All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1863: Through the soul

Under such circumstances, Han Chen seemed to have to summon his strongest assassin.

Since the other party has turned into the most powerful darkness and has closed the five aggregates and six consciousnesses, he will never make any mistakes just now.

Huang Mengmeng did hear Han Chen's warning at the end just now, but her faith power was shining, she was already surrounded by darkness, and soon she herself was sealed off by that darkness.

She immediately felt that she couldn't feel anything about herself, the world seemed to be a pure darkness, invisible and inaudible, even his spiritual power could not emerge in her body at all.

She knew that what awaited her next was like the one in the dark divine coffin, swallowed by the dark creature.

If you don't want to be swallowed, then there is only one way, and then quickly make yourself extremely powerful, otherwise you will definitely be swallowed by such power, and you will lose more than the gains.

"The light is shining!"

In the darkness, she didn't care about the direction or the power at all. She concentrated all the power of the soul, just a trace of power, and was also used by her to gather in addition to the radiant light. She only saw a trace of light at first.

Then she found that she could see a ray of light. Although there was little power like that, at least it gave her hope.

Those powers began to gather all over him, and began to condense and shine.

It seems that everything is so smooth.

But at this moment, the terrifying darkness, like the mouth of a huge creature, swallowed it in one bite, and instantly swallowed the gathered divine light.


Huang Mengmeng exclaimed suddenly in her heart, and then immediately expelled all her own reincarnation aura no matter the three seven twenty one.

Because at that moment, she felt an unprecedented sense of oppression. It was a terrifying force that could make people feel shocked, so that he couldn't be shocked anymore, letting such a powerful force.

But in such a situation, he can only use this method to strengthen his defense. In this case, he uses his own reincarnation power, which is the most powerful means of protection, so that he will not be controlled by others. Will not be defeated by the opponent's attack.

Under such circumstances, Huang Mengmeng was a little relieved. After the power to be her own reincarnation burst out, she could clearly sense that that force was gradually becoming weak, and the feeling of retreating immediately after that touch made her feel.

Although she still can't see and touch, she seems to have the strange ability like ghost eyes, able to cast a glance into the darkness through the eyes of the soul in the reincarnation.

Although the feeling was very hazy, she did feel the sense of perspective from the soul.

This kind of feeling appeared on the circuit of reincarnation in the past, and I never thought that this time I would feel it in such a peculiar dark environment.

Although I don't know how to do it, it was a good start for her in the end, at least it made her feel extremely at ease. Have a certain degree of self-protection ability.

"This dark **** shouldn't be underestimated. Few true gods can accept such terrifying methods." Since Huang Mengmeng has acquired a certain degree of self-protection, she naturally knows some powers and allows her to cultivate. Because it has gradually stabilized.

He is now a prickly hedgehog, and the other party may be thinking about how to take it somewhere now.

But what Huang Mengmeng was thinking at the moment was how to get more power for himself, so that his cultivation base gradually became stronger and stronger, more and more like a powerful hedgehog.

I don't know what happened to Han Chen?

Huang Mengmeng prides itself on being able to discover the power of the breath of reincarnation and be able to fight against the darkness a little bit. Presumably the ingenuity of the Korean team will not be dealt with in this way.

But all this is Huang Mengmeng's self-guessing. In the end, Han Chen's decision may be left to Han Chen.

Since I can cast my eyes through the soul, let's see if I can tell Han Chen what happened here through the mouth of the soul.

It was too late and it was fast, Huang Mengmeng took the variation of her own reincarnation aura to the extreme, exerted her vision to the maximum, and went to find Han Chen.

The only good thing is that I don't know if there are many souls here. Anyway, there are many souls here, which can be borrowed to see through this dark space.

I don't know why in this space, although the five aggregates and six consciousnesses of all living things are sealed, but the soul can still retain such a weak connection.

Maybe the other party can't understand things in the world of reincarnation, right?

Huang Mengmeng thought so, and probably only can be summarized in this aspect.

Huang Mengmeng, who was actively looking for Han Chen, finally cast the perspective of the soul and saw Han Chen's opened eyes. There were charming eyes flashing in those eyes, and he could see through Han Chen's twisting body. Dancing strange dances.

There was a huge transparent monster floating behind him, and he began to look at Han Chen eagerly, approaching step by step, as if he wanted to take a bite and swallow it.

"Han Chen! Wake up quickly, wake up quickly, did you notice it? There are terrible creatures there!"

Huang Mengmeng exclaimed, that huge transparent monster seemed to be able to swallow Han Chen in one bite. At such a critical moment, Huang Mengmeng couldn't help but protruding words toward Han Chen through the mouth of the soul. The expectation that Han Chen can hear the shouts from Huang Mengmeng.

But none of this worked, and Huang Mengmeng was about to cry anxiously. That terrifying creature, even Huang Mengmeng himself felt a suffocation. With that bite, Han Chen would definitely be left untouched. The feeling shredded into pieces of meat.

At this moment, the creature seemed to look up and glanced at Huang Mengmeng's soul, revealing doubts. Huang Mengmeng thought that the other party was about to attack.

But after the creature glanced at it, Land Rover was a little bit confused and finally did not attack. In this way, Huang Mengmeng was also a false alarm.

But Huang Mengmeng knew that if he didn't keep his mouth shut just now, then the huge weird creature waiting for Huang Mengmeng would squat him down in one bite.

Now Huang Mengmeng no longer dared to yell casually through the spirit, and could only try to constantly wash Han Chen's body so that Han Chen could wake up.

At this moment, Huang Mengmeng, who was sensing her own strength, suddenly felt that pride rose suddenly, as if she would be absorbed suddenly, she turned into jelly, and when she was sucked lightly, she sighed. With a slip, he quickly backed away from where he was, and then he looked back and found that he actually came to the nostrils of the huge creature.

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