All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2005: Colorful Phoenix

However, Huang Mengmeng suddenly noticed that the David here was different, and his face suddenly flew towards his original position with excitement.

"How? What happened?" Han Chen said at this time.

"I, I found a big secret! But I have to confirm one thing." Huang Mengmeng let out a sigh of relief and said.

"What question needs to be confirmed?" Han Chen said at this time.

"Then we can't remove the other party's topaz?" Huang Mengmeng shouted excitedly.

"Theoretically, it is possible. These topazes are a kind of magical tool for space construction. At the moment of public security, it is naturally a process that can be reversed and recycled. Otherwise, wouldn't those topazes become disposable items?" Han Chen listened. Huang Mengmeng was too excited to say so.

Wouldn't it be of great benefit if the topaz could be disassembled again.

"That's easy. We actually have a lot of topaz in this place. I passed the crack just now. Guess what I saw. I saw those people who just walked by over there. The topaz on the road. There are close to a thousand topazes from the nine teams, which is a great help to us."

At this time, Huang Mengmeng said excitedly, so he told what he had just seen.

Han Chen jumped up with excitement when he heard this. If they could really take the topaz of those people, it would really be possible for Han Chen and the others to reach the peak directly!

Moreover, Han Chen and the others had already solved the riddle above the peak. As long as there was enough topaz, he would naturally find the entrance to the peak of Jiuyi Mountain.

"In that case, let's start now." Han Chen said excitedly.

Without saying a word, Huang Mengmeng reunited her own strength, and then activated her own talents and supernatural powers, with a yellow light all over her body, wrapping Han Chen, and piercing through the crack.

The blood man standing here was stunned. Although he had heard a lot about the magic of Jiuyi Mountain, he had never heard that it could be operated through a series of methods like this.

It's really unacceptable.

At this time, Huang Mengmeng also showed an embarrassed expression, and said to the people here that the current situation is really too difficult to deal with.

It was incredible to be able to dismantle the enemy's topaz.

Han Chen sprinted out with Huang Mengmeng's talented yellow light, and entered the crack, the yellow light even twisted, and soon fell to that place.

Han Chen discovered that he had jumped from the dragon gate in another dimension to another dragon gate. In this dragon gate, he saw the situation about that place, and the dragon gate became reality at this moment.

The topaz road has been paved all around, and no one is waiting here. Soon this topaz ladder will definitely encounter more serious problems.

Those people have obviously passed from here, or jumped from here.

So when Han Chen and the others came to this space, it was already empty.

"Are we going to start tilting up here?" Han Chen asked.

"Wait for me to teach you again, because our technique is a little more complicated." Huang Mengmeng said.

Then Huang Mengmeng changed gestures in his hand, and after a while, a khaki elf emerged from him. This elf jumped on his arm, and soon turned around, and then came to the other arm. , And soon the elf followed his arm and fell onto the topaz, the topaz trembling slightly at first.

Immediately afterwards, the yellow elf grinned and swallowed the yellow elf in one last bite.

In this way, it looks quite surprised.

Han Chen also followed the Huang Mengmeng's technique and summoned the elves, but Han Chen summoned the gray elves with double wings behind them. This guy fluttered his wings and rushed up, and quickly used the gray wings to pry up. After opening the Topaz, Topaz escaped instantly and landed firmly on Han Chen's arm.

"It's done, what this secret is, it seems to be easy to learn." Han Chen looked at it seriously and said.

"Yes, this secret method is to facilitate us to increase our deterrent against topaz. Topaz is essentially a special substance of yellow springs. They are actually not dead, but they are not like us, nor do they have noses and eyes like other creatures. It just keeps the shape of the topaz itself."

This is also the result of Huang Mengmeng's research for a long time, so these creatures will float in mid-air, forming a topaz ladder.

But Han Chen's technique is so clever, he can also use such deterrence, and directly condense all those forces. It looks like this looks very interesting.

With this arrangement, Han Chen's speed is much faster than Huang Mengmeng's.

"It seems that your movements are much faster than me. Then you are responsible for taking down the ones here. I'll go to the next space." Huang Mengmeng smiled.

Han Chen didn't care about it, and still devoted himself to prying open all these topazes, and then stored them in the storage bracelet.

After another incense stick time, Han Chen saw that Huang Mengmeng, who had just returned by mail, got out of the crack with the dusty face.

"What happened?" When did Han Chen meet Huang Mengmeng in Langbei, and didn't know what happened to Huang Mengmeng over there.

Huang Mengmeng said with a sullen expression, "I encountered a terrible situation over there. The people of the Ascaris clan over there are still stuck on topaz, which is of no interest! This makes it impossible for me to collect these topazes normally. Up."

"Oh, my side is almost finished, or I have passed with you, let's see the situation over there." Han Chen nodded, and said seriously.

Since they belonged to the Ascaris clan, Han Chen didn't mind making a move and greeted them. Can't let them go too smoothly during this trip.

"Wait, I really want to hear that blood man is calling us, let's go and turn with him first." Han Chen was about to leave when he found the communication bead that was given to the blood man remembered the transmission.

So Huang Mengmeng and Han Mi came back together, just to see the blood man was looking at the situation under his feet, and they were engrossed, even Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng came out, as if they hadn't noticed.

"Did you find anything? Calling us back so anxiously?" Han Chen asked at this time.

"Oh, you finally came back. I tell you that I saw a colorful light shining in the dark place just now. These colorful lights condense a colorful phoenix. This is really terrifying. "

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