All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1984: Golden Warrior


The golden light came out violently, and the surrounding area turned into a large golden light. On the snowman who was shrouded in golden light, even the blood began to turn golden!

The golden blood bloomed, showing an unparalleled beauty!

The bursting golden light portrayed him as a golden warrior, and he was already as tall and short as the tall man.

At this point, even Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng showed strange thoughts. Huang Mengmeng and Han Chen looked at each other, and they were surprised by the look in each other's eyes.

However, it is easy to guess that it is actually because of this situation that this arrangement has to be arranged. In this case, they won't let them just shoot like this.

"This is really a good thing." Huang Mengmeng said to Han Chen Chuanyin.

"Yes, it can be guessed from the above that the power that is truly beyond the Conferred God Realm has fluctuated, but what is emitted now is just as good as the Conferred God cultivation base, but it exudes a downward pressure, which has already made the cow high. People feel a lot of pressure." Han Chen nodded, having to say that the power of this thing is really strong, and the power can be revealed from it.

That treasure is also a super ancient treasure above the Conferred God Realm.

It's just that I never thought that Han Chen would be seen by Han Chen in the frame of such a beard.

No wonder this group of people wanted to chase and beat this person, but that was the reason.

Immediately afterwards, Han Chen stared at the battle intently.

The two people who were watched by Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng with fiery eyes, both jumped quickly at this time.

The face of the big cow, high horse and horse is full of greed. He actually knows that he may not be able to escape the control of Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng, but as long as he can still survive, then he still has a chance to get this treasure. .

At that time, he can contact his companions to intercept these two people together. Although the two of them are very weird, their own pair is not bad. At least he can design the situation according to his own. The idea was dismantled.

After dismantling in this way, the entire power began to burst out, turning himself into a tall bullhead warrior!

Holding that long chain in his hand, even crawling on the ground, sprinting out like a centaur, the chain in his hand is also quite weird with a dark astral light, which is gladly used to often abuse the soul.

It seems that I want to Xingju.

Then the other party took out the bones and burst out golden light, and the height above was almost the same as that of ordinary people, and a large amount of attack ability broke out. Under such attack ability, the two of them trembled for the first time.

With the gust of wind around, it shattered the void and attacked fiercely towards that side. The power erupted from the two weapons and collided together, bursting out a large cloud of smoke, bursting light bursting everywhere. Shoot.

Boom! Boom!

The two began to attack each other without fancy at this moment, and I don't know if they have forgotten that they can still summon the Daewoo-class space with divine glory, or because they simply want to hammer each other to death, they have never had time to shoot.

But the two people's attacks were very dense, and there was no place for others to find a gap. The power that broke out in such a place can be imagined how powerful, and that power is not something ordinary people can resist.

In such an operation, the golden light that sparked out enveloped the two of them.

However, this golden light could not cover Huang Mengmeng and Han Chen.

"It seems that although the blood man has a very good aura at the beginning, his endurance is not as good as this man with a high horse and a horse. Now the man with a horse and a cow has a very high morale and his body is getting better and better. At this time, the blood man's power in his whole body seemed to be fading, he was constantly becoming wretched, and the power emanating from him was being bounced back."

Huang Mengmeng watched these two people coming and going, and for a while, he could see that something was wrong. Although the blood man was always attacking, his attack on the tall and magnificent man was quite limited. In this way, Huang Mengmeng Mengmeng felt very helpless.

"Yes, both of them played very bloody, but in the end I still think this golden light boy will win." Han Chen said after hesitating, and said what he wanted in his heart.

Two more incense sticks time passed. As expected, the two men were attacking fiercely. After the human attack dissipated, the attack from the centaur began to become sharp.

Under such circumstances, it is even more speechless to find that at this moment, the golden man has begun to become a weaker party, and the power of attack has also begun to weaken. In short, it is the weapon of attack. The effect of declining began to decline.

"Good opportunity!" At this moment, the tall and majestic centaur spotted an opportunity and quickly attacked this side. The surging power was transmitted over and soon fell on the golden light man.

The Golden Light Flying also wanted to escape, and was retreating quickly, but this speed was still not as fast as the impact of the Centaur.

The chain went around in a circle, and quickly rushed towards the golden light man!

The golden light man violently lifted up his own bones. The bones of the ancient gods illuminated the sunset sky in mid-air, emitting a brilliant golden light, and then this golden light made a huge flame **** bear, this flame **** The bear flew violently towards the chain.

The centaur did not dare to relax a little bit, and quickly gathered its own strength and summoned an energy horse. This energy horse had a pair of wings, and this pair of wings was as long as it was wide open!

Under such circumstances, the Jin Guangren violently rushed towards that place!

At this moment, the blazing **** bear and the two-winged flying horse hit everything viciously!


A large amount of light began to erupt from it, and there were **** and debris everywhere. It was hammered into the sky, and soon was smashed to the ground by an invisible force.

But the collision of these two forces is still not over.


Both the centaur and the golden light boy began to growl violently, and in this last lesson, the golden light was enveloped everywhere.

However, the centaur did not panic. Obviously, he had seen the big scene. Even if the opponent's power attacked, he did not move. Instead, he placed the chain in front of him, with a powerful force. Fly out, rotating towards the wave of power.

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