All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1675: Death

"Me? I'm going to go up later, there is a lot of danger in it, but you don't have to worry about me, I can clearly sense various local restrictions through the induction of me and that foot. So you don't have to worry about me." Huang Mengmeng said.

Han Chen also felt that Huang Mengmeng didn't need to worry about him, so Han Chen fell directly into the first grid in the pool according to Huang Mengmeng's statement, and then summoned Ao Bai.

After all, this pool seems to be the only normal place for everything here.

Trees and land from other places seem to be up and down. This situation shows that there must be overlapping spaces in those two places. If you go wrong, it is very likely to go from this plane to another. The plane of it.

As a result, Han Chen had no choice but to practice well here.

"Where did Huang Mengmeng go?" Ao Bai asked when he came out.

"He should be going to inherit his power. Let's start to repair it too. Just now I ran into a Conferred God Realm powerhouse who reached the level of the Star Master outside. I am afraid that if we do not reply as soon as possible, we may not be able to escape at all. "Han Chen said.

Hearing what Han Chen said, Ao Bai also nodded. He has not been able to exert 100% of his power. It is completely because his own energy has not fully recovered, and this has led to the situation.

That's how it is, Ao Bai needs to use the breath of reincarnation to further integrate the power he had previously obtained from Ying Quliang.

After a while, Han Chen immediately sensed that the reincarnation aura from above began to gradually decrease, but from above, more violent power fluctuations began to be heard, which caused Han Chen and Ao Bai to raise their heads abruptly.

The two of them glanced at each other and both knew what was going on, so they didn't say much, but Han Chen and Ao Bai were more shocked by the stronger and stronger aura in Huang Mengmeng's body.

"He doesn't intend to be completely stable here to a powerful Conferred God Realm!" Ao Bai looked at the figure in front of him in disbelief.

"I guess it should be. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had that expression just now, she should be eager for strength." Han Chen was silent for a moment, and then said.

"Heaven's cruelty to her body is too serious, right." Ao Bai felt deeply desperate, that power was simply not something he should endure at his age.

"After all, this world is still a world respected by the strong. If we don't work hard, we will certainly not grow up smoothly. The so-called cultivation is originally going against the sky." Han Chen also sighed.

At this time, Han Chen was able to summon various gods, but Han Chen's own cultivation was only a turn of the pseudo-deity, and he needed to work harder.

There are also holy places on the earth that exist in the fog of history waiting for him to be rescued.

This is not the time to slack off.

Listening to Han Chen's gradually solemn words, Ao Bai also began to converge, and began to prepare to integrate his soul into the best state.

One month passed in a hurry, and Han Chen opened his eyes again. This time Han Chen absorbed a lot of reincarnation breath, and the top of his head became an inverted bucket, pouring his dantian from the top of his head.

His dantian has the tempering of heavenly veins and yin and yang fish, so there is no pressure to absorb these divine nature and reincarnation breath.

So Han Chen quickly went straight from the first-turn pseudo-god to the second-turn pseudo-god. The most obvious thing Han Chen felt was that his divinity had become more delicate again, not as rough as before.

It can be seen that Han Chen's divinity may grow to a very terrifying stage if he continues to compress and practice.

Because Han Chen's second-turn divinity at this time is equivalent to the amount of other people's fifth-turn divinity.

Han Chen was not in a hurry to enter the stage of condensing the godhead, because Han Chen hoped to cultivate himself to the extreme so that he could enter the stage of condensing the godhead.

Now that he knew that he possessed an ancient artifact, Han Chen was no longer anxious to find something that condensed his god.

That ancient artifact is very suitable for Han Chen.

However, the legend is an ancient tool used by Tianzun, which made Han Chen very worried. After all, if the name of the Tianzun was recited inadvertently by himself, then the person was likely to be resurrected directly from the ancient tool. It's very scary.

So if Han Chen is not sure, he would not do this.

Han Chen condensed some herbs from the cultivation herbs that were snatched from the hands of those depraved gods, and made them into a more powerful pill for improving cultivation, supplementing the consumption of the pill in the past month.

With the improvement of Han Chen's cultivation base, Han Chen's alchemy continued to increase. Although he still couldn't reach the highest level of alchemy masters, Han Chen's magic pills below Rank 7 could basically be refined.

There are also some extra medicines that were given to Ao Bai and other Han Chen teams, and they should not be left behind too much.

After Han Chen finished replenishing the pill, he entered the cultivation process again. As Han Chen and Ao Bai practiced, the milky white breath of reincarnation accumulated for tens of thousands of years was gradually consumed by them.

The two immediately swallowed the prepared pills into their stomachs.

After another five years, a shocking thunder suddenly awakened both of them from their cultivation.

Han Chen and Ao Bai glanced at each other. The clothes on Ao Bai's body were broken, and his body was covered with spider webs. Obviously, during the past five years, he had undergone quite strict penance, and Han Chen was not much better here Go, the clothes are in tatters, and the dirty ones don't have time to change.

The two stood up, stretched their waists, and there was a crackling sound, and the two smiled at each other.

One after another, they took out clean clothes from the storage bracelets and put them on.

Looking up at the sky, a dignified color was revealed. It was already under control, but the sky in front of him still showed a terrifying sight.

The lightning flashed and thunder fell like a pillar, and the horrible energy fluctuations made people feel extremely shocked.

The crazy energy immediately enveloped everyone.

That day has also become pitch black, as if it has become the sky of a primitive planet. Electric lights and thunderstorms fall crazily, washing this milky sky again and again.

"What is that!" Ao Bai pointed his finger in that direction.

Han Chen had already noticed that a faintly huge creature appeared in that place, and the creature was wearing an extremely powerful armor, and what he was holding was like an ancient artifact.

The armors and ancient artifacts worn by the creatures are all very ancient things. In this way, people can know the true function of these creatures!

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