All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1838: Refining pool

Han Chen suddenly moved in his heart when he saw this small pond that suddenly broke out, so he said to the gluttonous demon god, "Have you ever heard of that divine purifying pond? I bought a few intelligence agents from the human race, Once promised them, if they send me news of the human race, I promised to send them a good luck."

"Are the cultivators of the human race? Are they their traitors? Friends of the Taoist are indeed heavenly figures, and such talents can also be recruited. It seems that this time the battle between gods and demons, it seems that our demons have great hopes." When Han Chen said this, although there were some doubts in his heart, what Han Chen said was not leaking, and he has always been a greedy master, but he was not very concerned about the major events of the demon race, so he did not think deeply. .

So after hearing Han Chen's inquiry about the divine nature purification pool that the courts needed on that day, he said without thinking, "The purification pool, in the core area of ​​the demon race, has that divine thing, but There is a waterfall there all year round, which is said to be a barrier to the demon. Our demon itself is a demon body, but it is extremely difficult to penetrate there."

When Han Chen heard the Demon God gluttonous say this, his heart suddenly moved, because Han Chen himself had cultivated the earth divine body. If there is a demon suppression barrier in that place, it would be great to provide Han Chen with a chance to exercise himself.

So when he heard that there was still such a place, Han Chen moved in his heart, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said, “It’s so good, I’ll make arrangements like this. I’ll wait until everything is done, and the war between humans and demons is over After that, I took them to the training pool to practice."

Hearing Han Chen said that it was a battle between the gods and the devil, the gluttonous demon **** of course agreed with all his words, and naturally became more happy in his heart.

So he bowed his hand to Han Chen and left.

After the gluttonous demon **** returned to his cave, the more he thought about it, the more weird he felt. Han Chen's movements made him feel strange for a while, so he made a peculiar ritual prayer, and then a burst of purple smoke appeared all over his body. The whole body, then he came out of his body and floated towards the sky.

A floating city in the sky appeared in the sky. Although it was above the sky, it was actually a mysterious divine hidden space that ordinary people couldn't penetrate into it.

"Who?" At this moment, there was only one human voice in the big city. There was a huge stone carved magic word hanging in the sky above the city. It looked extremely majestic, and it was so powerful that it was invisible. Surprise.

"It's me, gluttonous." The spirit of gluttonous devil smiled.

"It turned out to be the gluttonous demon god, please come in." The loud voice of the existence in that place said.

The gluttonous devil took his part, walked in, and after walking in, eight circular rotations appeared in the sky, huge and beautiful, the gluttonous devil put away the small eyes of the moment, and then quickly selected it. One of them, like a mirror, jumped up and flew in.

Among them, the white light quickly retreated, and thousands of scenes of the demon world emerged. These were places familiar to the gluttonous demon gods, and there was nothing to remember. He flipped several times, jumped several times, and finally came to a big palace.

This large palace has eight corners and four sides. A Rubik's cube like a tetrahedron appeared in the middle. The gluttonous demon **** used to be arrogant, but today he dare not walk toward the center of the four sides, and only toward the eight corners. One walked over.

He jumped up. At this time, there was no one among the four sides. Where was the deed that committed the complex and retro-style left behind? No one dared to go up to that deed. For them, that was a sacred place not to be taken lightly.

"The Devil Gourmet, why are you so panicked today?" After seeing the Devil Gourmet sitting in, one of the corners said a man covered with black demon energy.

"Oh, let alone it's really bad luck, I met a rebuilt body of a great demon god, which is very powerful." The demon **** of gluttony said helplessly.

But as soon as this sentence came out, it was like a thunder falling into this tetrahedral hexagonal space. Everyone was shocked. Even the breath of each other could be heard clearly, making it impossible to look directly at the scary existence. .

"What's going on?" Everyone looked at the highest corner. That position was given to the corner of the Great Demon God, but they never thought that the people in that corner have not come back for a long time. None of them have any arrogant ideas.

After all, after reaching their cultivation base, the fall is nonsense. Besides, it is said that any retreat of cultivation takes more than 100 years and tens of thousands of years, and it is all idle.

But now that he heard such a burst of news, he didn't expect that person would directly say that he had fallen.

"Tao Devil God, don't talk nonsense, be careful that the Great Demon God comes out and beat you to death!" After the others heard that, some people were closer to the Great Demon God, so they all spoke out to discourage them.

However, no one can say exactly what they think.

"Hmph, Demon God of gluttony, don't slander people, if she comes back, you won't be able to eat and walk away." At this time, the only woman's voice remembered, so she said.

"Yes, you can't talk nonsense about this, otherwise we will inevitably be punished." At this time another voice added.

"Haha, what are you worried about, I have met the rebuilt body of the Great Demon God!" The Taotie Demon God is very satisfied with everyone's expressions.

So saying this, I quickly added an explanation.

After hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked.

"What's the specific situation, Demon God of gluttony, you can't hide your secrets, hurry up and tell them all! It's best to explain the situation to us one by one." At this moment, another person next to the other suddenly said aloud.

This person is notoriously cold-blooded, and his whole body is covered with black light, obviously he is a dark **** bone Haas.

He said something at this moment, and he must have thought of something wrong.

"Slowly and slowly, tell you that today's Great Demon God is not to be underestimated. Don't move your heads. I will tell you the whole story of this battle." The Demon God said with a smile.

Although he had a desire to retaliate against Han Chen, he couldn't say clearly, because when those powerful demon gods ask him for trouble, his life may not be guaranteed. Although he can be reborn, it will be as big The devil also needs time to rebuild.

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