All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1930: Lift the ban

"Are they laughing at us?" Jin Pangli said angrily. His mythological form just now had been turned into a golden giant sword, and now he is still a little firmer to resist, not wanting others to have been lying on the ground.

Zhao Feiwu, the weakest here, has already fallen to the ground.

"I can't do it anymore, I may fall." As Zhao Feiwu said excitedly, Han Chen's stern shout suddenly came from behind.

Han Chen said, "Catch it, don't fall behind, it's dangerous to fall behind here!"

But before Han Chen's words were finished, Zhao Feiwu immediately felt that his lower body was beginning to become empty, as if the things his lower body resisted had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The stairs made of white marble just now turned into a thick fog at this moment, and the place quickly became a bottomless pit.

Cang Dang.

At this moment, Zhao Feiwu, who was lying on the ground, immediately seemed to have fallen into the bottomless pit, and his body began to fall quickly downward.

Han Chen's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, the first commander caught Zhao Feiwu in his hand, and then took Zhao Feiwu to fly.

"If you consider that your physical strength is weak, then try not to move or fall, you just stand where you are, waiting for me to come and pick you up." Han Chen said.

Saying that he turned into a ray of light, walking back and forth on this ladder like flying, the powerful and unmatched force on his body was also pressing on Han Chen at this moment. In this way, Han Chen actually bears more than just It was his own ban, plus a ban on Zhao Feiwu's body.

However, Han Chen's body was a tenth-turn pseudo-sacred realm. At this moment, all of them were turned. The power in the Yin-Yang cuttlefish ball was madly spinning. The white jade ball next door seemed to be unwilling to show weakness and began to give Han a steady stream. Provide energy in the morning.

Let Han Chen not be able to directly lead to the death of exhaustion when the two people were restrained and added to their bodies.

Han Chen suddenly increased his strength at this time, but the prohibition seemed to have no effect at all.

Han Chen squeezed Zhao Feiwu's fast steps, and flew up to the top floor.

"Ah, what's the situation? What happened!" At this time, everyone in Han Chen's team was dumbfounded.

"Why can Han Chen suddenly be able to walk like flying?" Wu Yuan's pair of beautiful eyes was watching Han Chen who quickly passed by, and the beads of sweat on her forehead fell one by one, apparently from the stronger the restraint.

"I don't know what medicine the Korean team took, and they ran so fast!" Jin Pangli was dumbfounded after seeing such a scene.

He hoped that he would just give up just like Zhao Feiwu, now it was just the last step.

It’s not giving up, is it?

At this moment, there were two or three people who thought the same way as Jin Pangli, but they thought about it, and in the end they did not burden Han Chen.

"Aren't you very cool? I helped you unblock the restrictions in this place!" Huang Mengmeng, who was hiding in the stellar machine, transmitted a voice to Han Chen.

"It's not bad, and it's really because of you and the formation spirit. Otherwise, the restrictions here are so powerful, and I may not be able to stick to the end. The more you go to the back, the greater the restriction on people's cultivation. At one step, I am afraid that my physical strength will explode." Han Chen sensed that Zhao Feiwu and his own restraining power were superimposed, and finally Ning led to this situation.

Without the help of Huang Mengmeng and Array Spirit, I am afraid that what I want to get will definitely become a piece of waste.

Under such operations, Han Chen quickly took the last step and entered the platform with Zhao Feiwu.

As soon as he entered the platform, Han Chen instantly noticed that many people were looking over here.

At this time, Han Chen knew that on this platform, it didn't mean that there was a road to heaven like Han Chen. On this platform, there were dozens of heavenly roads extending downwards.

This shows that this time when the famous mountain appears, there will be no less than dozens of teams starting to climb here.

"What kind of demons are these people who come in? Why are the real demons in them so weak!"

At this time, the pair of bull-headed grimace on the back of them immediately noticed the abnormal situation.

"Indeed, the faces of these people are a bit strange, and it is impossible to tell which of these people are the core disciples of the devil." Another man with a bullhead and grimace said.

Among these bullheads and grimace, there are two big pineapple and coconut-like ethnic groups. They are a huge old tree with a huge fruit-shaped face on their faces. They have a total of nine heads.

Some have only eight.

This should be a symbol of status or strength.

So the devil with the big pineapple and coconut face also looked towards Han Chen coldly.

But they didn’t seem to show too much attention to Han Chen. Instead, they said to their companions, “I don’t know what happened. When I came, I clearly remembered that our Overlord God still had a lot of teams, but just climbed up. I didn't even see them!"

"As soon as you said that, I remembered that the two teams that came with us did not come back." Another giant round-faced demon said.

"It's really weird, is there any difficulty at the foot of the mountain that will stump them? It's unscientific. There is only one way up the foot of the mountain. Can't they get lost?"

At this moment, there is a special demon, with his big sausage lips, burning on the side, seems very lonely, he doesn't care about the situation of other races.

"Team Korea, shouldn't it be your monument to the sky..." Zhao Feiwu came back to his senses in half dizziness, and immediately realized what they were talking about.

It is very likely that Han Chen put away the monument to the sky. At that time, it was Han Chen who used the sky-swallowing jar to grab the monument to the sky.

Unexpectedly, they would have solved so many troubles indirectly.

But Zhao Feiwu looked at Han Chen's color but it was quite different.

Of course Han Chen knew what Zhao Feiwu meant, and Han Chen didn't expect such an influence reaction.

At that time, I felt that the monument to the sky had existed for so long, and there must have been a lot of historical precipitation.

As a result, I didn't expect that without the monument to heaven, it would be impossible to open the way to heaven. This suddenly gave Han Chen a surprise.

Han Chen naturally wouldn't let this opportunity go easily, so he shut up quickly and didn't want Zhao Feiwu to say it.

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