All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1620: Accompanying sister and sister...

Han Chen, who was far away in the City Lord's Mansion, showed a sneer. The conversation between the two women just now made Han Chen immediately feel the meaning of it and knew the other party's true thoughts. It seems that the other party wanted to poison the City Lord.

But until tomorrow, I don't know who killed who.

Han Chen thought so, and quickly familiarized the clone with the situation, and then practiced the exercises for a while. As expected, after noon the next day, the woman from yesterday came over with a beautiful and refined woman.

"See Lord Santos, this is my sister. She said she admires you, Lord Santos very much. You must see you with your own eyes to be proud of you. That's why I brought her here." The coquettish woman said.

"Then raise your head, let you see my face, there is no special place," said the clone like a fish.

The beautiful and refined woman lifted her melon face. Although she had checked a little bit better than Wu Yuan, she still had a good face, with correct features and a particularly delicate appearance.

"Come and come, get closer to me," said the clone. Since you want to kill me, then I will give you a chance to see when you can be arrogant.

Han Chen thought so in his heart.

Then the beautiful and refined woman had to walk up and approach the clone city lord. The clone controlled the city lord, stretched out a hand, and stroked that delicate face in his hand, a slippery touch came from his hand.

At this time, a hint of hatred can be seen in the eyes of which woman, but this does not explain anything, nor can it affect what has already happened.

So the avatar pretended not to see anything, and said with a smile, "Your sister has a better-looking face than yours, but she is not as big as yours. There is no style like you."

At this moment, the beautiful and refined sister was already flushed, and of course she might be full of anger. After all, she hadn't been adjusted by anyone like this when she grew up.

The amorous sister also immediately noticed the gap between them, so she hurried forward, stopped the younger sister who was about to do it, and said, "Our two sisters are from the lord of the city, how can we disappoint you? , Isn't it? My sister is still a little blue, or let the slave family serve the city lord today and let my sister go back?"

"How can it work? Since I'm here, I will naturally be a treat from the landlord. Now that I have no food or wine, how am I embarrassed to see off the guests?" The Lord of the City said that he spread a table for the servants. The wines and dishes are from the deep sea or other regions.

The beautiful woman showed a touch of coldness. I had planned to let you go, but you didn't know what was good or bad, and you wanted to keep me, so today is your death date.

With that said, her eyes never left the plump sister in front of her. Her sister is really suitable for such a stormy place. Just a few words made Lord City Lord laugh.

Smile, let you die later.

The beautiful woman thought in her heart.

"Oh, sister, hurry up and offer a bar to Lord City Lord, he really looks up to me and you." The sister next to me seemed to see through my sister's mind, so she gave her a chance to get closer.

"Yes, I'm here for the first time, thanks to the care of the lord of the city..." The younger sister casually floated her poisoned nails into the water, and then immediately clinked the glass of wine with the other party.

A wine glass was offered to Lord Santo.

"My lord, please enjoy your face and drink."

Said the beautiful woman.

"Oh, it's very boring for you to talk like this. Why do you have to be like your sister, kiss me before I am willing to drink." As he said that, the clone manipulated the city lord shamelessly and sent his face over.


The younger sister wanted to get angry, but was pulled by her sister, and hurriedly leaned forward, thinking that after closing her eyes and kissing, let the other party drink quickly and it would be over.

As a result, the younger sister closed her eyes, and after kissing, she felt a piece of slippery on the other side. She opened her eyes hard, and immediately saw the man in front of her actually kissed mouth-to-mouth.

A powerful divine fluctuation made her body completely weakened.

She anxiously looked at her sister's direction, but the city lord seemed to be familiar with all of this and said, "Oh, you are really flirting, even more charming than your sister."

After speaking, the clone directly tore the beautiful woman's clothes open, revealing a large white body, that exudes the fragrance of a virgin...attracting the clone city lord...

"My lord, my lord..." At this time, the sister realized that something was wrong, but when she wanted to make some movements, she fell into a coma.

The avatar would naturally not hold her sister in her arms softly, and fell asleep comfortably.

After a short period of time, Han Chen woke up from his cultivation, and then saw the clone fighting back and forth among the beautiful woman and the coquettish woman.

He couldn't help but glanced at Mo Xiaotian, who was slowly manipulating the clone, and revealed a wry smile.

With such a big brother, what should I do in the future?

But Han Chen didn't care about so much. The two women had decided to hit him, and they would definitely not let them go.

After spending half a month in this way, Han Chen used medicine to restore the damaged body of the city lord through the use of medicine and the best medicine. After collecting like this, he found that the little golden people in the main body of the city had already formed.

It was a clone formed by the power of faith, and he was the most loyal to the city lord, and Han Chen naturally knew it in his heart.

But at this time, Han Chen manipulated that person, so naturally it wouldn't change.

Han Chen only controlled this place through this city lord, and then he hid behind him and felt the change of godhood here.

At this time, Han Chen also figured out that the title of the city lord's earth **** was "powerful and wealthy, able to answer the people of Boundless City and satisfy their desire for basil"!

This name is too vulgar, and Han Chen couldn't help but want to make complaints.

When Han Chen condensed his clone, Han Chen suddenly sensed people praying from a mirror in front of the Perilla God. Through the screen, Han Chen knew that it was a slum in the endless city. prayer.

There was a family of three sitting in the middle. They all held up their fists and placed them on their chests, chanting the words "powerful and rich, able to answer the people of Boundless City and satisfy their desire for basil!"

"Please fulfill our wish. We have almost no food for a day. Please allow my father (wife, me) to harvest at least one perilla stone today! If you get ten, I will buy three sacrifices. Come to worship the shiso god!"

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