All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1967: Attacked

"Swallowed? Is there anything more terrifying below?" Huang Mengmeng asked.

"Yes, it's really uncomfortable in there, there should be some terrible monster." Han Chen showed an incredible expression. Just now, Han Chen also felt an invisible eye staring at him.

"This place is too dangerous. Let's retreat. The situation underneath is getting more and more weird." Huang Mengmeng couldn't help but want to escape here, but Han Chen didn't want to escape because it was Han Chen picking up. If you don't walk past the place where you need to move forward, you won't be able to see Jiuyi Mountain.

Is this also a kind of experience for Han Chen?

Huang Mengmeng had some naive thoughts.

At this time, Han Chen also knew that Jiuyi Mountain in front of him was what he was determined to get, and this problem absolutely couldn't stop him from moving forward.

But that feeling was too real, as if he was the prey in the other's eyes.

This feeling hasn't appeared for a long time. As for the situation when facing you, the black hole people are not the same. The black hole people don't treat Han Chen as a matter for a while. In this way, Han Chen naturally feels not too deep.

"Then let's go ahead!" Han Chen nodded calmly.

Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng glanced at the Jiuyi Mountain in front of them, and started walking step by step. The distance between that mountain and them seemed to have not changed.

"It's really watching the mountains go dead." Huang Mengmeng vomited.

However, Han Chen ignored it and continued to walk forward, although there was no one in this place, and there were very few spirits that could move.

These spirits obviously couldn't resist the cold experience, otherwise they would be swallowed by such power, and eventually turned into a peculiar waste, a pillar.

Even when they walked past, they bumped into it lightly, and they were able to break through dozens of such solid spirit pillars.

Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng have stopped to observe that these spirits that have become pillars still have a peculiar aura fluctuation in them. This is a kind of divinity, demon element, reincarnation aura that they usually encounter. Faith and governance are both disbelief. This is a cross-cutting force between belief and governance and the power of reincarnation.

I hope this guess is correct.

Han Chen continued to pay attention to the situation here, not letting the other party mess around.

After continuing to walk a short distance ahead, Han Chen suddenly sensed that the surrounding cold aura became more and more intense, as if it was about to form a whirlpool center here, condensing all the breath of Han Chen here. , People can't look directly, let alone ignore the situation here.

"Let's go!" Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng gritted their teeth. Just now they smashed dozens of soul pillars.

Obviously, these spirit beads were pulled away by some power and turned into corpses.

They don't know where they will end up in such a place, and when they will become such a corpse.

At present, their condition is the same as that of Shenhun.

At this moment, Han Chen clearly felt the strength of his body freeze.

"No, the big guy is here!"

Han Chen exclaimed, pulling Huang Mengmeng and hurriedly fleeing outside. Han Chen absolutely did not dare to go on like this at this moment.

They suddenly felt that their feet had become very stagnant, and they floated up coldly, spreading towards their bodies, and their spirits were trembling, as if they were cold.

Han Chen immediately didn't dare to continue putting the power house on the wings, instead condensing his own power on his feet desperately, wanting to quickly escape from here by such means.

Han Chen looked at the bottom of his feet, always feeling that the place suddenly changed from white, gradually to gray, and then to black, as if a terrifying existence was about to emerge from that place!

Huang Mengmeng was shocked by this situation.

"Ah! Planet Divine Body! The fourth layer, Phoenix True Body!"

Han Chen burned all over, and the surrounding area turned into a large flame. On the wings of this flame, it also turned into a large flame, and turned into a punched fire phoenix. The appearance of the fire phoenix looks very different. Tough.

Let his whole body become even more hot, in such a high heat, it burns.


Han Chen felt the white mist underneath become more and more dense. Although Han Chen's soul power could not be released outside of his body, he also felt the endless oppressive power at this moment. He suddenly jumped from himself, and then soon From that place, the probe came out of a huge, pitch-black abyss!


The huge mouth of the abyss violently drifted up from that place with an incomparable breath of deep cold from under the feet, and quickly hit Han Chen.

At this time, Han Chen had to desperately urge the flame-colored phoenix, and he didn’t care about exposing himself. It immediately turned into a patch of fierce flames. It hovered around and became a patch of scourge. In such a sea of ​​flames, it quickly condensed. Become a whirlpool.


Han Chen seemed to be the fastest pitch-black leopard in the dark, and quickly fled away with lightning speed.

Right now!

The dark ground beneath that suddenly fluctuated violently, biting down violently in Han Chen's direction, and was about to bite Han Chen into pieces.

In this way, everything feels incredible.

Han Chenkhan left the place, and the place immediately opened a huge mouth, swallowing all the icicles in that place, together with the earth and yellow crystals, at this moment.

Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng flew violently towards the sky, and there was absolutely no way to stay there any longer.

"Well, what is that! Why does it look like a gourd?" Huang Mengmeng was finally out of danger at this time, still watching the surrounding scenes. The huge mouth of the abyss that I took just now, if not Han Chen and him ran fast, I'm afraid that at this time, they have become corpses and ice pillars.

Under such circumstances, Huang Mengmeng did not dare to be careless in nature, and directly incarnates the huge turtle in mid-air. I don’t know how big the tortoise’s shell is. With such an opening, the entire abyss is like a huge mouth. I can't turn it down anymore.

Han Chen fluttered to Huang Mengmeng's side, looking at the huge mouth of the abyss that suddenly appeared underneath, showing a pensive expression.

"This big guy, isn't it the real Abyssal Mouth? You know that the Abyssal Mouth is famous on Huangquan." Huang Mengmeng seemed to recall some particularly painful things at this time, so he hurried to follow Han Speaking of morning sharing.

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