All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1652: Take the pill

"Yes." Han Chen agreed.

Han Chen controlled the blue sea god, and couldn't wait to find a place to retreat. Why didn't Han Chen want to see if he could break through the current situation and step directly into the false **** realm.

So Han Chen sent the evil sharks away, and then came to a small island alone. This small island was not very large, but it was deserted and suitable for Han Chen to practice.

"It seems that this is the place." After Han Chen muttered, he took out the blue pill.

Then there is the pill with the sea god's scepter on it.

"There is really no difference between these two medicines, except for the mark of the Seagod Scepter. Is there any mystery in this?" Han Chen said to himself.

After thinking about it, Han Chen decided to take out the pill that was imprinted by the Seagod's Scepter, and also took out the ordinary blue pill.

The two pills were put together, and then Han Chen picked up the pill with the mark of the Seagod's scepter and swallowed it into his own mouth.

Han Chen immediately felt the power of his whole body become active at the moment when the Sea God Pill entered.

The divinity in the body is unusually lively.

Han Chen felt a circle of hot water vapor all over his body, as if he was wrapped in a potion bucket, allowing himself to absorb more divinity and strengthen Han Chen's cultivation.

The divine ocean on Han Chen's dantian raised waves at this time, and the waves were turbulent, which looked extremely terrifying.

"No, if the divine nature on the dantian is chaotic, the cultivation base in my body may be greatly confused!"

Han Chen took this into consideration.

But the rolling waves of the dantian didn't mean to stop at all. On the contrary, they got stronger and stronger, and now they can already churned up waves as high as a villain.

If we go on, the divinity in Han Chen's body will escape!

Han Chen was about to separate all his divine powers temporarily, and when he was forced out of his body, suddenly the pill that fell into the ocean of divine nature turned blue and whirled, and with this blue whirl, it became a god. The **** yin and yang pictures are beginning to rotate.

After the yin and yang diagram rotated, the divinity in Han Chen suddenly appeared a vacuum!

Han Chen had to absorb the divinity around him crazy!

At this moment, because Han Chen had to absorb a large amount of divine nature, all the divine matter within a few hundred kilometers was completely absorbed by Han Chen.

But the body still has a very strange feeling of hunger... so Han Chen is still absorbing that divine nature...

This process probably lasted for a whole quarter of an hour, and Han Chen returned to normal from the feeling of hunger.

At this time, Han Chenchan took a look at the divine power in his body, and found that those divine powers were a lot stronger than before.

"Is this the function of the Sea God Pill? First, let your body become a weak or even hungry state, and then severely stimulate the body to quickly absorb the divine nature around it, thereby increasing the width of the divine ocean."

In this way, the divine dantian in Han Chen's body did not decrease, but increased a little.

"It seems that this pill is really good." Han Chen said to himself, and once again took the light blue Seagod Pill in his hand. This time it was a pill without the mark of the Seagod's Scepter. I hope it will work.

With that said, Han Chen put the Sea God Pill into his mouth at this moment, as if he had eaten a jelly bean.

Han Chen immediately woke up twelve points of energy, waiting for the pill to take effect, but in the end it only moved in the divine dantian, and it didn't have a particularly big impact.

In fact, it depends on what it is compared with. If it is compared with ordinary pill, the Sea God Pill is already quite powerful. It can set off small storms and trigger the further expansion of the divine ocean in the body. In reality, ordinary cultivators will have to Happy blooming.

But if it were compared with the terrifying pill with the imprint of the Seagod's Scepter, it would be lack of stars.

The pill with the imprint of the sea god's scepter directly strengthened Han Chen's ocean by a few points, while the ordinary pill made Han Chen wave some small waves and improved his divinity.

The effect, the difference can be seen.

"Really not."

Han Chen sighed, and then had to take out the pill with the sea god’s scepter once again, and then it seemed as if Han Chen’s mouth, following the same method, soon the ocean churned up in Han Chen's body, and a strong sense of hunger erupted. Soon, such hunger immediately spread to the whole pubic area and enveloped the whole pubic area.

Han Chen once again experienced the violent and restlessness of the ocean's divinity.

Han Chen had to rely on his own powerful spiritual power to maintain his divine body from harm.

"It seems that the pill of the Seagod's Scepter is still powerful." Han Chen looked at the pill of the Seagod's Scepter with only ten left, and felt a little pain in his heart.

But in order to take his cultivation to the next level, Han Chen decided to go all out!

So Han Chen swallowed all the pills with the mark of the Seagod's scepter one by one.

Just now, I thought it was very obvious that the divine ocean in Han Chen's body was swallowed frantically, and Han Chen himself had to run more than a dozen positions.

"This is the last lesson!" Han Chen looked at the boat drifting around, holding the imprinted pill for the last lesson.

If he really didn't enter the pseudo-god state, then Han Chen would be ashamed.

Han Chen looked intently, and finally watched the pill enter his Dantian intently.

The dantian immediately responded with an extremely strong shock, as if to completely shatter the current dantian divinity.

"This, this terrifying divine power! Is this the power of a false god?"

Han Chen was stunned by the divine fluctuation in the sensor himself who was preparing to flee here.

Just when Han Chen was distracted, these people stepped forward, and then swallowed those pills to make the divine ocean surging.

Han Chen was familiar with the road and immediately held his breath, allowing himself to quickly absorb the divinity around him and enrich himself.

As Han Chen kept absorbing the divinity, the white divinity in his body began to grow more and more, directly covering the dark divinity.

Suddenly, Han Chen's head burst into big sweat.

"it hurts!"

Han Chen immediately felt a severe stomachache coming from his abdomen, making him unhappy.

Gritting his teeth, Han Chen ran the exercise once again, and began to absorb and process the reincarnation breath and divinity again.

After a stick of incense, Han Chen's turmoil in the dantian finally came to an end. Han Chen used the method of dissolving his divinity and finally eliminated the impact of hedging.

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