All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1637: Death sacrifice

When Han Chen hacked the killer whale patriarch alive, he still used all his strength!

What is this person's cultivation base?

Even the long-haired Tiandao Sect lady, she should not be as strong as him.

Han Chen didn't know what the beautiful young woman was thinking, he had only one goal, he had to rush into the passage quickly.

The volcanic raging wave behind it speeds up!

From time to time, a panicked scream came from behind!


Those Human Races and Sea Races coming in by the flying shuttle from all around did not expect the terrifying volcanic waves to roll back so fast.

So if they didn't have time to escape at this time, they were immediately turned into ashes by the ancient matter of the terrifying volcanic waves.

Han Chen didn't want to be a Virgin. Although Han Chen had spare energy at this time, he didn't dare to think about what would happen if he turned around.

So Han Chen went all out with no distractions.

"Han Chen!" Suddenly Han Chen felt Wu Yuan's call.

"Have you sensed anything?" Han Chen asked Wu Yuan among the stars.

"I feel a faint trace of Poseidon's power. I am inexplicably communicating with some creatures. The voice of their communication is passing through Poseidon's scepter. I don't understand much now. I just feel the scattered words in that voice." Said anxiously in his heart.

"What did you hear? So panicked?" Han Chen was also nervous, communicating through Poseidon's Scepter? That's not it, it should be someone who has the Seagod's Scepter, and to some extent can hear some people's very subtle dialogue or voice transmission.

"Well, I heard, the first one, come in, die, the temple, the sacrifice. I am wondering if the first person to enter will be killed! Used for the temple as a sacrifice." Wu Yuan quickly told Han Chen what she had heard.

Han Chen felt deeply weird after listening to it, and the meaning of this was obvious.

That is, this is really the Temple of the Sea God, but it is really used for worship.

But, who should be used for sacrifice? Is it really the first person to rush in? Or the first people to rush in?

Han Chen felt a little nervous.

But this message is still very important.

"Did you hear the age of the person speaking?" Han Chen asked.

"The voice has no tone, it looks very cold, I don't know their age. But I can still hear the terrifying and long sacrificial voice, but when I listen carefully, I can't hear anything." Wu Yuan detailed Describe it.

Han Chen immediately slowed down his speed and fell behind a bit.

After Han Chen fell behind, the terrifying silver flying boat immediately rushed towards the entrance of the abyss like a flying arrow.

After Han Chen saw the flying boat rushing past, he immediately turned into a streamer and chased it up, but at this time Han Chen was not in a hurry to rush in first.

Han Chen didn't think the voice Wu Yuan heard just now was groundless, it must have profound meaning. Moreover, the information obtained through Poseidon's scepter was definitely not false.

"What's the matter with you? How come you were surpassed by that silver flying boat!" The beautiful young woman said angrily.

"It doesn't matter if we slow down, let the flying boat in front explore the way. By the way, I have always been curious about the identity of Daoist, who are you?" Han Chen said with a strange expression.

"Me? Of course I am from Yunfengdao," said the beautiful young woman.

"No, I think your cultivation level is so low, and you can be so indifferent in such a peculiar environment, which surprised me." Han Chen said.

"Then I'll tell you, you can't tell others, I am the concubine of the Taoist Master of the Taoist Road, you can call me Huang Yunyun. But I escaped privately this time, but I don't want others to know my identity, so you still Can't talk to someone," said the beautiful young woman.

Han Chen was shocked after hearing this, and then showed a weird smile. Is this Dao Master's concubine?

It can also show that she has extensive knowledge and knowledge and possesses some treasures that ordinary people cannot get.

"Okay, I won't go into the details, your name is Huang Yunyun, you can call me Mo Ren." Han Chen said calmly.

"It turned out to be Friends of Daoist Mo." The woman named Huang Yunyun said quietly, thinking in her heart that I even gave you a kiss, and you even gave me a false name.

However, in his current situation, the other party does have reason not to believe in himself.

Huang Yunyun urged Han Chen to move forward without complaining.

Han Chen didn't want to fall behind too much, and then flew in toward the entrance of the abyss.

As soon as he flew into this abyss, he immediately felt the cramped feeling around him, and Han Chen couldn't wait to walk into this ghost place quickly.

But at this moment, the beautiful young woman immediately screamed, "Sure enough! Those puppets are still there!"

As he was talking, a gloomy light appeared in front of Han Chen, flashing like a ghost fire. Han Chen immediately stopped flying, and the gloomy light immediately turned into a cannonball and took it.

Han Chen was watching the gloomy light attentively, and a gust of wind violently behind him suddenly felt a threat of death.

The terrifying energy fluctuation makes people shudder!

Han Chen had to lean on his back, turned his head to fight with the black hand in the sudden gust of wind.

"No, you can't turn your back to that gloomy light!" Huang Yunyun was so scared that her chest trembled, reminding Han Chen, don't mess around!

But Han Chen had already faced the terrifying black hand, and Han Chen resisted it with his arm, and felt that his arm was as hard as steel.

Han Chen raised his cultivation base to a planetary divine body, and also felt the tingling sensation from his arm.


When Han Chen faced the terrifying iron hand, the horrible death trial came from the dark light after leaving. Han Chen's spiritual power was released, covering the dark light, and immediately felt a strangeness from the dark light. energy of.

"That is the ancient material of the volcanic waves!"

Han Chen was shocked, too late to resist the iron hand, and immediately turned into a light to escape from the iron hand and the related flanking attack!

Han Chen just dodges, the dark light and the iron hand slammed together, and the iron hand turned into a black shadow, avoiding the attack of the dark light from an incredible angle.

Han Chen has not yet figured out what these two things are.

The beautiful young woman behind her couldn't help trembling at this time, and grabbed Han Chen tightly.

"What is this, why is it so tricky?" Han Chen showed a solemn expression.

The iron hand has indestructible protective armor.

But the ghost light possesses ancient matter, which can melt anything into ashes.

"Do you know these two things?" Han Chen asked the beautiful young woman Huang Yunyun.

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