaotian, "Do you have a way to restrain that person?"

"The problem is not big, but after it's done, you must help me go to the Demon Realm, retrieve my gods, and help me restore the Conferred God Realm as soon as possible." Mo Xiaotian said.

"Yes." Han Chen knew that this matter still had to be done, and it was impossible to avoid it.

"In this case, only one method can be used." Mo Xiaotian said with a smile.

"What is this? What?" Han Chen saw Mo Xiaotian take out a jade slip. A magic light appeared inside the jade slip, and some mysterious language was shining in the magic light. Tian's expression felt a little unreliable.

"What do you mean by this expression? This is the most powerful illusion technique among our demons. Don't underestimate this secret technique." Mo Xiaotian said angrily.

Then such a secret technique needs to be performed in conjunction with the magic mind, and it will exert the most powerful effect.

"Then let's start, we only have one chance, so we must be stable in all aspects, but there can be no problems." Han Chen said.

"Yes, I know." The Mo Xiaotian also made a heavy single shot, and then immediately stuck the jade slip on his head.

"What are you doing?" Han Chen asked puzzledly.

"I am learning this illusion." Mo Xiaotian said brazenly five times.

Han Chen couldn't say anything when he saw this. Had to wait for Mo Xiaotian to stick incense, the city lord also began to enter the state of cultivation.

Han Chen secretly said that it was not good. If he waited for the other party to be too focused, instead he found out that Han Chen's movements would be troublesome.

Han Chen saw that the city lord took out the white jade bottle and shook Love curiously, and said, "Why is there no sound in it? Could it be that it melted into a liquid?"

"This bottle has a very magical effect. The person who eats it will spit out a really thick divine liquid!"

The city lord showed his big yellow teeth and showed a cold smile.

I think his Lord City Lord was just a roadside beggar at the beginning. He saw this bottle halfway through the road. After absorbing people in the accident, he got better and better after eating. As his cultivation level improved, On the contrary, this bottle can adapt to everything, so that he has been assisting him in his cultivation to the current state of earth god.

At this time, she checked the condition of the bottle as in the past, the stopper inside was removed, and then the bottle was turned upside down and the white liquid was poured down.

"Hey, what's the matter? Why didn't any liquid come out? Why didn't it flow out? It's impossible for the person inside to escape? After all, this bottle, he hasn't escaped like this after tens of thousands of years of use? That's weird."

"Could it be that the person's cultivation base is too low, so no white liquid is generated?"

Lord City Lord was very surprised at this time, feeling that this kind of thing was very strange, and always felt that something was wrong.

But at this moment, he felt that his head was dizzy. He shook his head hurriedly and opened his eyes. The bottle above showed white liquid. It was the kind of very pure one he had encountered before. Kind.

Lord City Lord knew that after eating this kind of food, he could really rise to the realm of true gods.

So Lord Santo was very excited.

Is there so much white liquid on this kid?

Everywhere reveals weirdness, no matter what, anyway, absorb it first.

Speaking of the Lord of the City, he put the white liquid into his mouth and swallowed it.

But at this moment, the terrifying energy burst out, and the Lord City Lord immediately became extremely calm, because all this seemed too ridiculous.

In my own arrangement, my own cave is so inflexible, it is impossible for someone to enter without disturbing him.

He opened his eyes and immediately understood the terrifying voice!

Suddenly there appeared the afterimages of the beasts such as Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu!

Those afterimages flew up, the energy that looked terrifying, the afterimages immediately flew into the city lord, and the terrifying god-killing energy roared and swallowed the city lord directly.

In an instant, a large swath of blood floated on the ground.

Lord City Lord immediately awakened from the illusion, and after that, he was shocked when he saw the terrifying situation of the four-image formation in front of him.

How can I be so careless?

But the moment he stared, he immediately found that his physical body had collapsed, and he immediately turned into a soul state, seeing his figure, that figure seemed so broken.

He was just trying to inspire his own soul power, and escaped through the void, suddenly a strange force caught him on the spot, and horribly attracted him.

"This, what kind of power is this!" He looked at the ability in front of him in shock, his own powerful Earth God level spirit, no one could exude it.

My own soul is motionless...

"Hey, if you have anything to say, I am willing to cooperate with you, please believe me, I will do it according to your requirements! Let me be a cow or a horse!"

"Please be sure to let me go. Mine can tell you my magic weapon for cultivation. This magic weapon has allowed me to cultivate from the unknown ordinary people all the way to the **** of earth today, with such a large number of gods. people……"

That terrifying energy is still absorbing his soul...

Han Chen was also shocked when he heard the other party say the magic weapon for cultivation, knowing that this person's cultivation mileage is not simple.

However, it is a pity that Han Chen has already displayed the magical mind, and grabbed all his spirits.

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