All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1640: Poseidon is released

The entire space is enveloped by a layer of transparent energy.

"Is this the Poseidon Temple? I never thought that a Poseidon would actually live under the magma." Huang Yunyun also looked at the place where the words Poseidon Temple were written in shock.

Han Chen also felt peculiar. An unusual aura was revealed here, which was especially clear in this seagod temple.

"Let's go in." Han Chen whispered.

The ancient aura immediately rushed toward his face, and after walking in, the palace became erratic, and strong fluctuations appeared on it.

"What happened?" Han Chen and Huang Yunyun both glanced at each other.

"No, it's the Seagod Pill coming out! This is about to trigger the pill calamity!" Huang Yunyun was immediately shocked.

After Han Chen and Huang Yunyun rushed in from the gate of the Seagod Temple, they immediately discovered the unusual here.

The floor is full of fragments of puppets.

"Why is that woman so violent, so she can't find her husband. Right, Lord God." Huang Yunyun said.

Han Chen also felt that the woman with long silver hair was quite terrifying.

But it also cleared the obstacles for them, so Han Chen didn't think it was dangerous, but thought it was good.

The two quickly ran towards the inside. The ancient atmosphere in the palace became more and more intense. The shape of the palace was not as finely crafted as the human race, and the patterns and totems on it looked very rough.

Whether it was the throne in the temple or the tall pillars, it seemed that they were all washed away by high-temperature flames.

It seems completely natural.

"There is a touch of weirdness in it." Han Chen showed a dignified look. Although there was a silver-haired woman exploring the way in front of them, they still felt the crisis at this time.

At this moment, a burst of sea water spurted out of the ground!

That's right, it was just a stream of sea water, which turned into thousands of sea water, surging surging, and attacked the two.

"A person in the shape of water?" Huang Yunyun exclaimed, she had never seen these.

"We should have entered someone's Daewoo-class private space." Han Chen quickly judged where he was.

"No, I feel Poseidon's power fluctuates, let me come out to help you. With your current brutal play, I don't know when you will be able to reach your final destination."

Just when Han Chen was about to take action against those water people, Wu Yuan suddenly said.

Han Chen immediately sensed Wu Yuan's thoughts, so he summoned Wu Yuan from the stellar machine.

"Huh, why is there a big beauty out of thin air?" The charming young woman Huang Yunyun looked at Han Chen and Wu Yuan in shock, showing a touch of fear.

"This is my Taoist companion. She cultivates the divine nature of the sea attribute. If she takes action, she can easily solve this problem." Han Chen explained.

When Huang Yunyun heard that she was Han Chen's Taoist companion, her vigilant eyes became more and more nervous.

"Don't act rashly, I can feel the power of the Seagod and I'm still here." As soon as Wu Yuan came out, she concentrated on sensing the power of the Seagod.

The sea, the divine nature of the sea.

That means infinity.

And still in this boundless sea, Wu Yuan was like a fish in the water, and the sea god's scepter wrapped in her mental power also exuded blue light waves of punches and punches.

Controlled the water people who attacked.

"Well, we are safe on this side, but Han Chen, you should go to a place with me first. I feel that this place is also very important to me." Wu Yuan turned her head and said to Han Chen.

She also saw the vigilant Huang Yunyun beside Han Chen, and she smiled. Then he reduced the prestige and kissed Han Chen sweetly.

Han Chen didn't expect that at such a tense moment, Wu Yuan would kiss Han Chen forcibly.

I don't know what this girl is going to do, but she still cooperated to do it.

Huang Yunyun saw Wu Yuan and Han Chen unscrupulously kissing, she jumped with anger, and she wanted to kill the adulterers and women from behind.

Wu Yuan's mouth was sweet, so Han Chen couldn't help but move the evil fire.

After a while, the two people separated.

"Corn, take me there." Wu Yuan said coquettishly.

"Okay, you say the place, let's go over." Han Chen nodded and said.

"Hmph, I'm going, you go, I won't go." Huang Yunyun said a little angrily. Anyway, she has already entered the palace at this time, so let it be by chance.

Since you don't want Sea God Pill, let me take it away.

"Alright, Fellow Huang Dao, then the Sea God Pill will ask you." Han Chen said seriously.

After saying this, Wu Yuan took Han Chen and flew in the other direction.

Huang Yunyun looked at the terrifying direction, but did not follow, but passed in the direction of the Sea God Pill.

The location where the Sea God Pill is located is the core of the entire temple. It is not actually an acquired refining platform. According to the information given by the Dao Sect, the place has terrifying energy fluctuations that can stabilize the surrounding fire attributes. Attracted steadily.

Thus, the sea **** pill was formed by the warmth of sea water.

Has a very powerful force.

It is this kind of Sea God Pill that can stimulate the threshold in the body, impact a higher level of cultivation, and make everyone rush.

In a short while, Huang Yunyun came to the patio area. There were already people standing around. Most of them were waiting outside, but the number of people here was only about one-tenth of that outside.

Han Chen, how is your situation there? I only need to wait for the pill to mature here.

Han Chen, who was chanted by Huang Yunyun, was extremely uncomfortable at this time. The place he and Wu Yuan came to, did not know what power was hiding in it, and it revealed a very terrifying energy fluctuation.

That energy contains fire attributes and water attributes.

Surrounded by a white clouded glass space, where they were at this time, they seemed to be staying in place.

They could see Huang Yunyun outside and those who came in from outside, but it seemed that Huang Yunyun and others couldn't find Han Chen and the others at all.

"Is this the place where you feel the call?" Han Chen asked Wu Yuan.

"Yes. The Seagod Scepter obviously wants to lead me here." Wu Yuan also showed a painful expression.

There is a kind of strange energy in it, which is constantly cutting their skin. This kind of power can't see what it is.

They have visited so many places, and they can't perceive the power of this kind.

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