All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1703: Broken Soul

"The third step, broken soul!"

"By means of external force, I will do some operations on your soul coat later, chop them, and break them from your body, but the broken is not separated, do you know what this means? I need you and me. To master this degree, I can control it, but not excessively shred your soul connection. You have to control those broken souls, even if they are broken, you must maintain the previous concentration."

"So you understand?"

God of Destruction looked at Han Chen and said word by word, explaining the danger and caution here.

After all, such a tragic method, even the Destroyer God used it for the first time.

That terrifying Mo Nian Tong is just a small appetizer for this secret technique.

That's why it seems so prudent.

"I would also like to remind you that after breaking your Divine Soul in this way, your Divine Soul rank is not Rank Nine, and you may fall into a pseudo-God Realm. You should practice how you should practice later. It is equivalent to saying that the Rank Nine Divine Soul that you have worked so hard to cultivate now will become an ordinary Divine Soul realm."

The God of Destruction reminded once.

"Okay," Han Chen showed tenacity, "I'm ready, let's start!"

"it is good!"

"Keep your soul coat in good shape, I'm starting." At this time, the **** of destruction didn't know that a pair of scissors had changed from there.

The whole body of this pair of scissors is black, and the top is very smooth, with no impurities attached to it. But the most peculiar thing is that the two halves above are not completely symmetrical, but have some weird patterns.

There was even a small month and a half, and another large and half month.

It is quite different from ordinary scissors.

At this moment, the **** of destruction chanted a weird spell, and then flew out with the spell, quickly turning the scissors into a ray of light, which was excited into the air. Under the command of the **** of destruction, the scissors began to like it. Around Han Chen began to tremble constantly, drawing a big circle continuously.

"At this time, it is showing a kind of chaotic devil fragments, don't be afraid! I will control it." The God of Destruction reminded.

"I'm not scared, let's get started. Don't chirp." Han Chen couldn't help but vomit at this moment.

After being robbed by Han Chen, the **** of destruction was not angry, after all, it was such a critical moment now.

But the movements in his hands are not as gentle as before.

The soul looked even more anxious when he saw it.

From the original circle, it became a piercing cut short!

At this moment, Han Chen immediately felt the pain of acupuncture, followed by the sensation of a knife cutting meat.

The little by little did not feel so painful just now, but when Han Chen's soul began to appear randomly up and down, Han Chen knew that it was not so simple, and it made people feel painful.

During this process, Han Chen still had to hold on to his mind and couldn't let himself surrender so quickly.

Maintain the concentration and density of the soul.

"This guy is so cruel."

The Destroyer had already endowed the scissors with spirituality at this time, allowing the soul scissors to move on its own.

In this way, the **** of destruction observed the time for another stick of incense, and Han Chen had no problems, and the **** of destruction began to relax.

Following this method, after Han Chen passed this step, the next step was to diffuse into the soul and enter the body, and then to manipulate the body. Up to this step, there were no other difficulties.

It depends on whether Han Chen can endure the pain while maintaining the concentration and density of the spirit at the same time.

As long as he survived, then Han Chen, relying on the cultivation base of the false **** realm, could create a powerful Conferred God realm powerhouse, which is a very powerful existence.

The **** of destruction is not near leisurely yearning.

At this moment, a strong light burst out outside, attracting the eyes of the **** of destruction, and his eyes gradually changed from just being leisurely to worrying.

"Isn't that Wu Yuan?" The God of Destruction revealed a ray of light, and there was a flash of solemnity in his eyes.

But in the end, God of Destruction glanced at Han Chen and didn't make a move. He must first guarantee the situation here.

At this moment, Han Chen also had a disorder, and the spirit of the whole body began to leave without stopping.

"This is a sign of Broken Soul's failure! Han Chen, you can give me a long snack!" The God of Destruction couldn't be cloned for a while, feeling helpless.

However, as a monk like him, naturally, he would not really be left without the rules.

He originally wanted to observe it quietly, but the more scattered and free spirits turned out to be, it seems that Han Chen's Broken Soul this time is really going to fail.

"Sure enough, the success rate is still too low!" The Destruction God suddenly said at this time.

The **** of destruction had already begun to fly around in front of the gods and souls, and it was obvious that those gods and souls had been messed up by Han Chen.

This is a sign that Han Chen has failed.

At this time, Han Chen's face showed an unprecedented violent distortion, and it was obvious that he was undergoing a blow in his eyes.

Feeling the fluctuation of that power, Han Chen turned into nothingness.

The cultivation base on his body began to crazily come down.

"No!" God of Destruction could no longer pay attention to Wu Yuan's battle outside at this time, and was already terrified by Hancheng's situation.

Han Chen's own cultivation base began to fall crazily, starting from the Ninth Rank Pseudo God Realm and continuing to fall, and he fell directly to the Turn Pseudo God Realm...

But all this hasn't stopped, the scissors can't be stopped, but the **** of destruction knows that if this matter is not taken, there may be problems.

Although after the shot, Han Chen's Broken Soul and the previous fellow with the sky all did useless work, but it is better than Han Chen completely following the Fengshen Realm.

After such a trade-off, the God of Destruction finally made a move.

Several Dao Fajue hits out in his hand, and when he was about to meet the scissors, suddenly a voice came from a hole in his head.

"It's okay, I'm fine, don't worry, let him continue."

When the God of Destruction was convinced that the sound came from Han Chen's mouth, the whole person was stunned. The scene in front of him seemed to be turning back in time, and he began to rush to the soul coat in Han Chen's body.

"Well, what happened here? Who is Han Chen? How can it be related to the time attribute? It's not right. How does this process of turning look a bit like that of the reincarnation?" God of Destruction saw this. The shocking scene also showed an incredible expression.

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