All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1689: Both familiar and unfamiliar

"Is this the earth in ancient times?" Wu Yuan muttered to herself as she looked at her surroundings. There was a piece of fresh life flowing on the bodies of these people, which was so shocking.

Just like a real person.

But the situation here is very different from the outside. Outside, the living beings are dead, and there is no vitality at all. But why should there be such a strong smell of human smoke when they come in, and there is a breath of life beating on them, making people feel that everything is It's so real.

"The situation here is so strange, it's completely different from outside!" Jin Pangli, Zhao Feiwu, Hortou Feng and others thought so. They were trying to check what happened here, but they stepped forward to pull people. When I found out that they didn't seem to be moved by them, but kept rushing in one direction.

"Ah, these people are real too!"

Jin Pangli just stepped forward and wanted to pull a person to ask about the situation, but that person ignored him, but Jin Pangli definitely did not feel wrong. That is the most real feeling. When it comes across, there is a sense of flesh.

That feeling will never deceive him.

"Why are you here again!" Han Chen was also surprised.

"Why didn't they answer our questions?" After Jin Pangli fought, they didn't take care of him at all, so he wanted to ask Han Chen if he knew what happened here.

"They seem to keep running in one direction." Wu Yuan said curiously.

"I'll just say the following things roughly, so you can understand it yourself. But I'll only say it once, you must listen carefully." Han Chen said very seriously at this moment.

When the others saw Han Chen's appearance, they all pricked their ears.

"The place we are entering now is called a multi-mirror space. You can understand that this is a cave. In this cave, there are multiple interfaces. In my memory, I have been here three or four times. It's exactly the same now..."

Han Chen said seriously, especially after mentioning coming here three or four times, the rest of the people looked at Han Chen in shock.

"Have you been here three or four times?" Jin Pangli and the others said in surprise.

"Not much, here should be the divine hidden space of a certain main **** or above, they can perform reverse summons, summoning me into this divine hidden space, in this space, it will happen once later. Major events will destroy the evidence area, but I don't know why he was destroyed three or four times, and he still exists here!"

So Han Chen said the future of the dragon.

"Has it been destroyed three or four times?" Everyone was amazed again, especially Tian Lan, and felt that what Han Chen had experienced was incredible.

"Yes, it should have been destroyed three times in my memory. It's just that in my memory, the situation here is still different when it was outside. The doorway in my memory is also good. I also met a scholar at the time. It was the first time he brought me in." Han Chen kept recalling.

"After entering, I found that everyone was going to listen to the Dao, so I followed the current to listen to the Dao. Those few words made my cultivation level up several levels. The cultivation level of the preaching monk is no longer necessary. The Conferred God Realm is bad." Han Chen said with certainty.

"Is there such a weird thing?" Jin Pangli couldn't help but said, hearing people say that he could even increase his cultivation level by several levels.

"We also preach at the Heavenly Dao Sect. It is indeed possible for monks of low cultivation level to rise to several levels in a row." Tian Lan replied in an angry voice.

She is also looking around, feeling that all this is full of incredible.

She found this place with such precision to Han Chen, it felt too weird.

Although they, as monks, have never believed in ghost legends, Han Chen has always been in the Heavenly Court. How could he have appeared here?

"Han Chen, how do you know how to get in here?" Tianlan looked at Han Chen seriously.

The rest of the people were awakened by Tianlan at this time, and they were all concerned about the key issues here, just why Han Chen knew about this place.

"Me? I've been here three times in my dream." Han Chen also felt very shocked.

This is both familiar and unfamiliar.

The scholar who had been flying back and forth with Han Chen before, was nowhere to be found at this time and did not know where he went.

But the streets here are still the same as before, exactly the same as before.

"Have you been here in a dream?" Everyone felt weird again, and they sighed that this was incredible.

Of course, they will not doubt the authenticity of Han Chen, because Han Chen is their Korean team.

Lan also considered how Han Chen deceived them that day, but Han Chen had no interest in contact with her, and he would probably not deceive himself because of this thing.

It's the fact that this dream has come, but it makes people feel too incredible.

"Then can you take us to a safe place?" Tian Lan asked.

After all, there are strange people flying towards them.

If they can't hide, they won't be able to avoid a fierce battle.

But in such a place, it is obviously difficult for them to restore their own divinity, and if a fierce battle consumes a lot of physical strength, they will be at a loss.

They will eventually become monks without a trace of divinity, and when they meet monks on other planes, they will be killed soon, and they will not even have the opportunity to protect themselves.

Therefore, when they saw those people flying over, they chose to avoid them immediately.

"As long as they can't find here, then we are safe!" Han Chen said earnestly after pondering.

Here is a peaceful Earth Dynasty era, where people live and work in peace and contentment.

"Well, then we seem to be able to stay here with peace of mind." Tian Lan also heard Han Chen's statement, and she knew something in her heart.

"I feel that these people in front of me obviously have vitality, and even some of them have a strong cultivation base, but why don't they even care about our appearance?" Jin Pangli felt that the people here are in a kind of Very peculiar state.

"Can you feel that this is a divine hidden space?" Han Chen didn't care about Jin Pangli's doubts. As soon as he entered, Han Chen discovered that the people here are all moving by themselves, and they didn't even bother other people.

But Han Chen always felt that this space and the place outside without a trace of life, felt very conflict, and made people feel very uneasy.

"I can feel the peculiar energy contained here, but I'm not sure if this is a divine hidden space." Tianlan felt it carefully, but found nothing special.

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