All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1692: Great Satan

However, Han Chen still did not expose his hidden big killer for the time being.

After all, that guy has been asleep for thirty years, and his cultivation level has not necessarily increased much.

Naturally, Han Chen is talking about the **** of destruction. That guy hasn’t done anything in the past few decades, but there are very few opportunities to replenish his cultivation level during this process. It is only when he enters this extraterritorial place that he can sense it. At that strong devilish energy, he recovered a bit of strength.

"How sure are you? The leading Triangle Demon, the real powerhouse of Conferred Gods, just the breath radiating from her body is already scary. You, there was no physical body and divine hidden space thirty years ago, you Can you play it?"

Han Chen spoke to the God of Destruction in an angry voice.

"Of course, this pustule belongs to our hostile camp. We have hundreds of demon kings in the demon world, and they belong to the eight great demon ancestors. This person is the subordinate of the demon ancestor we hate most. If I run away for 100,000 years There is no change after that.” The God of Destruction felt Han Chen's dissatisfaction, and then quickly followed Han Chen.

"It would be great if this is the case, after all, this kid looks like a bad guy." Han Chen showed a touch of relief.

"Are you still so leisurely at this time?" At this moment, Tian Lan's voice also appeared in Han Chen's mind.

It's weird that this chick didn't run away directly.

However, Han Chen welcomes her return. After all, in the face of threats from the Demon Race, Han Chen doesn't think that there is a God of Destruction to be foolproof. Now there is another person in ambush, so it is safe.

"The demon in front of us, let's attack him together at that time." Han Chen was not angry, but rather strategically suggested to Tianlan.

"Hmph, do you think this demon king is an ordinary person? When I came here to help you escape, you have such a big heart that you still want people's life? In the demon demon clan, they have this long belief in the demon king, if he Using the general secret technique of the demons and collective beliefs, you will not be able to eat at that time, but it is you!"

Tianlan said irritably.

"Don't worry, I have a way. You just have to cooperate with me to restrain, and don't let this guy's soul escape." Han Chen didn't dare to ensure that his Mo Nian Tong was effective against this person, presumably this is not the first situation. What can be expected this time, can only be seen one step at a time.

"Team Korea, let's go first!" Xing Qing said, a touch of grief flashed across her face.

"I'm not leaving, I think this guy is very interesting." Han Chen showed a smile.

"You!" Xing Qing also looked back at Han Chen, wanting to see a touch of fear in Han Chen's eyes, but there was only incomparable tenacity and confidence in Han Chen's eyes, without a trace of fear. In a flash, Xing Qing Can't tell whether Han Chen is really sure.

You must know that although Han Chen is very powerful, his cultivation base is right in front of him, and his leader, Elder Xiong, has also told him that Han Chen is only a pseudo-shen realm cultivation base, and there is still a distance from the Fengshen cultivation base. Some distance needs to go to customer service.

Although Han Chen's growth is very fast, his current cultivation level cannot be the opponent of the Demon King. The Demon King is now blocking them here, and he must be thinking of killing them all here.

It was just that Han Chen was so stupid that he would stay here.

"Thank you Daoist Mo!" Xingqing didn't say anything in the end, but thanked Han Chen deeply.

"What's going on like this, it seems that the wind is cold and the water is cold, and the strong man has gone and never returned." Han Chen said slightly in his heart.

"Let's attack them now, they haven't fully established themselves!" At this time, the man next to Xingqing finally couldn't hold himself under the huge pressure, and then used the divine power accumulated in his hand to stimulate all at once. Came out.

The white light of the six-pointed star immediately fell on the demon king's body accurately.


But easily, the light of the six-pointed star immediately penetrated the figure and passed.

For a while, the people of Hehuandao all showed horrified eyes, they thought this demon king was an immortal!

"Don't be so anxious. There is a special protection mechanism here. We can't attack their entities if they haven't completely come out of the mirror." Han Chen explained quietly at this time.

Everyone, you look at me, I see, they all see the embarrassment from the other's face, it must be too nervous just now, they can't help but take it.

But I didn't expect it to be such a result.

Even if they spurred a battle above the Daewoo level here, those who walked on the holy land of the earth had no reaction at all, as if it was like the air here, they just ignored it and walked over.

This scene is as weird as it is.

But everyone has no time to consider the issues.

"Attention! The Demon King has appeared!"

At this moment, the leader of the team, Captain Bear, suddenly said to the others nervously, and then quickly prepared.

The whole body was shrouded in a thick gray mist, and a white jade skull-like existence gradually emerged from the gray mist.

"This is the way of reincarnation!"

Han Chen immediately sensed a breath of reincarnation from the white jade skeleton that emerged from behind the elder Xiong.

"If Huang Mengmeng is there, it will be fine. You can let Huang Mengmeng see if this reincarnation is inseparable from the reincarnation aura they cultivated." Han Chen thought in his heart.

But at this time the crisis has come, and the white jade skull is also displayed. This is the mythical form of the elder Xiong.

This person exudes strong divine fluctuations.

Slowly, the white jade skeleton finally fell on the elder Xiong himself and gradually merged into one body.

A huge white jade skeleton as high as hundreds of feet appeared in front of everyone.

The people around those people also felt the tension of their elders, and they sacrificed their mythological forms, among which were bad ghosts with tauren and horse faces.

If people don't know the situation, they all think that these people are those from the Yin Cao Difu.

That powerful force swept the dust around, but the people in the holy places of the earth avoided them from a distance, but their eyes were not fixed here, but instinctively avoided the vortex of reincarnation here.

"Jie Jie, you people who are not ghosts or ghosts alike, today let you always be great!"

As he was talking, the demon king who first appeared in his complete body shape immediately opened his own black magic energy with a squeak, and the power of his whole body was extremely explosive, and his body was also transformed at this moment. He made a huge triangle monster, its mouth was like a sunflower, and it split open, and the tongue out of the sunflower was like a drill.

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