All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1965: disturb

The swaying souls on the ground made Han Chen tremble every time he passed by Han Chen's body.

But at this moment, the wood sculpture-like existence moved again, but this movement was even more subtle, as if he had found a mouse in the domain of his absolute control, so dismissive of it.

But Han Chen didn't find these things in the end, he walked gently over the wood carving. He didn't dare to see the existence of the wood carving at all.

Because this road gradually changed from broad to narrow, he began to walk in that direction step by step.

"Look, nothing happened!" Huang Mengmeng was already in front of the target at this moment. Huang Mengmeng immediately pulled off Han Chen's gray wings, and then glanced at the target behind him. .

At this moment.

The target instantly stretched out an arm, and immediately began countless illusions from the original palm size, and turned into a giant's palm. This giant's palm quickly appeared in such a situation.

For an instant, the standing situation in that place made Han Chen's heart beat violently, even more frightened than when he saw the ancestor of the Demon Realm.

Han Chen knew that if he dared to drop a palm, Han Chen would never come out by chance!

At this moment, the wooden sculpture finally turned into a huge creature high above. His arm turned out, falling from the sky, very fast, and in an instant, it landed on Han Chen's head.

Han Chen angrily almost didn't throw Huang Mengmeng out, the existence of that place was really terrifying.

The reason why I didn't sense the breath of the other party just now was because the breath on my own body just now must be too different from the other party's body, so I couldn't sense the fluctuation from the other party's body.

Now because Huang Mengmeng suddenly rushed out of the isolation between the pair of gray wings, he immediately made the other party a conditioned shot.

The breath fell!

It was as if an extremely huge sacred mountain fell on Han Chen's head.

That is a kind of unbearable Tarzan top pressure!

Too much pressure!

A strong oppression, as if to force Han Chen down here viciously, and to make Han Chen kneel down.


Han Chen roared, now is not the time to fight Huang Mengmeng here, and the palm of his hand attacked too quickly.

There is only one word in Han Chen's mind, run away!

Now that Han Chen has come to the side of this yellow spring, Han Chen must continue to move forward. Only by surpassing that front can there be a ray of life.

So Han Chen immediately burst out his own reincarnation aura at this moment, wanting to break free.

"Wait for me!" Huang Mengmeng also immediately aroused all of her aura at this moment, turning herself into a basalt-like existence, huge creatures blooming, and at this moment, the terrifying cultivation above the Sealed God Realm Wei, let it go, and this reincarnation is Huang Mengmeng's home court again. After summoning this huge body, the posture of that arm's falling immediately slowed down the points.

"The opportunity is here!" Han Chen said nothing, flashing the forty-eight wings behind him, and quickly followed Xuanwu's back.

The arm still fell, but it was also on the back half of Huang Mengmeng's back.


When the palm fell, it fell viciously on Xuanwu's back and on the tortoise shell, but it was also like a slap on a balloon, and the tortoise shell and the palm slammed together.

At this moment, the palm of the hand hit fiercely, and a loud noise erupted.

Huang Mengmeng shivered fiercely, as if turning into a broken body, vomiting a lot of blood.

In this way, Huang Mengmeng here immediately jumped in the direction of Jiuyi Mountain.

This jump immediately jumped into the deeper part of the mist.

At this time, Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng had no other choice, they had to release their own means, otherwise they would not be able to escape from that clutch.


After Huang Mengmeng's huge body jumped over there, it quickly fell onto the thick ground.

The huge tortoise's paw directly penetrated into the long yellow spring that lay in front of them.

They might fall into the Yellow Spring just one step away.

At this moment, they are facing a very dangerous situation.

The two of them finally fell safely onto the ground, no matter what, they were still fine.

"We are safe!" Han Chen smiled comfortedly on Xuanwu's back. He didn't expect that monster-like giant hand was so terrifying, which also made people feel incredible.

Fortunately, the two of them reacted relatively quickly.

Otherwise they will die here.

However, Han Chen did not hear Huang Mengmeng's cheers, only the coughing of Huang Mengmeng's cough, which made Han Chen immediately awakened.

Han Chen looked up at the surroundings, looked at Huang Mengmeng below him, and asked nervously, "Are you okay?"

Han Chen looked back and saw that the second half of Huang Mengmeng's basalt tortoise shell had become nothingness, and the second half over there was completely blank!

Just now, one of the opponent's palms fell, and it landed on the back. He actually abruptly arranged Huang Mengmeng's lower body directly into fragments. The place was cut off at the waist, losing half of the tortoise shell.

A lot of blood spurted out over there.

Han Chen who saw this scene was stunned. How painful it was. He didn't expect Huang Mengmeng to be silent.

"I, I'm fine." After coughing up a lot of blood, Huang Mengmeng finally responded to Han Chen.

Han Chen didn't dare to continue to dominate it at this moment, and then quickly came down and looked at Huang Mengmeng's version.

Then Huang Mengmeng turned his soul body into a reduced version at this moment, and turned into a little loli.

But now this little loli is very miserable. Starting from her lower body, she has all disappeared and her legs are gone.

"You, are you okay?" Han Chen knew that little Lolita had endured so much to save herself, and he was also very uneasy.

But he couldn't do it by any means, so he could only dig out a large amount of good wound medicine from his storage bracelet and gave it to Huang Mengmeng.

"Swallow these medicines for solid foundation trainers!" Han Chen said.

"Yeah." Huang Mengmeng didn't pretend, took down the pill to restore his body and swallowed it down.

Then relying on the strong body of the Immortal God, the bones were born in an instant, and then muscles were grown.

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