All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2000: Longmen

As a result, people around did not dare to say anything.

And at this time, the stone round clan was the most powerful force among the ten teams. They saw that the leading brother of the stone round clan came back in such a round and vigorous appearance, and they all admired him very much.

At the same time, I am even more in awe of the Taoist frog's cultivation base, which can actually make people's bodies reassembled.

It's really enviable.

It can be seen that the Taoist frog's cultivation base is not low.

"Okay, let's start." Taoist Frog said calmly with his eyes condensed.

Hearing an order from the Taoist Frog, one of the teams wanted to jump in impulsively, but was immediately shown a wink by the Shichou clan.

Seeing the winks of the people of the Shi round clan, they didn't dare to move in an instant, and no longer dared to hang the people of the Shi round clan aside.

Instead, he was hiding next to him, quietly watching the people of the Shichou clan make a move.

People from the Shifang clan came over and helped the eldest brother who took the lead, and then the lead eldest brother started to jump up with the Shizhu clan.

The Taoist frog waved his hand and threw the topaz in his hand into the sky. In an instant, the topaz seemed to be a piece of stairs and began to go up on the dragon gate.

"This is topaz! It is also called ascending jade, climbing the dragon gate! This ascending jade can help you get closer to the peak on the Jiuyi Mountain, but this is an external force after all, and you can do what you can do for the rest. However, the strength of the stone round family Strong, but not afraid."

At this time, Taoist Frog raised his hand and threw the topaz in his hand.

These topazes were paid up by the stone round clan just now, and they were all thrown out at this moment. The pieces of ascended jade began to splice in mid-air consciously, forming a staircase.

The people of the stone round clan looked at this scene in amazement, looking at the ascending jade stairs, but soon everyone looked at each other, and then began to climb towards the top.

I don’t know what the situation is. I only saw the people of the stone roundworm clan. They didn’t start to walk how many steps towards that place, but I soon discovered that they were unable to use flying and teleportation techniques. It can be seen in this kind of place. There are still some restrictions.

In such a situation, it also made everyone feel a little clear.

Immediately after that was the second team, the Taoist Frog froze all the topazes, and piece by piece of topaz was joined together to form a long ladder.

The eight members of the second team glanced at each other, and then reluctantly, jumped up with excitement on their faces, and then began to run wildly inside.

Under such circumstances, no one dares to do it anymore.

I waited until the last team was the Blood Man and the other six people. One of the six people was from the Shicaria clan. The man was taciturn. Although he didn't want to talk, he could feel the person's cultivation level. low.

"Well, since we all will go in together later, but this time we are only together when we go in. I'm afraid we will still find the original teams at that time, so we don't have to be so low to each other." At that time, some slightly smart people talked about it.

Hearing what everyone said, the blood man also relaxed a little.

"But our team obviously has only seven people, shouldn't it have nine people?" At this time, some people also began to discuss their special team.

Many of them don't think they are here to beat the blood people, but their respective families will have their own secrets and the elders will explain them.

"Well, I am different from others. I still hope that we will find opportunities by ourselves. After all, we have been separated from the previous team a lot of time. If we want to find our own big team, we still waste a lot of time. We are not as good as ours. Let's go together individually and look for more opportunities."

At this time, there are other people here, who are unwilling to explain the situation, and are willing to follow the blood.

Hearing what this person said, everyone seemed to have gone back to the future and suddenly understood what it meant. Only the first one said that he wanted to find the base camp, and the others agreed to follow the blood man.

Obviously they were all the people whose family had given orders to stare at the blood man.

This is what their order is.

"In that case, let's cheer. There are two more places. Wait a while, I'll let them come out later. They will hide in my Daewoo-class own space." This time the blood man smiled slightly.

Then two yellow lights were stimulated from oneself, and those two yellow lights fell on the ground and turned into a twelve or three-year-old little loli with double pony tails and wearing a goose yellow shirt, which looked quite charming.

The other yellow light fell on the ground and turned into some terrifying existence, but his own strength condensed and became a man in a cyan gown. The man in the cyan gown looked ordinary, but he had a strong feeling on his body. Reincarnation breath.

There is a feeling that strangers should not enter.

"What are these two?" At this time, the people of the Shi round clan were also surprised. Seeing the two people who Han Chen moved out, they all smiled with heartfelt relief.

The cultivation bases of these two men seemed to reach the realm of false gods, especially the man in the cyan gown, who coughed again and again when he came out, and looked like a sick child, it is really difficult to connect with the master.

"These two are my friends, Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng respectively. You need to be more clean. This time you will also join us to participate in the Conferred God of Jiuyi Mountain. Please bear with me." When this came out, Huang Mao girl She was still very lively, and she also knew the relevant etiquette, which made her cultivation even more powerful.

"Are everyone ready? Go in."

Although Taoist Frog was also very surprised, the two people exuded a strong breath of reincarnation, and he didn't have much to say. Seeing that their appearance seemed to be similar to their Nongshen family, there was nothing to say.

So let the blood man summon the other two.

"This dragon gate is really magnificent." At this time, the man in the green shirt who walked out showed a smile, looked at the surroundings, and then happened to see Huang Mengmeng next to him pouting and looking at him.

"Okay, if you have anything, let's talk about it later," Han Chen said with a smile.

Glancing at the people around who were staring at him, a smile appeared.

The eyes of those people gave Han Chen a chill.

"This kid, could it be the blood man's helper? I didn't expect that among Huangquan creatures, there would be people who would dare to stand in a team with the blood man.

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