All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2034: Tomb of the Conferred God

Under such circumstances, the Western God of Bliss was also shocked.

I didn't expect that these scarlet and black fog could really be controlled by Han Chen!

If there is such a scarlet black mist, where is there any Conferred God cultivator who can get cheap in Han Chen's hands?

It's terrible.

At this moment, the last trace of resistance in the mind of the Western God of Bliss was completely disintegrated at this moment, and there is no longer any recovery. Such thoughts have survived to the present, and finally dissipated.

At this moment, he was completely convinced.

"Master, please follow me here!" The Western Bliss God at this time stepped forward and said.

Han Chen smiled when he heard the name of the West, and followed in his footsteps.

The northern giant spirit **** and Huang Mengmeng glanced at each other, and they all understood a trace of emotion from the eyes of each other.

"It's still our boss who is mighty, and has subdued such a rebellious Western God of Bliss! It's so cool." At this time, the Northern Giant Spirit God whispered to Huang Mengmeng.

"What's the matter?" Huang Mengmeng said with a smile, you don't know that there is something more powerful, this guy has already signed the master and servant contract with the **** of destruction, but it has been cancelled by some secret technique.

However, now the improved version of the master-servant contract, it is estimated that Western Bliss God will not be able to untie it himself.

After they walked with the Western God of Bliss, this divine hidden space was like a flat ground.

"By the way, do you have any legends about the muse? Don't you say that all the treasures of the muse are stored here? And this is the cemetery of the **** of the muse." Huang Mengmeng said.

"Of course this is the cemetery of the muse, but in fact, this is only one of the places. I don't know if there is a body here, but I haven't seen it here for so long." The Western God of Bliss is very bachelor. Said.

"What, isn't the tomb of the Conferred God the only one?" Han Chen said curiously.

"According to the saying that has been handed down in the past, the tomb of the gods is not the only one. The world in which the ancient gods exist is an extremely splendid world. How could it be so easy for us to find it. Moreover, the ancient gods are not in our sense. The Conferred God, no one in the world can reach that state. Millions of years ago, our world seemed to have undergone a destruction. The ancient gods that exist now are those of emptiness that didn’t exist a million years ago."

The Western God of Bliss looked at Han Chen so interested, so he said a lot.

When Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng heard this, their hearts were all stunned.

It is true that the ancient gods who pioneered the world, how can they understand it, and how can they come back to being such a simple existence that they can become.

But before they took many steps, they heard the Western God of Bliss saying, "We are here!"

"Ha, so fast?" The Northern Giant Spiritual God was stunned. He really didn't take many steps. Is the spring pot so close to them?

"Are we here?" Huang Mengmeng next to me said displeasedly, "You muse's spring pot is also too close? Why is it near here?"

"The place where you are now is in my divine hidden space. The big one is that this space can actually start to twist according to my intentions, and it can be directly broken into such a space in a very short moment, in such a space. In the space, it is obviously impossible to exist in this simple way. Only if I rely on my will to move forward, the divine hidden space will walk to the location of the spring pot."

The Western God of Bliss said very proudly.

In this way, Huang Mengmeng and the Northern Giant Spiritual God can understand. In fact, they just stood still, and when the Western God of Bliss moved by relying on their own spiritual will, they could reach their destination quickly. It's just that the situation is not optimistic, it is impossible to simply exist here.

With the simple operation of the Western God of Bliss, things naturally became simple, and he came to the place casually.

"Okay, then you let us out." Han Chen nodded and said after knowing the meaning.

Soon Han Chen also knew that his strength had reached its peak state, and his soul was constantly consolidating.

"Okay, Master!" Although the Western God of Bliss has been criticized by Han Chen several times, he still doesn't change his words, because he has the aura of a superior person that can indeed kill them.

And Han Chen is not a monk of Conferred Gods now. If he is conferred by the time, and he doesn’t know how far he will go against the sky, he is quite terrifying. Even if he is his true master, he will be stress-free. .

In the future, it will be good to enjoy the cool under the big tree, and maybe there will be a chance to be promoted with Han Chen in the future, to reach that level.

To become a powerful existence beyond the existence of the Conferred God, it can be said that his dream of victory has come.

Thinking about it this way, calling Han Chen the host, naturally there will be no embarrassment.

Han Chen took the lead and walked in through a dark hole that appeared in front.

At this time, the northern **** came forward and said, "The Western God of Bliss, are you flattering? The first sentence is from the director and the latter is from the master?"

"What do you know, you idiot, for the existence of such a powerful potential as the master, it is an existence that can really touch the realm of the ancient gods, we follow the nature and you are proud. And have you not heard of a legend? Every hundred years, direct destruction will be repeated once, that is the vast destruction of the world."

The Western God of Bliss said contemptuously. But when talking about the vastness of the world, an extremely vague fear flashed in his eyes.

"No, do you dare to blow this kind of boasting? Are you not afraid of being condemned by the heavens?" The northern **** sneered.

"Hmph, when you go to the treasure of the spring pot, you will know the treasure cave of the ancient **** Muse. You know what I said is true." The western **** of bliss did not give the northern **** any tone, but Looking at Han Chen's back, he still saw a touch of toughness.

Huang Mengmeng's spirits are all turned on next to him, and he naturally knows what these people are saying, but Huang Mengmeng is also the first time he has heard of the vast extinction of the world every million years, and there is such a saying.

But even if it was true, he probably wouldn't die, after all, she also contained the secret of immortality.

In other words, he has a great chance of surviving.

No matter so much, followed Han Chen out of the black hole.

The northern **** and the western **** of bliss both glanced at each other, and then jumped in.

Under such circumstances, Han Chen was the first to walk into the black hole. There was a flash in front of him, the space change, Han Chen had already been used to it, naturally there was no curiosity, and then he came to a brand new space.

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