All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1673: Starship attack

"Well, Team Korea, what happened to me? These pink seeds have actually begun to take root!" When did Ao Bai have seen such a scene, his nostrils and mouth had to be opened to the old ones. The branches reproduced, but they showed terrifying energy fluctuations.

People dare not act rashly.

The frightened Ao Bai immediately summoned Han Chen to come over. Huang Mengmeng, who was on the side, saw Ao Bai's appearance, and immediately lost her big teeth.

After all, what Ao Bai looks like now is too funny.

Han Chen glanced at it but couldn't stand a smile.

However, Han Chen carefully considered these pink seeds. Han Chen could easily destroy these seeds and turn them into his own divinity.

However, the effect of these seeds in turning into divinity is very small, so Han Chen is not willing to specifically search for such a pink divinity.

"This is the seed of the fallen sacred tree." Huang Mengmeng said with a smile from the side.

"Laugh, you know laugh, if it weren't for Daoyou Han to help you clean the pink seeds in your body, I'm afraid now you are like me!"

Ao Bai wanted to die.

This look is too pitiful.

"I think these pink seeds on Ao Bai can germinate, which is very meaningful for research." Han Chen nodded seriously after reading it.

"Friends of Daoist, please hurry up, the weird pink seeds on my body make me feel very unwell." Ao Bai said weakly.

Before Han Chen remembered, Ao Bai and Xueyan stayed in the stellar machine to solve the **** caused by the pink seeds. It seemed that the battle was quite tragic. So much so that Ao Bai's body now feels prostration, and seeing the pink seeds makes his scalp numb.

After figuring out the meaning of Ao Bai's tone, Han Chen had to quickly transplant the pink seeds into a field.

As soon as those pink seeds left the body, the growth rate became very slow.

All this seems to have been designed by someone.

Han Chen said to himself.

I have to say that the pink seeds are very annoying.

After repairing here for about half an hour, Han Chen took the lead to recover from his weakness, and his body was filled with terrifying fluctuations in forehead energy, which symbolized that Han Chen's cultivation had reached the peak of a pseudo-sacred realm.

And Han Chen also found relevant records on practicing the fifth stage of the pseudo-sacred realm from those three people.

This allowed Han Chen to cultivate the pseudo-sacred realm more quickly. After all, the power in Han Chen's body had been well displayed.

"Are you okay?" Huang Mengmeng tilted her head and asked Han Chen. She could feel that the power in Han Chen had returned to its peak.

This person is not a pervert, right? This recovery speed is even faster than her Xuanwu. Just now, she just recovered from cultivation, supplementing the energy consumption just now.

However, Huang Mengmeng couldn't forget what happened just now. Huang Mengmeng was very moved by Han Chen's self-sacrificing protection.

"What can I do. I don't need them to be low in my cultivation. It's the fallen sacred tree that makes me care more. The thing is reproduced according to the pink seeds, if there is something wrong with us. , Will definitely be resurrected from the people here. We are very careful that the fallen **** does this. Once we do this, it means that the person will at least be dead."

Han Chen looked at the pink seed that fell in his hand and said in an unkind tone.

Han Chen was also not sure what he wanted to do. The current situation on time was very troublesome, so Han Chen had to quickly improve his own cultivation level, fearing that he could not cope with what happened next.

"Yes, and which of the fallen gods they have is not a good thing. Since they can find a clone of my life forbidden zone, they must be able to find more life forbidden bodies. I must move as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will be led by the nose by them. If my body is stolen by them, I may not be able to get a complete inheritance."

Huang Mengmeng said, not very happy in her heart, danger is pervading.

"In this case, we have to work harder. You go to wake Ao Bai first, and we are ready to enter the prohibition that seals you."

As they spoke, both of them turned their gazes from the huge mountain in front of them to a cloud layer on the other side of the day. Although the cloud layer was surrounded by white clouds, there was still a dark energy fluctuation that made people very concerned. .

"What kind of power is that!" Huang Mengmeng asked at this time.

"What?" Han Chen didn't know why.

Following Huang Mengmeng's gaze, he pointed to the past. Only then did he realize that the mysterious power Huang Mengmeng was talking about was the dark clouds.

In the dark clouds, there are indeed weird energy fluctuations.

This feeling is just like the feeling when I walked through a deep pool cave just now.

"I'm afraid that may be where some old seniors live. We are afraid that we will have to go through those people's help if we want to go in now." Han Chen said after hesitating.

"Wait, it shouldn't be the guard of the Heavenly Court." Han Chen said immediately after watching for a while. After all, that is the terrifying Heavenly Court. No one is not afraid of the Heavenly Court. There is an extremely terrifying existence in it.

"No? There are guards from heaven as well?" Huang Mengmeng didn't dare to agree.

"I can feel that there is a token of the sky sign hanging on it, so I guessed it like that." Although Han Chen could not see the image in the black spot clearly, Han Chen kept Yue Qingcheng in captivity for a long time. The sky tiles on her body have also been thoroughly studied, and it is natural to see that it contains the charm of the sky tiles.

"This time the people may be unkind. However, it is impossible for people from the heavens to appear in this place. I don't know why there are people from the heavens! It's amazing." Huang Mengmeng said.

"Wait, when we were fighting just now, we obviously didn't see the situation change here. Could it be that some people who appeared suddenly?" Han Chen guessed that they didn't appear just now. If they come out now, they must be the later Heavenly Court team Up.

"It seems we are going where we are going." Huang Mengmeng showed a wry smile.

Indeed, the current situation is very unfavorable to Han Chen.

At this moment, what Han Chen wanted to avoid, the black origin immediately sparked a terrifying gloom and attacked Han Chen and the two of them.

"This is a starship attack!"

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