All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1624: Glamorous young woman

He was clearly holding the winning ticket just now, and he had already surrounded the seven or eight people. How could such a person suddenly appear halfway? This person could easily dissolve his skills.

But no matter who the opponent is, he will kill the opponent!


The furious sea beast saw that the other party didn't say a word, and it made him angry. The small human race actually underestimated their vast sea race. Is this kid tired of life?

Because at this time, Han Chen used the mask of the Hehuan League to drop his cultivation base to the top cultivation base of the current eternal realm.

So the other sea beast didn't pay attention to Han Chen at all.

Even if Han Chen shuttled in the waves so easily, it did not surprise him at all. Experience told him that the other party was just an ordinary person.

As long as he kills the opponent, he will also know the reason why the opponent's place can shuttle in his own water.

Therefore, the sea beast now agitated the massive divinity in his body, and turned the terrifying waves into a huge tiger.

"Furious tiger claws!"

The terrifying sea water turned into huge scales and buckled towards Han Chen's forehead.

The terrifying power squeaked the surrounding space, as if it could break the space at any time.

Let the needles tremble in the air.

"Let you be so awkward, let's see how I can make you so flexible! Go, kill!"

As the sea beast raised its strength, it aroused the fierce tiger claws.

A giant tiger was formed in front of the sea beast, but in fact, the terrifying tiger claw skills sent the giant tiger and the scales on its neck the most powerful attack.

This is already the limit of his terrifying ability, and he can definitely slaughter the stinky brat in front of him.

"I tell you, I am not an ordinary sea beast cultivator. As long as I fully stimulate my bloodline power, even if you are a Daewoo-class peak powerhouse, it is impossible to survive under my hands!" Said crazy.

"Die to me!"

The fierce tiger's claws turned into a terrifying blue energy body and slashed toward Han Chen fiercely. The terrifying energy ripples directly crushed the surrounding houses.

"Here, this sea beast is really showing off. Our fellow Taoists will have no problem, right?" At this time, the seven or eight people had already hid in the flying boat, fearing that the sea beast would free up. To kill them.

"You must take care of yourself!" Among the eight people, there was a woman with beautiful eyes. At this time, her eyes were moving and she was praying for Han Chen.

She stared at the battle ahead! Don't miss any trace of the situation.

"Huh, little bugs!" Han Chen sneered, and strode into the person among the waves? Such a smiling sea beast actually needs to take it himself. It's so laughable and generous.

Han Chen waved the power in his hand and directly split the other side's sea water.

The sea beast didn't even see anything, nor did he see the divine skills that Han Chen had stimulated. After such a simple wave, the waves turned out to be directly cut open by a huge blade.

It was separated in midair.

"You, who are you?" The sea beast looked at Han Chen's exposed hand, and he couldn't recognize it.

The human being in front of him is not only in the eternal realm. If he doesn't have his own cultivation technique for Fang Gang, if he doesn't, his cultivation base is much higher than himself.

Regardless of the result, for it, it is a very powerful existence. Even Han Chenqing can reach the terrifying energy fluctuations even when Han Chenqing rises up.

However, this person's cultivation base surpassed him too much, and all the skills inspired by his cultivation base were cracked while he was waving casually. It was too powerful!

At this time, it felt a deep fear.

At this moment, Han Chen's voice appeared in its mind, "Success or destruction!"

At this time, it seemed to have caught the life-saving straw, and nodded desperately and said, "I am willing to obey you, you are my god!"

"This is my soul, please accept it."

"Hmph, letting you be sincerely convinced with me is not asking you to do my hard work. You have also realized the strength of my cultivation. I don't need to restrict your movements. I only need a thought to kill you. "What Han Chen was thinking in his heart was that the reason he wanted to subdue this sea beast was because this sea area was too big, and Han Chen really didn't know how to find their nest among the four big sea tribes.

If he finds someone who is familiar with the road, Han Chen finds those Sea people very quickly.

Therefore, Han Chen will be able to frighten this sea beast.

However, Han Chen did not intend to sign a master-servant contract with the other party. After all, the thing was to control more advanced or dangerous branches than himself.

The giant beast in front of him, no matter how he looked at it, couldn't threaten Han Chen, so Han Chen didn't plan to sign a master-servant contract with the other party.

In this way, Han Chen jumped over and landed firmly on the back of the sea beast.

The beautiful young woman looked at Han Chen with unsatisfactory eyes, all this was too imaginary.

Just now they were still surrounded by monstrous waves, dark clouds and fog, but since the man appeared, with his powerful power, all these have been illuminated, and the world has restored the blue sky and the dazzling sun. .

Brought them great light and beauty of life!

"God, thank you for your life-saving grace!" The rest of the people were stunned, and then they reacted and said.

"It's just a small matter." Han Chen nodded, not planning to fall on their flying boat.

"I don't know, where do adults want to go? We have flying boats, how about walking with us?" The beautiful young woman was looking at Han Chen with determination.

There was an inexplicable light in the eyes.

The others couldn’t help talking to each other when they saw the expressions of the glamorous young woman. They only heard one of them say, “Look at this woman, her young master died last month, and now she’s in her midst, I see Although she is beautiful, she is just a profligate Russian woman. It's okay to have fun. If you want to really become a Taoist couple, you can't do it."

"I think so too. But God is really powerful, and I am very grateful."

"I also think that God is very powerful. If God is really willing to take away beautiful young women, we won't be obstructed."

Everyone chuckled again.

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