All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1885: Practice plan

After all, who doesn't have a dream of flying together.

But in reality, if Han Chen is not strong enough and stops to cultivate because he has to wait for herself, it is absolutely unrealistic, because if Han Chen's cultivation base is low, their entire team will be sacrificed at any time, so she too Don't blame Han Chen.

She just wanted to make herself stronger, so as to catch up with Han Chen.

That's what you want to do.

Wu Yuan encouraged and cheered herself up in her heart.

As the strength here recovered, he was sure that he could achieve this goal in the training pool.

"Nine-turn Pseudo-God Realm!" Wu Yuan murmured again in her own mind, Han Chen's current level of power.

Han Chen also felt that everyone’s atmosphere suddenly became tense, but Han Chen did not intend to say anything. After all, their time is precious. Here, but still in the place of the demon, if they have not reached the false gods Realm cultivation base, in case something happened to him, it would be really difficult to deal with.

There are six Conferred God Realm powerhouses outside.

Han Chen will not forget that there are still many Conferred God powerhouses surrounding him.

With their own minds, everyone headed toward the depths of the divine purification pool here.

Han Chen watched everyone's interest so high, so he followed along. A large sea of ​​clouds floating in the sky appeared ahead.

"Is that the Divine Purification Pool?" Jin Pang saw from a distance, and then asked Han Chen.

"Yes, that must be the training pool. Everyone, strive for the top!" Han Chen encouraged everyone.

Jin Pangli took the lead in turning into a streamer and rushed towards the place. Following Jin Pangli, there are many Han Chen team members.

After reaching that place, they all made a sound of astonishment.

I don't know if it is because of the strong divinity that makes their voices sound like Hong Zhong Dalu, high and full of air.

At this time, the only ones left were Ao Bai and Xueyan.

"What's the matter?" Han Chen asked, "Why don't you dare to go in? With your current cultivation base, it must be easy to break through the peak of the late Daewoo rank. The nine-clawed golden dragon you inherited must not be What a bargain."

"No, we didn't mean that." Ao Bai hurriedly explained.

"Look at you in a hurry." The Xueyan next to him, being pulled tightly by Ao Bai, clearly felt the excitement in Ao Bai's heart, so he helped explain, "He feels the master's kindness to us for us to rebuild. We feel so relieved! We are truly happy."

"Yes, yes, back then, we were still sleepy and called the white devil. At that time, I really had lost all thoughts. If it weren't for the snow goose, I would have directly become immortal." Ao Bai sighed. , Added.

Think about it, if it weren't for Han Chen, he really might not know if he would continue to be there, and he would become the devil in others' mouths.

All of this seemed like a dream, but the beautiful beginning of all this was also after Han Chen arrived.

After Han Chen arrived, he allowed them to cultivate the breath of reincarnation and gradually stabilize their souls, so that they could finally take the flesh of the fifth son of the Dragon Emperor. Of course, this flesh is precious, but that is the fifth son of the Dragon Emperor. How could it be such a simple cultivation.

"All of this is dependent on you, Master!" At this time, Ao Bai bowed down to Han Chen sincerely.

"If anything, get up quickly." Han Chen slightly raised his hand, a divine spirit burst out, and immediately lifted Ao Bai up.

"No, we have indeed benefited a lot." Ao Bai insisted. Although Han Chen lifted him up, he already knelt down in his heart, not to mention his current state.

As a result, Xue Yan next to him suddenly said to others, "Ao Bai, didn't you say that you have something to tell the master?"

"How can that matter be said here? We can leave when the time comes." Ao Bai said annoyedly.

"You, you don't listen to anything." Xue Yan fisted and turned around.

"No, no, listen to me, it's really not that simple." At this time, Ao Bai stepped out abruptly just now, and came over to explain to Xue Yan.

"What's the matter with your husband and wife? Why do you want to tell us something?" Wu Yuan, who was next to her, saw what they looked like, obviously there was something to be said.

"No, we have nothing to do. We have to rely on the master to take care of all of this. We plan to leave after refining the pool." At this time, Ao Bai said, and the Xueyan next to him gave him a wink. He ignored it.

In this way, Han Chen felt a little surprised.

"Oh, why did you leave? Our team is all together, and no one else will do. And at this time, you are in the Demon Race Continent. You are also very dangerous here. If you go alone, it will be very dangerous. At that time, Han Chen also noticed that there must be a problem, so he came here to inquire about the situation here.

Wu Yuan said along with Han Chen.

In this way, Han Chen walked over and looked at Wu Yuan, surely knowing what Han Chen was concerned about, so he also walked towards Xue Yan, pulling Xue Yan away.

In this way, Han Chen and Ao Bai are left here.

"What happened here? Why did you suddenly say you want to leave? Didn't I agree before and will take you to see the situation here?" Han Chen said to Ao Bai next to him. .

"Oh, let me confess it." Ao Bai finally sighed, as if made up his mind to say, "We are in a very serious condition. Did my health take away the five sons of the Dragon Emperor? My body has recently discovered something strange. Induction."

"Strange induction?" Han Chen said in disbelief. He was in this refining pool, but he didn't sense anything, and he couldn't know what the sense that the person said came from.

"Yes, the situation here is really strange. When I first sensed it, it was where we were in the camp of the Moses clan on the Demon Clan continent. There was a burst of power that made our heart palpitations. I don’t know where it came from. The sensation seems to make my whole body tremble, and there is a kind of power that seems to be able to track me." Ao Bai said.

Naturally, the anxiety became more and more in the expression.

Listening to Ao Bai's analysis, Han Chen gradually felt that there was something weird in it.

"In your opinion, where does this strange induction come from?" Han Chen asked.

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