All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1956: Self-detonation origin

At this moment, all their energies will be swallowed fiercely by the Fashen Dao Hei, and the consequences are still quite serious, that is, at this moment, everything begins to change.

The most terrifying situation and the most helpless picture appeared!

The courage of every man! Powerless!

Even if he blew himself up, he would be deeply imprisoned by the law and gods.

There was a touch of surprise on Han Chen's face. He didn't expect that this short confrontation could explode so fiercely and even determine each other's lives. At this moment, the two children around him began to gradually become empty.

Their mouths seemed to be saying something, as if they were sighing, whipping, and wanting to tell Han Chen what they could do their best.

But Han Chen only felt deeply at a loss at this time, it was really not something that a little monk like him could resist.

Even with the sky-swallowing pot, Han Chen felt inexplicably weird at this time, and it was absolutely impossible for such a situation to happen again.

But Han Chen still got some information from the two children. He only heard the two children say, "Run! Run! Leave nothing. You can't do it, and I can't do it." Until... the black hole man is so terrifying!"

Is the black hole man so scary? Han Chen showed a strange look.

At this time, Han Chen kept his eyes on, he knew that there was still a back hand that hadn't come out in that place!

Immediately after Han Chen's side, the Sky-Swallowing Jar also began to become nothingness at this moment. Since Han Chen arrived, the Sky-Swallowing Jar will also be used. After this time, he will open the bow without looking back.

But there is no way, after all, doing big things requires sacrifice!

Han Chen stared fiercely at the place where the golden crow was about to dissipate, where the golden light could not be released.

At this moment, when the thousands of light were about to be enveloped by the huge darkness, when the last ray of light was blocked, the huge open mouth appeared in the void, and he bit down fiercely!


The mouth at that stage, like the void cracked open the mouth, swallowed it in, swallowed the mass of magic divine Dao black, and the huge golden crow light mass that was exploding, everything is already and it seems that it has already begun. It gradually calmed down.

That Fashen Daohe seems to want to get rid of something, but it will soon be paid down. The Fashen Daohei still hasn't given up at this moment, but the mouth is too big, it is the sky-swallowing pot, which can swallow the sky in. !

And behind this and, Han Chen knew that there must be that huge black-wheeled emperor snake who kept praying and kept increasing the lucky value. With such assistance, there would be good results.


The black hole man watched that his Fashen Dao black was swallowed by a strange drama!

The whole person was stunned for a while.

"No, how is it possible!"

"That's my origin! The origin of my Taoism! How could it be so simple and easy to concede defeat!"

"No, absolutely impossible!"

Perhaps most people don't know the origin of Taoism, which is the first important thing they got after surpassing their ancestors. These things have something to do with the beginning of this world.

I didn't expect to be printed off by the other party at the last minute.

How dare they!

The black hole man is out of anger at this moment, all of this is so unbelievable.

But all of this happened in front of me, and it was unbelievable, but it happened continuously.

why is that?

Is it because of the black-wheeled emperor snake in the back?

Is it because the opponent's bad luck keeps adding to him?

I don't believe in evil!

The black hole man looked up to the sky and screamed, stimulating his whole body power, and there was an endless dark atmosphere around him.

"Look, you are here to take the move! I don't believe that you can really resist my hungry power! This time I will let you see the power of the true source of Taoism!"

The black hole man looked up to the sky and roared, his own black energy burst out, his eyes were looking at the closing void, and blood was going to flow out.

But at this moment, the blood flowed like a jet, and it sprayed out from the eyes, spraying directly into the closing void.

Immediately after that, the void began to shake violently at this moment.

"what's going on!"

Han Chen was stunned, and the situation just now shocked him extremely.

According to the situation, of course the Sky Swallowing Jar at this time had already swallowed that terrible thing, but how could so many moths appear at this moment!

The earth is shaking!

The volcano is erupting.

Thunder and lightning broke out in the sky, and the downpour leaned down.

All of this seems to indicate something, which means that the sky seems to be undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Those void cracks that left are constantly pouring back, and the void seems to be fortunately erupting continuously.

It gushes out violently toward this side, violently agitating this place.

Such a horrible aura, not casual circumstances can make people quiet.

It's terrible.

Even if Han Chen has reached the first person below the Conferred God Realm, facing such a shake of the earth and a void in the void, he still started to convulse his hands. This is really a terrifying sight, everything looks like it is. So shocking.

Under such circumstances, no one dared to come up and shout to the other party.

"Explosion is the ultimate meaning! In our rank, only when we encounter an existence beyond the ancestor level will we explode our origins, but we did not expect that this time we would actually encounter such a situation, and we were faced with a Not yet a monk in the Fengshen Realm!

"You also earned it!"

At this time, the black hole man laughed wildly, as if he was irritated.

Han Chen was also dumbfounded at this time, with an unforgettable heavy feeling in his heart.

He had already seen clearly that the origin of Taoism swallowed by the Sky Swallowing Jar must be the source of all anxiety.

And it seems that the other party obviously doesn't want to let it go. Their ultimate goal is to directly explode Yuanyuan and let Yuanyuan explode the sky-swallowing pot.

The ancestor of the earth said that the sky-swallowing pot is very powerful, but it seems that such a scene may not be able to withstand the self-destruction of the source of this law, right?

Han Chen started to mumble.

When Han Chen thought about it this way, even when there was still a trace of fluke in his heart, Han Chen suddenly screamed through the sky swallowing jar in his mind.

"Run! Try your best to escape... That demon... really a demon... I don't have enough power..."

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