All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1975: Spread the law

At the same time, Han Chen swallowed the centipede several times faster, and detained all the spirits on the centipede.

This centipede’s soul was originally arranged in accordance with the seven souls and six souls. If you want to swallow a soul, you must swallow the other party's seven souls and six souls.

Now Han Chen basically maintained the attack power of a stick of incense and two souls, but this was not enough, and the speed was still too slow. Han Chen had to speed up his skills, otherwise he would be unlucky sooner or later. It is very likely to be humiliated by the other party.

Han Chen didn't want to finally let himself fall to the ground at such a critical moment, and then the other side turned his head to find the top of his head, and finally turned himself into a worthless existence.

So Han Chen had to gritted his teeth and doubled his absorption power, so as to ensure that he would devour the remaining five souls and four souls during the time of the incense stick in the future.

Under such circumstances, no one can stop such a pace, and Han Chen will naturally not stop such a pace.

In an instant, the pulling force increased several times, and the soul was like some gurgling water that started to flow into his body, and such a river quickly fell into his body.


Han Chen felt like lightning and thunder in his soul, and the huge noise came out from it, obviously two forces of old and new were constantly rubbing, and Han Chen's body was swelling again. stand up.

However, Han Chen's white pill still had a great effect. It could slightly suppress the speed of swelling, but the intense pain in it was not so easy to escape.

The huge pain, the tortured person is about to die, the sharp pain is still tumbling, making everything here look so severe, everything has an unreal feeling, let Han Chen's brain was groggy at first, as if he was not awake.

"No, no, absolutely no sleep!"

However, the confrontation between mental power and mental power is to consume a lot of mental power. If the mental power is not enough, then you will fall into a state of coma.

This is also another problem of Devouring Souls, such a problem is actually very small with the help of Mo Nian Tong.

However, in Han Chen’s current situation, there are a large number of foreign spirits. Naturally, it is impossible to control it at one time through the magic mind. This requires a process, but for Han Chen, there is no time at all, let alone process.


Lightning and thunder in Han Chen's body!

The power of the soul fluctuated again, bursting apart, bursting apart the surrounding terrifying power, and the whole body was fluctuating up and down.

The whole body began to twist!

"Han Chen, stop, are you trying to die?" Huang Mengmeng saw this and couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to stop Han Chen.

"No, it's a little too close, it's a little too close! My soul is about to enter the perfect tenth-turn pseudo-god realm!" Han Chen wouldn't give up lightly.

At this moment, Han Chen only felt that his psychic powers had begun to disperse, and then various bizarre illusions began to appear.

The scene before him began to turn into a scarlet world, and everything in that place had only one color, and that was fiery red.

In such a forehead or red, it seems extra strange, it seems that it does not want to be a normal world at all.

In this world, there are also some molten groups that shuttle from different angles.

Whenever that molten group rushed over, he couldn't help opening his mouth and biting it up, really biting it up viciously, and immediately after Han Chen was extremely nauseated, he started to swallow it non-stop.

Although Han Chen felt very disgusting, the pleasure and power of swallowing quickly shocked Han Chen.

At this moment, Han Chen gained the ability to look inside, and then realized that he was a centipede with a faint green light flowing on his body.

It looks very weird!

"What's the matter? Did I enter other people's memory? Or was it the centipede I swallowed before?"

Han Chen only thought of it this way. It has reached the general accuracy, and seeing a lot of recovery, his strength has finally returned to normal. This way, Han Chen can be considered to know why he has this way. Fantasy.

But I didn't expect this centipede to come down all the way by swallowing, and judging from the swallowing just now, it seems to be an instinctive ability.

This makes Han Chen feel peculiar.

In the experience of this kind of spirit power, Han Chen seemed to have explored some mysteries of devouring.

Of course, such memory fragments can't give Han Chen too much, but Han Chen's own mind is still growing such a sense of swallowing.

Every time after the centipede that he brought in was swallowed, when he reached a certain level, he had to stop, and then began to run a set of weird techniques that existed in his talent.

Han Chen deliberately every time the other party finishes devouring and doing a demonstration of the exercises, Han Chen will pay great attention to how to repair it after swallowing. After watching it about two or three times, Han Chen has gradually become familiar with the weird exercises. .

In fact, this weird exercise should be said to be a kind of devouring Dafa. This method is like comparing yourself to a simple feeling of divine condensing. In this feeling, the divine power becomes very powerful. Terror exists.

His method is to gather his spirit power according to his own wish and form a different image. In such an image, let the other person kneel towards him, thus obtaining a comfortable feeling.

This is a very secretive ancient worship, but Han Chen discovered that such a method has such a miraculous effect.

This shocked Han Chen.

It is of great enlightening significance for Han Chen at this time.

"Han Chen, Han Chen, how are you..." At this time, Huang Mengmeng looked at the big white snowball in front of him, and kept shouting. Just now he saw Han Chen being covered by this large piece of snow. The ball is covered.

Although there was no greater fluctuation in the power of the soul that emerged before, this situation still made Huang Mengmeng feel very uneasy, because when did Han Chen fall into such a situation.

So Huang Mengmeng started calling Han Chen, but Han Chen didn't seem to give him much feedback at all.

"Would you like to blow up this snowball directly?" Huang Mengmeng also began to struggle

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