All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1906: Just one finger

"Damn it!" The megalodon roared at this time, went down with pliers, and plunged into the young patriarch of the Moses clan on the ground.

At this moment, the elder of the Moses clan closed his eyes.


The iron pincers were quickly pierced towards the young chief of the Moses clan.

The elder of the Moses clan was heartbroken at this time, and even felt like he wanted to faint, but he immediately felt his own power tremble, which directly made people feel incredible, so he couldn't bear to watch the scene even more. .

The giant tooth dragon flew sand and walked on the rocks, a pliers used all his strength, and his strength was thunderous, and even a sacred mountain could blow him up with a punch!



The signature quickly fell, but the different voice came, as if it was stuck on an iron block.

Immediately afterwards, he only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and his head seemed to be slapped severely. Right after the sky, the sky began to spin and immediately spun, there were flying sand and rocks everywhere, and the stones entered his mouth. He no longer dared to move casually.

However, the huge pain even affected the Dantian in his body, causing the Dantian to shake. The severe pain caused him to hit several dragon beasts. The dragon beast flew into the sky and fell underground and closed down, while the giant tooth dragon patriarch was still there. It took some time to fly before it finally stopped.

For a while, the whole scene was extremely quiet.

The patriarch of the Moses clan had long been unable to bear to see the young patriarch die just like this, so he kept his eyes closed. When he found that there was no movement for a long time, he opened his eyes with grief.

In the end, he only saw the young patriarch staying here, there was no change at all.

"What's the matter? Why, the young patriarch is still lying on the ground, nothing happened? Where did the Megalodon go? He is a Daewoo-class monk! It's impossible that he can't kill his patriarch?"

The elder of the Moses clan looked up and searched, and was completely shocked. He looked up and saw a thin figure appeared in front of him, wearing a faint long gown, with his back facing him, so firm and so great. , With infinite power.

The clan elder who was still heartbroken just wanted to shout at this moment.

"Han Jiong!"

The elder of the Moses clan shouted the name excitedly.

But on the other side, the monks of the Megalodon clan in that place were still quiet and a little terrifying.

They started to stop at the moment they were cheering. They were quiet and even stunned watching their own patriarch being thrown away fiercely. The terrifying aura made people unable to live in this short period of time. He was kicked out viciously in an instant, all of this seemed so unbelievable.

That's their patriarch!

Daewoo-class monk 1

It's not a small fish or shrimp, how could it be kicked away!

"Patriarch, patriarch, are you okay!"

"Oh my God, there are still several dragon beasts flying into the sky, and now they are going to lose their lives!"

"Quickly, go and see if there is anything to do with the patriarch!" At this time, an old man-like existence emerged from among the monks of the Megalodon clan, which was obviously an old-fashioned existence of the Megalodon clan.

This clan elder had some old eyes and dim eyes, but he also sensed that his clan leader had been thrown away fiercely, and he was naturally furious. At this time, he needed him to take charge of the overall situation, so he walked out.

"Who the **** are you?" It was an old man who was serious, and didn't shout and scream as soon as he came up, but walked up step by step.

Looking at the thin young man in front of him, the man was wearing an ordinary long gown and clothes that were scumbags. He didn't look as rough as their demons. His expression was very weak.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The thin young man said. He just squatted casually on the ground and patted it. The wound on the young man on the ground appeared to heal. At the same time, the young man didn't know what was stuffed. For the clan elder of the Moses clan, the clan elder returned to his usual appearance in a short moment, and looked very healthy.

"Friends of Daoist are definitely not ordinary people, so why is it not important? For example, you just hit our patriarch. If he has something to do, I can let the three of you be buried with you!" The patriarch vomited a touch of disgust. He just now It was the horror that was taken at the beginning of this young man.

But after observing for a while, only the magic power of the eternal realm was felt from this person, and it seemed that he was not particularly powerful as the demon god.

As for the reason why the other party was able to make the patriarch fly out, I am afraid that luck helped him.

"Hehe, do you want us to be buried?" The young man showed a meaningful smile instead.

"Hmph, less proud, if something happens, I will definitely let you know how powerful our Megalodon is!" the old Megalodon clan said angrily.

At this moment, the giant tooth dragon clan people over there shouted loudly, "The clan elder is coming soon, the clan chief is dead!"

For a while, all the Megalodon present looked resentful, looking at the young man in front of them as if they were about to eat people.

"You actually killed our young patriarch, you are looking for death!" The elder immediately unfolded his forehead mythological form, and a terrifying body comparable to a small mountain was unfolded on this empty flat ground.

The power of horror was immersed in the sky, yellow sand filled the sky, flying sand and rocks.

"Take life!" The mythical form of the giant tooth dragon roared and rushed towards the young man in front of him, viciously!

The megalodon rushed violently.

"Enjoy! Get away! That's a Daewoo-class terrifying monk!" The elder of the Moses clan who was ready at this time cried out with worry.

But the offering in front of him didn't seem to put this little dinosaur in his eyes at all.

The giant megalodon rushed violently and slammed into the young man viciously.

At that moment, there was flying sand and rocks everywhere, and yellow sand everywhere, forming a sandbag, which surrounded the young man and the old man of the Megalodon clan.

"Ah, what happened? How could it be like this there! Did our clan elder kill the arrogant boy?"

"Yes, this is the flame of our clan elder's roar, burning that fellow!"

"Such an impact, even a Daewoo-level monk, I am afraid that our clan elder will immediately be trampled into meatloaf!"


Everyone laughed again.

Suddenly the wind howled, the sandbags were easily blown away, and the yellow sand was scattered all over the sky. At this time, they only saw a thin young man standing on the spot. The wind and sand were all around, but it seemed that it could not affect him at all. action.

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