All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2008: Tu Yao

A lot of yellow light broke out all over the body, and in just a short breath, the body of the Xuanwu body was already summoned. It whirled steadily, and the surrounding reincarnation aura enveloped Huang Mengmeng.



Huang Mengmeng yelled. At this moment, his whole body began to evolve various powers. Among such powers, he became unparalleled horror. The powerful turtle shell seemed to condense into a huge sun.

The earth-yellow sun rose into the air, revealing a lot of light from top to bottom. These lights fell from the sky, and a large amount of power gathered. Soon these powers began to condense high in the sky, and the hot light made people unable to straighten. Depending on.

When Huang Mengmeng yelled out loudly, the earth-yellow sun was radiant and turned into a huge beam of light, dashing directly towards the mythical form of the leading big brother of the huge stone round clan.

"Ah!" The blood man looked at this momentum against the sky, his attack power was capable of destroying the heavens and the earth, making Han Chen feel a wave of incomparable terrifying power. It was really a terrifying force that could destroy the world.

If this huge sun crushed towards him, he would definitely die very quickly.

What's more, the monks of the stone round clan, their bubbles, under the huge sun impact, soon began to expand rapidly, kept expanding, and became larger and larger tall balloons, soon Formed this cycle of horror.


Those numerous bubbles shattered one by one in the irresistible high temperature evaporation.

Accompanied by the broken sound, the people of their Shisha clan shouted in pain.

Their bubbles are connected to their spirits. At this time, being treated by such an attack, they are naturally very scared.

But before their attack came over, they were ready to take a break.

"This, what kind of power is this! Why did you see this terrible thing in Samsara! Isn't this person from Huangquan? How can he have the closest power to the sun god?"

At this time, the people of the Shizhu clan were completely shocked by this little loli. The little loli that looked like a small model turned out to be a perverted big sun.

You must know that on the path of rebirth, what they fear most is encountering the big sun, the terrifying high temperature and terrifying divinity, which can directly make them all evaporate into bubbles.

At this time, they were very regretful, regretting why they had forged enmity with these people.

But there is no regret in life.

They want to kneel and beg for mercy.

But there was no way to make more movements. The whole body collapsed continuously, and the bubbles in the whole body began to burst with high density. The blood of the whole body was left from the top of the head to the eyes and flowed up and down the whole body.


"No, it won't be like this..."

As the victorious side, the blood man watched this shocking scene with stunned eyes. It was terrifying.

Those who claim to be the most powerful fighters, in the hands of this harmless little Lori, can't even support a round.

The blood man stared stubbornly at the front. The monks of the stone round clan changed drastically at this moment, and soon their bodies began to explode. The earth shining sun seemed to have no intention of stopping at all. Those cultivators of the stone round clan were all crushed into powder and broken pieces of meat.

Those pieces of meat fell on the ground with a few sizzling noises, and quickly evaporated again. As if they had never appeared in such a space, everything seemed so weird, so unbelievable.

"What the **** is happening here?" The blood man stared at the front as if he had been caught in a hold technique, in disbelief.

What kind of cultivation is that little Lolita!

With such a powerful force, is she the most powerful monk who is closest to the Conferred God?

No wonder the other party was able to get rid of all the people who chased him. I didn't expect this to be the case.

In the future, you must not provoke this little loli, her sentence melted you, but she didn't just say it casually.

Even if the blood man has experienced such a long battle, he has never seen such a terrifying power from anyone.

It was an eye-opener.

"What's the matter? What are you doing in tears?" The little Lolita said easily and freely.

"No..." The blood man replied reluctantly. It was the murder demon just now. At this moment, he became a little loli, which gave the blood man a strong visual impact.

Therefore, the respect for Lori became more and more.

"Treasure!" Just as the blood man was thinking about little loli's tall body, the blood man heard that little loli's extremely arrogant voice again.

The blood man looked up, and he saw Han Chen and Little Lolita were holding a storage bracelet in their hands, arguing about something, the storage bracelet was also going back and forth in the hands of the two.

"I discovered this treasure first!" Han Chen said unwillingly to give up.

"Did you find it? All the treasures I killed belong to me." Of course Huang Mengmeng didn't let it go. He exerted the greatest strength and naturally everything would belong to him.

Han Chen was speechless for a while. Just now he saw a small sword, which looked quite the style of Huangquan, and a lot of reincarnation aura emerged from it, so she was very excited, and maybe it could be used to reinforce the reincarnation in his body in the future. Inspire.

Just never thought that Huang Mengmeng would spot this treasure with the tip of his eyes, so it became what it is now.

"How are you going to give me the treasure?" Han Chen's eyes gradually became unstable.

"Okay, you treat me as a cow and a horse for a day, and I will give you this treasure." Huang Mengmeng also said unreasonably, because he really spent countless efforts to obtain these, it is impossible. Just give it to Han Chen.

When Han Chen heard this, his head suddenly became big, this guy still wanted to enslave himself, so naturally he didn't want to.

In the end, Han Chen spent a lot of time trading from Huang Mengmeng, and Han Chen agreed to refine Huang Mengmeng's elixir for the Conferred God level in the future.

And the blood man listening to their conversation has already been messed up in the wind... You must know that from the pseudo-shen realm to the sealed-shen realm, which is a sky moat.

Most people stop at this stage.

However, the two people in front of them seemed to have reached the Conferred God Realm, and they were inferring and discussing the conditions with each other in this way.

And Han Chen actually said that the Conferred God Pill he refined would definitely be of great help to the other party.

No, you are a pseudo-sacred realm yourself, and you actually want to refine the Conferred God Pill!

Isn't this wishful thinking?

But no matter how you think about it this way, it always feels weird.

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