All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1660: Poseidon reappears

At this time, the lightning beast showed another strange movement. From those movements, it could be seen that the whole body of the lightning beast was shaking, and more lightning symbols were gradually exposed from that body.

Those lightning symbols flashed out, revealing terrifying energy, from which lightning symbol energy showed terrifying energy fluctuations.

"This, Ah Da is ready to work hard! Even this trick is used!"

After Lei Yurou analyzed the entire battlefield, he also found that the problem lies on this battlefield. In this way, the key point is Han Chen's side.

As long as there is victory over there, Ah Da can pass on the news, then someone will come to rescue them, and they will be saved.

There is no need to be worn down by the opponent's heavenly order to make the divinity disappear.

This situation is particularly exciting.

So Lei Yurou is very concerned about the situation there.

At this moment, he unexpectedly discovered that Ah Da who was fighting Han Chen unexpectedly broke out a strong divine fluctuation.

And the divine fluctuation broke out, shaking the void around it, and evaporating the seawater over there.

The lightning symbols all over the body were lit up.

In this way, it would be clear and simple what is represented here.

The power that can burst out of it, this move is successful, even if it is a pseudo-deity person, it may not be able to resist it!

The name of this trick is...

Tian Lan also noticed Lei Yurou's situation and Han Chen's situation, and was also attracted by Ah Da's power fluctuations.

Because the divine fluctuations over there are very irritable, obviously there are very powerful secret arts blooming.

In that case, Ah Da's life might not be able to play.

Tian Lan thought so.

The terrifying power made Tianlan feel unstoppable, and Lei Yurou's face clearly flashed with a very pleased expression. It seemed that the skills in it would definitely be against the sky.

Can you resist it?

Han Chen.

That was obviously a blow to Ah Da's life. If he failed, it meant that Han Chen could resist it and Ah Da had failed.

If Han Chen can't resist, then Han Chen is dead, and Ah Da has a ray of life.

During the battle, Han Chen knew better than the others about the horror of this trick. Just now, there was only a lightning symbol in his two long ears, and now his entire body was exposed to a terrifying lightning payment.

That's all lit up.

And I also felt the horrible fluctuations in the cultivation base of the lightning beast, and the fluctuations in the cultivation base were also shocking.

Even the surrounding void was shattered into ruins, and the sea water turned into water vapor and evaporated in the air.

Han Chen knew that as long as he didn't deal with it well, he was afraid that he would be killed here.

"It seems that I have to act for real!"

Han Chen showed a sneer, anyway, after the horrible energy fluctuations showed up, it became even colder.

It seems that I must also use the corresponding ability.

"Come out, Poseidon! Boses!"

"Powerful and wealthy, the **** of perilla, who can respond to the people of the endless city and satisfy their desire for perilla, represents the right to use the ocean and masters the life and death of sea creatures, sea god, Boss!"

The whole body of Han Chen was surrounded by the large amount of sea water, and eight pillars of sea water that opened up to the sky formed around him.

Eight pillars of sea water that opened up to the sky were formed, and those terrifying arcs of thunder and lightning were immediately blocked and killed.

Even the essence of the flame was trembling all over, and couldn't help but want to bow down.

At this moment, even the lightning beast that was about to lose consciousness was shocked by Han Chen's actions.

The whole body was shaking like a sieve.

"This, what does it feel like, why do I seem to have seen the master, the terrifying energy fluctuations, really make people feel very similar to my master! That kind of feeling of wanting to bow down."

The thunderstrike beast's heart was full of turbulent waves, but at first he had already liberated his true body, completely transformed into the flesh and blood of the thunderstrike beast, and he was close to the edge of madness, and it was impossible to stop.

"If you die, you have to die vigorously!"

"However, I can no longer protect Lei Daomen's proud boy, this is my biggest disappointment!"

Such a low whisper contained despair, and eventually all consciousness was lost, and the thunderbolt beast with terrifying thunder and lightning all over his body was only bloodthirsty and furious.

At this moment, the lightning beast completely broke out the cultivation base of the pseudo-deity!

Han Chen showed a deep thought, this time he directly killed this person with thunder means. Han Chen didn't feel that it was a pity, because if he didn't use the thunder method, if this kid had a chance to escape, it would be a big disadvantage to him.

Seeing Han Chen's changes, Lei Yurou immediately became stunned. He was constantly gazing all over, and naturally felt the suppression from Han Chen's divine power, which gave him some divinity throughout his body. Froze.

He thought that Han Chen was a Daewoo-level monk, and even knew that Han Chen might be a Daewoo-level peak monk in the late stage, but he could never guess that Han Chen could summon a god!

That is the real powerhouse of Fengshen Realm.

That terrifying godhead suppressing power can instantly make people give up all resistance.

At this time, the only trace of hope left in Lei Yurou's heart was completely wiped out. Naturally, that Lan was so defying the sky, it didn't need to be said.

But the little-known stinky boy who has no school or school can summon a god.

It seemed that even if the master who disturbed him was retreating, he had to use that trick.

But after he used that trick, I am afraid that Tianlan will do the same.

But I can't manage that much, I must use that trick, otherwise, my life will be accounted for here.

Gods are called gods because they have power beyond the rules of the world, and they can even manipulate some of the rules.

For example, even if the boundless sea is far away from the gate of their Lei Daomen, in his sincere cry, he can also summon the gods!

The reason why gods are called gods is that they are immortal, they don't have a specific body, and they have unlimited life.

At the same time, they all live in the hearts of every god.

"So, I, in the name of Lei Yurou, block up my pious beliefs, call!"

"Raidao Gate, symbolizing the thunder and lightning between heaven and earth, represents the **** of natural thunder exercising its power in the divine and vulgar world, loyal to the **** of thunder, thunder god! Leites!"

"I sincerely call you!"

Following that Lei Yurou sacrificed part of his body's essence and blood, from his sincere call, it turned into an invisible light, and rushed towards the horizon frantically, the terrifying energy fluctuations from his sky Disperse in it.

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