All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1917: Magic Crystal Castle

"Do you want to fight me?" Han Chen looked at the expressions of everyone around him, seemingly satisfied.

Although this gluttonous demon **** was very greedy, he brought information to Han Chen every time and solved some minor troubles.

In addition to refining the pool, the opponent told him in disguise and gave the Han Chen team a good fortune.

So for the gluttonous demon god, Han Chen does not want to deal with him, he will always disappear automatically when you are strong, and appear when you are weak.

Now that Han Chen is showing such a powerful force, the gluttonous devil must not dare to rush over like this, otherwise the opponent must be a meat bun and a dog.

Now, just concentrate on dealing with the God Demon Ge. This is an absolute peerless murderer who has been sleeping for 100,000 years. If you let the other party find your weakness so easily, then it's still very troublesome.

"Hmph, I know, you knew each other early in the morning, and this gluttonous demon **** is just the appetizer you sent over. I didn't expect that after sleeping for 100,000 years, my demon clan would have fallen to this point. It is really infuriating!"

"But, I warn you little friend, I won't be merciful to you, and I won't let you continue to have fun with us, so please do it yourself."

The peerless murderer who said this finally got serious and showed his powerful posture.

The magic crystal castle is like a huge castle made of gold, it is you who emit a strong light.

These rays of light are as high and deep.

There is still a lot of light coming back from the place where the enemy just pierced through. After the magic crystal light in those places turned back, all the power seemed to converge into the magic crystal castle like a pool.


At this moment, the magic crystal castle moved!


The God Demon Ge of the Demon Crystal Castle roared, and then, while Han Chen and the gluttonous Demon God and others were dumbfounded, they summoned a larger Demon Crystal Castle. The Demon Crystal Castle continued to swell and turned into A magic crystal giant as tall as a sacred mountain!

"Have you seen me in this final form? I am the owner of the Magic Crystal Castle, and I have the courage! The faith power given to me by the people has made me achieve it again!"

The God Demon Ge of the Demon Crystal Castle roared furiously. He stretched out a head and looked from left to right, as if feeling this long-lost power, a terrifying power that people could not refuse, making him more and more. Be proud.

"This, what kind of power is this!" The people of the Moses clan, who were suppressed by the people of that terrible magic crystal castle, were completely shocked by the power of this **** this time!

When have they seen the true power of the gods!

Even Han Chenhan enshrines such a strong person, it is only the power of the divine envoy, which has already shocked them into heaven.

It was even more shocking to see the giant that split into the void and instantly turned into an exaggeration.

The sacred mountain stood in front of them in an instant, and they immediately felt their own ant-like existence, which was beyond shock.

The horrible existence made all of them open their mouths.

They are just a small clan, how dare to fight such a powerful god!

They clearly hoped that the peerless culprit would give them something down. Even if they were lucky enough to be uttered, when did they ever think it would evolve into this way, it really made them unable to understand it. All of this seems to be a blessing. So invincible!

Han Chen glanced at the Moses clan, and spoke to the Moses clan chief, "You stay away."

"We want to be the help of the Lord God Envoy!" The patriarch of the Moses clan said excitedly at this moment. Because he knew that Han Chen was fighting for them, how could they leave the battlefield to take care of themselves?

"You don't need to stay here, otherwise you will only become the other side's nourishment later. Didn't you see so many people who died just now, did you instantly restore the opponent's strength to no less than 30%?"

Han Chen spit out and said, just now Han Chen watched the magic crystal castle return those powers to his body. He didn't know it at the time, and thought it was his own power returning.

But when I saw that the magic crystal castle instantly turned into an existence like a sacred mountain, I suddenly understood that the magic crystal castle here had become a terrifying mountain.

Only at this time began to gradually reveal the reputation of the peerless fierce!

"Hahaha, where can you escape? Just run away! After being chased by my magic light, you will all die!" The master of the magic crystal castle said at this time, the unassuming power under his own wave , Bursts of air-piercing sounds erupted, and this air-piercing sound directly exploded into the surrounding void.

The void crack unfolded, and the surrounding aura clouds poured frantically into the void crack.

The terrifying scene is like the destruction of the world, and ordinary people can't be the opponent of that terrible existence.

They are really like ants at this moment.

But they still believe in Lord God's Envoy, they are not afraid of death, but if according to Han Chen's statement, here will become the enemy's accomplices, then they are still willing to escape.

"We are going to run away quickly! Everyone listens to Lord God's orders!"

"Everyone runs scattered!"

The patriarch of the Moses family outrageously issued an order at this moment, saying that even if the **** Ge of the magic crystal castle wants to kill them, they need to face this situation, otherwise they will be the owner of the magic crystal castle Killed directly.

In this way, it is impossible for everyone to be killed at the same time.

In this way, Han Chen can be regarded as worthy of these peerless murderers who have been involved in this war for no reason.

Of course, if it weren't for Han Chen to come forward, the gluttonous demon **** would directly treat their Moses clan as victims and deal with it directly.

"Want to run!" Ge Shenmo, the master of the magic crystal castle, once again released the power to watch the horror, and then sent the magic crystal light to the survivors of the Moses clan.

The prismatic light is like lightning, and it is emitted instantly.

After verification, the patriarch of the Moses clan watched the magic light burst out toward them, his face was instantly tragic, and he could only try his best to escape.

The people around him with a low cultivation base didn't even have a chance to run, so they were caught directly, and that power could drown them all in an instant.

At this moment, all the people of the Moses clan are at stake.

At this moment, Han Chen roared and turned into Phoenix's true blood, his own strength exploded, and a terrible breath was released.

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