All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1972: Find

As if it was a tingling from the soul, no one could react.

Han Chen only felt dizzy, and Huang Mengmeng next to him was too late to give any hints. He was in a coma.

During this process, Han Chen was originally more concerned about the outside world because of his magical thoughts, so he was able to stay awake a little bit, but the vibration of the sound could penetrate the soul, which was very terrifying.

So Han Chen just woke up, he couldn't stop any action at all.

At this moment, a terrifying wave of power came from that place, madly emerging from that terrifying centipede.

Han Chen is terrified at this moment!

The terrifying power of those centipedes continuously impacted Han Chen's soul.

A lot of energy fell into Han Chen's body like a river!

Han Chen must be indifferent to all the rivers, otherwise the gray cotton group will attack or cast eyes on his side, which will be very troublesome on his side.

For the powerful monks of their level, as long as they cast a glance, Han Chen knew he was finished.

Han Chen is full of gongs, and Huang Mengmeng, who is next door, has not stopped paying attention to the current situation of the group. He doesn't want the situation there to become a burden to them.

The gray cotton ball had a premonition and was about to retreat. The terrifying monk on the bronze cart seemed to be reprimanding the cotton ball.

But at this moment, the bronze car shook a little, and quickly passed in the other direction.

"What's the matter? What happened?" A strange language came from the cotton group, but these languages ​​are already ancient languages, so modern people like them have basically never heard of such ancient words.

That is to say, Huang Mengmeng who has a relatively long history will know the past events of these ancient battlefields.

"Here, he's here." The bronze car murmured, and the gray cotton blanket even trembled like sifting chaff.

Immediately crawled on the ground.

"Low maid, are you so courageous?" The person in the bronze seemed to be even higher, calling the gray cotton ball, turned out to be a low maid.

Everything seems to be Puso rice grains, making the situation here change so much that it is impossible to guess the true meaning of it.

The master in the bronze hurried away and flicked back and said, "Don’t provoke me. It’s my emperor who came here today. Don’t call the wrong name and anger my emperor. His cultivation level has already reached the sky. It’s easier to kill you and me than to squeeze an ant, do you know?"

"Yes, yes, I see, Sister Fairy!" The Mianzi Tuan also replied in an old honorific language, respectful from beginning to end.

So the please open traffic also slipped away.

"Today is the super-god enlightenment meeting held by our emperor. I didn't expect to suppress them to this point and let them contribute their treasures. The blue centipede in the underworld that we hunted this time, I'm afraid it will return to the original point."

The cotton ball said to itself like this.

In a moment, the ball of cotton seemed to have discovered something, his eyes suddenly lighted, and then quickly flew towards other places, the whole person in mid-air without unnecessary movements, it burned like fireworks, and then dissipated in mid-air. bingo.

Both Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng showed weird looks, but Huang Mengmeng suddenly said, "Such a powerful monk is also..."

"Don't talk!" Han Chen told him through the spirit transmission, telling him not to move, so he quickly saw the returned cotton ball.

Huang Mengmeng was dumb, and the cotton ball still wanted to make them jump out by themselves.

"It's really weird. I can sense it from the bright face." The cotton ball said at this time with a strange sense.

But in the end no one came out, so the cotton ball was ready to cast his gaze over, but I don't know why, Han Chen was already ready at this moment, and he broke away from the movement of both hands.

The centipede was so fat, the cotton ball, with a wave of his hand, was ready to receive the huge centipede in.

The recovery of Han Chen was at the critical moment, so he suddenly poured out all the attractiveness of his body, directly causing the power of that place to burst.

The huge soul body of the centipede was pulled away and fell into Han Chen's stellar machine.

"Who!" In a short time, after the huge centipede disappeared, the cotton group appeared in that place, and the whole person's expression changed from stunned to surprised, and finally turned into disbelief.

But the cotton ball looked around and found nothing. It just felt a strange energy fluctuation in that place, so it swept a large cotton ball toward this side.

The space was messed up and torn apart, but after that piece of light, there was a bump in that place, and a clay pot fell out.

"This thing can swallow that dead centipede? What is this thing? I even crushed the space, why is this clay pot still here?" The cotton ball said so, feeling very strange, and was about to move it. When it was stopped, I saw that the clay pot seemed to have wings, and suddenly disappeared in the void, and the power around it was aroused at this moment.

Covered the clay pot.

But the clay pot had already picked up a very small mistake, and even shuttled away in that tiny space!

Wonderful Wan Fei avoided his package!

The cotton group watching this scene was stunned, everything that happened here seemed so strange.

Under such circumstances, isn't that clay pot looking for death?

It's too much!

The cotton group immediately waved a big hand, and exploded a terrifying force that surpassed the Conferred God Realm, and imprisoned the clay pot.

A soft marshmallow cage condensed from the surroundings in an instant, which looked very soft, but when the clay pot was blocked by the marshmallows.

"Hmph, let me see where you are going!" Mian Tuan said.

But soon, the cage of the cotton ball quickly began to regress and became aging, making the situation here seem mysterious.

At this moment, the cotton ball's cage was quickly punctured by the clay pot.

The earthen jar only flies away once in mid-air.

"What the **** is this? I rushed to make such a trick under my eyelids and wanted him to run? That is a gift I prepared for my emperor. If I had it, it would be difficult for me to deal with each other. Up."

On the contrary, the cotton ball was a little tired, and showed off what he had learned all his life one by one, and fell into that earthen jar.

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