All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1622: Sister flower

Just as the sister Hua went out, the sister suddenly came back. Han Chen couldn't figure out what happened for a moment, so he asked, "What's the matter? Did you have something left here?"

"No, you are looking for death right now in front of me!" The elder sister said, and slapped Han Chen's face severely.

Han Chen didn't evade for an instant, but the elder sister slapped her body but was shaken by the spirit of Han Chen's body, turned into a piece of cotton wool and flew out.

The sister's breath became disturbed, and her clothes were torn apart.

A large area of ​​white and greasy skin was exposed, and it looked so shabby.

Han Chen sighed as he watched, and finally took out a set of female clothes from the storage ring on his body and walked over.

"You, what are you going to do, don't come over!" Although the elder sister was not injured, she was afraid that Han Chen, who was about to be clothed in the cloak of the city lord, would be heartbroken and half to death.

"What are you afraid of?" Han Chen said without curiosity, and then walked over, raising the clothes step by step, and steadily landing on this coquettish woman.

"In your situation, I think it's better to accept my verification obediently. After all, if you really have a case, I'm afraid you will die by then." Han Chen showed a coldness.

The world is so cruel. If you really let these two women get close to yourself so easily, if you discover your own problems later, then these two people will most likely be exposed for the first time.

Therefore, for the sake of his own safety, Han Chen couldn't accept these two men as wives.

"Hmph, get out of here." The woman became angry again.

"I'm also doing this for your own good. You also know the things between us and the Ten Dadaomen. How could I be infiltrated by them? I advise you to do it yourself. Everyone is a monk, and I don't know how many years you have cultivated. What kind of conspiracy and conspiracy have you not seen? I advise you to do it for yourself and stop coming to me, otherwise I will definitely destroy you." Han Chen said coldly.

After saying this, I walked into the cave and saw the empty cave around me. On the contrary, he showed a relaxed expression. The situation encountered today is also special. It can be solved so simply. It's perfect.

From his seat, Han Chen looked at the people at the door, revealing a touch of thought. These people were just released by Han Chen. If you want to completely get rid of these people's tracking, Han Chen must also be cautious.

As long as Han Chen evolves to the Conferred God Realm, then I am afraid that the situation will be slightly better.

Before becoming the Fengshen Realm, Han Chen still had to be cautious.

After waiting for the sister to leave, the magic Xiaoyan in Han Chen's stellar machine couldn't help but jump out and yelled at Han Chen.

"How can you bully such a lovely sister Hua, and you and my brother have joined forces to take away the virginity of others."

"Do you two have sympathy!"

"What do you men think of our women!"

"You two big perverts!"

Cursing and cursing, even the Mo Xiaotian who was resting in the star machine came out, and then quickly apologized and said, "I was completely deceived by Han Chen before. You can't treat me as a pervert. what."

"You are not only a pervert, but also an inhuman murderer." Han Chen added next to him.

"What are you talking about, I admit that I am an inhuman murderer, but I am definitely not a pervert." Mo Xiaotian also replied angrily.

"It doesn't matter, you two are not good people. You'd better chase that pair of sisters back quickly, or give them a status. You see, they don't mind that you are a bad old man." Mo Xiaoyan was angry. Said.

"I'm a bad old man..." Han Chen took a mirror and took a picture of himself. As expected, the city lord was a bad old man.

Han Chen smiled and did not answer. He secretly asked Mo Xiaotian to calm the Mo Xiaoyan. Although it was unfair to the two women, under such circumstances, Han Chen would only do what is most beneficial to Han Chen. .

Han Chen didn't want to bury hidden dangers around him.

That Mo Xiaotian said whatever he wanted, and finally persuaded her to go back and continue practicing.

"Are you going to look for fire? That is Qinghai fire. It is said that the sacred fire that can burn on the bottom of the sea is a very precious kind of fire. What kind of fire are you looking for?" Mo Xiaotian saw Mo Xiaoyan After leaving, he said to Han Chen.

Han Chen didn't expect Mo Xiaotian to be so curious about the fire list, and he actually knew the Qinghai fire described in the jade slip seized from the castle owner's storage ring last time.

Qinghai fire is the fifteenth flame on the fire list. It is a very overbearing fire. According to legend, even sea water cannot be extinguished. It has a terrifying high temperature, and anything in front of it will be burned.

So Han Chen's trip is also very dangerous. Generally, people who go directly to find those flames will turn into a pile of ashes, and they can't get close to the flames.

However, Han Chen had already condensed the nine-fold cold water **** pill at this time. After taking this pill, Han Chen could achieve fire prevention, and it was a high-intensity fire prevention, which could avoid injury in the flame.

Otherwise, without a nine-fold cold water **** pill, Han Chen would definitely not dare to look for the terrifying fire that reached the rank of fifteen.

And this nine-fold cold water divine pill was originally brought out by the city lord, who wanted to seduce people in the city lord’s mansion who thought about him, and wanted to lure those who thought about him, and then seduce them. Expelled.

It’s just that Han Chen will eventually be cheaper.

Han Chen sighed. Now Han Chen must cleanly find the fire, and condense the essence of the fire into a god.

The first deity is the perilla **** of the city lord. By releasing that terrifying perilla skill, the enemy can be attacked. It has a very terrifying armor strength. If it is not for the control of the spirit that Han Chen relies on this time, otherwise It is basically impossible to destroy the **** of perilla.

However, Han Chen felt that this godhead was not suitable for him, and he needed to make corresponding adjustments.

Han Chen can definitely surpass the ordinary Conferred God Realm in practicing his own path, so Han Chen does not need to feel that he must take risks in this state.

Moreover, the location near that kind of fire is the life forbidden area, and there are things Huang Mengmeng needs in the life forbidden area.

So Han Chen knew that this trip was imperative.

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