All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1649: Take Dan

"Very well, I promise you peace in your life!" The blue sea **** confided in his unpredictable divine language that shocked humanity.

"Then what about your lizard clan and the flood dragon clan? Are you going to disobey the gods? You have such a scheming, shouldn't you confess yourself?" The blue sea **** shouted condescendingly!

The lizard family and the dragon family knelt on the ground in shock.

But at this moment, the blue sea **** descended a terrifying pillar of thunder, but the patriarchs of the lizard clan and the flood dragon clan couldn't move at all, and they were all suppressed by the divinity of the blue sea god.

Their bodies were directly slashed and beaten by the terrifying thunder beam, and crazy power fell on them.

In this terrifying and thundering light, the two of them still maintained a pious posture, for fear that it would once again anger Lord Seagod.

After this divine suppression, they completely believed that the blue sea **** in front of them was indeed one of the sea gods, so they lowered their proud heads.

Even in the thunder light bath, there was no complaint.

However, they did not notice that there was a volcanic wave in the thunder light.

After falling, the two men raised their heads in horror to look at the gods. At this moment, their horrified expressions froze, and then they were torn apart, turned into ashes, and dissipated in the air.

For a time, the entire space layer was quiet and terrible.

In a short instant, they killed two Daewoo-class cultivators directly, and those two cultivators were only separated by a thin line from the pseudo-god realm, but with such a thin separation, they were actually killed instantly by the clone of Lord Seagod.

The evil shark tribe was also shocked and dumbfounded at this time, with mixed feelings in their hearts. At the very beginning, he also heard them discussing that the current Poseidon had been weakened a lot, and it no longer existed ten thousand years ago.

The patriarch of the evil shark clan could also hear from the tone of the two of them. What the two people wanted was the scepter of the sea god, and they planned to inherit the **** of the sea god.

It's just that they didn't expect that even the debilitating gods could instantly kill them. Such a terrible battle is really unheard of.

This is how the gods crush the non-gods!

It was too horrible to suppress, directly making people unable to move.

All this is horrible.

This is the real **** in front of me!

It seems that I did not choose the wrong one, otherwise I would be as stunned as the other two.

The fairy of Tiandaomen also showed a pair of eyebrows at this time, fixedly looking here, just now she also saw the scene of the sea **** being forcibly defeated by a young man, at that time she thought it was just a cultivator who had fallen into a false god. It's just that he never thought that this blue sea **** in front of him would actually kill two Daewoo-class late peak powerhouses instantly. It was terrifying to think about it.

So is the sea **** in front of me the real sea god?

It seems that this person cannot be bullied casually.

However, their Sea Clan promised their own things and would not break their promises.

Han Chen looked at the shock from all around and was relieved, so that he could play a deterrent effect.

However, at this time, the divinity in Han Chen's body was no longer there, and he seemed particularly weak, so Han Chen didn't want to continue to entangle these people.

"Go and put the Seagod Pill away for me, and allocate some to her according to the previous agreement." Han Chen said while controlling the Seagod clone.

Han Chen was angry to death by the three sea clan chiefs, so he killed the two who were not convinced.

"Yes, yes, Lord Seagod!" The evil shark tribe immediately agreed.

Seeing the evil shark clan walking towards the sea god's furnace, Han Chen couldn't help showing a smile.

After entering the age of the gods and people, the gods and people have become the basis of faith, and will not easily deal with believers.

In this way, it becomes a mortal who lives a mortal, and a fairy beats a fairy. This is also an interesting phenomenon.

Or this is the default rule of the ancient battlefield.

Han Chen left a part of his mind on the evil shark tribe, and suddenly felt that the spiritual mark on him was disappearing.

Shocked in his heart, he walked towards the sacred furnace blankly.

It was already red here, and I couldn't tell whether it was the color of blood or the color of magma.

After walking through this bright red passage, a gourd-shaped space appeared in front of it, and the whole space went up vertically and turned into a huge open area.

In the middle of this open space, there is an octagonal stove. In the center of the stove is a disc, on which a **** red light is emitted. Under the octagonal stove, there is a steady stream of gurgling. heat.

The temperature of the hot air is very high, and the heat wave can be clearly felt from above.

Moreover, the eight-square-shaped stove braved a strong divinity, and the evil sharks who first came in were used to seeing it, and still showed shock.

"What's the matter?" Han Chen looked at the octagonal stove, and felt that the divinity in it was very violent, and the medicine in the stove would explode at any time. .

Does the seawater in it mean this fiery red blood?

If this is the case, it would be too sad.

No wonder these fiery red pills are so irritable.

"The Sea God Pill this time feels a bit unstable, Lord Sea God, don't you feel it?" The patriarch of the evil shark clan really thought that the Sea God in front of him was the previous Sea God.

Listening to the tone of the evil shark patriarch, Han Chen secretly cried out badly. He stole the person's divine personality. At this time, he naturally had a different mind than before.

So Han Chen has forgotten what kind of memory he had before.

About this part of the Sea God Pill.

If you want to get more pills, you must let the evil sharks who have been here before take the lead.

Han Chen only came in with the evil shark clan, so he could feel his lack of knowledge.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you have enough magic sticks.

So Han Chen said, "If that's the case, let me explore it."

Han Chen manipulated the blue Seagod and said coldly, spiritual power has been covered, and the pill has indeed undergone some changes.

The fiery red pill became very violent, which made Han Chen feel a little uncomfortable. But Poseidon’s current manipulator was the blue Poseidon, so he was not afraid of anything at all.

"Hey, there is not just a pot of pill, but there is also a pot of pill. This pot of pill seems to have not been fully formed!"

Han Chen looked a little surprised at the second pot of pill. There were originally nine sea-blue divine pill on the first pot of pill.

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