All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1684: Void Vortex

At this moment, I chose to follow Tian Lan. After all, Tian Lan is still a hostage in Han Chen's hands. He doesn't follow it. What if Han Chen is cruel and kills Tian Lan halfway. What?

So when he saw Han Chen drag Tianlan straight to the void crack past, Elder Tuoba also rushed towards the interface crack in desperation.

The sky clouds behind that can't stop.

I saw that Elder Tuoba followed Han Chen and went straight into the void.

That's a dangerous place.

But Tianyun couldn't get out and leave, and the divine fluctuations that erupted from Xuanwu were also very high, making it impossible for people to grasp the specific situation.

So when Tianyun faced Xuanwu, there was always a feeling that he did not dare to exert all his strength, which gave Xuanwu a chance to breathe.

Huang Mengmeng also saw Han Chen's place, and knew that Han Chen had void elves and stellar objects, and he would be foolproof.

In this way, Huang Mengmeng was also considered to have no worries, and seeing Han Chen got into the void crack, it was regarded as a real fruit.

So Huang Mengmeng fiercely shattered the dozens of white figures that had surrounded her, with a brilliant white light all over her body. From the milky white light, she walked out a girl who was punishing Tingting, dressed in pure white. All in one, walking gracefully in front of the cloud that day.

"Is this Xuanwu?" Tianyun showed a dignified touch, and he completely transformed into a beautiful woman.

It completely broke through his imagination.

However, the strong divine fluctuations manifested in this person caused Tianyun not to dare to examine the past.

The power emanating from it is quite powerful.

Moreover, it was still the breath of reincarnation, but it was not something ordinary people like them could resist.

Therefore, during such a period of time, there was no effective manpower organization at all, and he was very capable of being a Conferred God Realm cultivator.

It is for him to have a better life.

"The future of this person's cultivation base is limitless." Tian Yun sighed, seeing the person waking up when he showed his body, and immediately frightened the uncapable clones around him.

In Tianyun's gaze, Huang Mengmeng hovered in mid-air, and then quickly left. His goal was to shoot towards the place where Han Chen had just disappeared, and then followed Han Cheng.

In such a blink of an eye, the four people present all slipped into the void in the crack.

Han Chen didn't know that there were so many people who followed in this void crack without hesitation. You must know that the void crack is not a joke, there are very dangerous situations on it.

For example, Void Turbulence, if they accidentally enter the terrifying vast external realm, then they may still get lost in the void.

Han Chen had a fever at the time, and suddenly hugged Tian Lan and rushed into the void.

After entering, the surrounding area was pitch black, and there was no light everywhere.

This is the void.

"Be careful, Void Turbulence!"

At this moment, the voice of the void elf flashed in Han Chen's mind, which immediately awakened Han Chen twelve minutes of energy. Seeing the siphon phenomenon rotating in front of the whirlpool, he couldn't help but admire.

Han Chen could understand that it was a matter of time. The most important thing now is that Han Chen also felt the tearing sensation from the void crack.

At this moment, Han Chen felt a pain in his hand and almost released his arm.

Han Chen looked down and found that the little belly who had been eating for two or three days was also moving in the direction of wealth.

The void crack turned into a huge pit, which suddenly controlled Han Chen and Tianlan who wanted to escape.

"Blame you, you insisted on grabbing me over, and now you have rushed in a really dangerous void in the cracks, are you trying to pull me to cushion your back?" Tian Lan's faith in his whole body has collapsed after such a trick. , The original condensed belief was also secretly stored by her.

"Hmph, this is not to hang you up, if there is no one of you there, can I risk coming here?" Han Chen said angrily.

All that said, everything was designed by Tianlan, but what I saw today was that Tianyun Qi played a big role, and Han Chen was anxious, and Han Chen plunged into the void in it.


At this moment, the turbulence of the void completely wrapped Han Chen, and horribly pulled Han Chen and Tianlan into the void vortex, both of them were very nervous.

The severe pain across the plane made Han Chen want to faint, and the next door Tian Lan also gritted her teeth, letting the turbulence of the void tear all her clothes to pieces.

Han Chen also knew this critical moment and didn't think about it, but after the clothes were broken, she showed a large amount of whiteness on her body, and the scars were constantly superimposed on it, making Han Chen feel pity and pity when she saw it.

"Let go of me, you are going to die, what are you holding me for!" Tian Lan tried to break free of Han Chen's control, especially when she saw Han Chen staring at his key parts with squinted eyes. His whole body was completely naked. Although his body was constantly compressed and torn apart by the turbulent flow of the void, it was not more painful than being seen by a strange man.

"How did you know that you were going to die?" Han Chen suddenly said calmly.

In fact, their bodies have reached this level. Even if they are really going to be hit by the Void Turbulence, they still have a certain degree of resistance. They will not be crushed by the Void Turbulence so easily. Up.

"Then you still look at it? Hurry up and close your eyes for me!" Tianlan said maliciously, "If you let go, I will blow you up together!"

"The character is so strong? If I can take you away safely and leave this void vortex, how would you thank me? How about giving me your gods?" Han Chen showed a good time.

Although the body was constantly being pulled, this did not affect Han Chen's other operations.

The Void Vortex is too difficult to deal with. If Han Chen is still at the Daewoo level, he would definitely not dare to face the terrifying Void Vortex like this.

It was able to forcibly trap those who were attracted into this void vortex to death, so that they could not escape, and eventually they were slowly killed by the void vortex.

Therefore, for Han Chen and Tianlan, the turbulence of the void cannot be separated immediately. But he had to get out of this vortex quickly, otherwise he would be chronically killed.

The reason why Han Chen proposed the gods is that Han Chen knows that those mature Taoists will secretly train their excellent disciples to believe in gods in advance, and let them believe in disciples who have not yet become gods, so that they can be regarded as the day they become gods. You can directly receive the power of faith from the gods with the object of condensing faith, and condense the gods in one step.

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