All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1896: Voyeur

Han Chen felt that his strong divine power was almost exhausted, but he couldn't know when it would end.

Moreover, the owners of these painting axes have gradually become blurred. It may be because the time taken to look back is too long, so that the forces have started to flee madly and cannot completely reconstruct the picture.

Those pictures have no dynamic pictures, they have become still pictures.

It's crashing.

The picture kept turning, and Han Chen soon noticed that the picture from that side began to become stable, and countless powers changed from it.

"Yes, it's here!"

The picture in front of Han Chen began to become gloomy and dim, as if a person was ignorant and obscure when he was just born, and the picture inside was not clear.

However, Han Chen knew all the eerie and horrors on the cycle of rebirth, and he would naturally see it at a glance. This is the cycle of rebirth.

He followed the light emitted by his painting axis, and ran towards the front continuously. He had a feeling of being restrained in his dream. He couldn't escape at all. Soon Han Chen saw something very strange from the previous picture. Strange picture.

There was a person, and when he looked at that person's vague back, he was shocked.

Although the pictures in the surrounding area are horrible, there are still some broken walls around it, showing the special situation here, and the blurry influence of the surroundings means that there are souls floating everywhere here.

However, these souls do not have autonomous consciousness, and are more like pets that are kept on the ground. They stretch out on this ground, and their tails are partially rooted on this strange piece of sand, letting the wind blow and rain, swaying in the wind.

Everything in this looks so weird.

The most weird thing is the person in the picture. When Han Chen looked over, the person suddenly turned his head, and the corpse held in his hand also stopped. The person seemed to be sketching something in mid-air. .

As the person turned his head back suddenly, the person gave Han Chen a piercing look. Han Chen was immediately shocked into the depths of his mind by a strange energy, and the pictures around him suddenly stopped. Feeling unusually uncomfortable.

The terrible energy whirled, as if to say that Han Chen was swallowed.


Han Chen immediately screamed and retreated from the picture, murmured, "He actually used living corpses to paint, and the one hanging is not Jiuyi Mountain, but the Jiuyi Mountain that he copied. Jishan is still behind!"

Just as he was thinking, Han Chen couldn't help but began to recall those souls that were shaking on the ground.

If Han Chen were not a monk, he would definitely be frightened by such a bizarre scene.

The aura contained in it was too terrifying, and it made people unable to stop breathing at all.

"The Korean team, what's the matter with you from the Korean team? Are you okay?" Ao Bai said hurriedly at this time.

Just now they saw Han Chen twitching all over, as if he was about to die.

They are worried.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Han Chen fell back on the ground, as if he had been hit **** the face. Now Han Chen's face was bleeding from seven holes, which was terrible.

"Swallowing Tianling! Hurry up and take back Han Chen's spirit!" Huang Mengmeng said, directing Tianling to swallow.

Tuntianling had also received Han Chen's order, and now naturally took the lead in clarifying and understanding the situation here.

As a result, Tuntian Ling immediately became nervous, and quickly summoned all Han Chen's spirits back through the Tuntian jar.

I could only see the appearance of a small black hole appeared in the mid-air, but this black hole's unusual spatial wormhole was still shining with strands of light, like the light of a rainbow.

"This is the space-time wormhole!" This fat Huang Mengmeng was also dumbfounded. The space-time wormhole, a mysterious technique that can summon all things hidden in time and space, can't be learned by most people.

I didn't expect this Sky Swallowing Pot and Sky Swallowing Spirit to be able to do this, which is really surprising.

Soon, strands of divine soul light flickered from the empty wormhole at that time, and these rays of light quickly poured into Han Chen's body, and after a few puffs, Han Chen only felt that he had had a long dream.

Then the cold gas that came in just now seemed to have summoned him back, and these powers quickly made Han Chen start to wake up.

"This, what kind of power is this!" Ao Bai also felt that this power was really magical.

Han Chen started to wake up and turned around, looking at Han Chen and Ao Bai and said, "Don't be afraid, I have nothing to do, but I am a little weak. I will take some pills first."

Han Chen took out the pill he wanted to eat and swallowed it in.

It was snatched from the Great Demon God. These wound medicines are basically the characteristics of the Demon Race, and they are refined by using the soul or physical power of the same race, so the effect is very obvious, and it will even become addictive in the future.

"Team Han, are you okay?" Ao Bai asked as Han Chen's expression became milder.

"I? I'm fine, don't you think I'm good? It's just that the scroll of this picture is very peculiar. The thing that can be seen through is too far away from me, so I was blocked by the time." Han Chen said .

"I was blocked from coming back? Could anyone still check the news through the Sky Swallowing Jar?" Ao Bai said worriedly.

"I don't mean that, but there are still a lot of powers in the void. Although the other party can't lock my position, even through the fog of history, the other party can give me serious injuries and attacks, and I almost fell somewhere!"

Han Chen added that it is necessary to know that this is the case just now. If she hadn't resisted it in time, then the consequences of the situation would be disastrous.

"Thanks to you, otherwise I will fall under that person's eye supply system. I don't know who that person is, but the other party has a very powerful attack method!" Han Chen revealed a bit of bitterness.


Before he finished speaking, he vomited out blood.

A violent vibration broke out in that place.

Han Chen coughed for a long time.

Han Chen felt that his brain was about to be shaken. After the attack from his side, only power fluctuations remained in his body.

At this moment, there was an unstoppable force in Han Chen violently, and Han Chen was in pain, and then in front of everyone's astonishment, Han Chen's body fell apart.

"Team South, are you okay with Team South?" Even if Han Chen was fully prepared, he didn't expect to peek at others and let himself fall apart. Ao Bai also asked in a panic.

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