All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 804: Prepare for war

Chapter 804: Prepare for War

The news of the end of the abyssal invasion war quickly spread across the world, but everyone on earth understood that this did not mean the arrival of peace, but the end of the peace period.

In the past three years, all wars have only occurred in God's Domain. In reality, wars are almost painless, with almost no casualties, only constant harvests.

But now this period of peace is coming to an end, and the all-out war in God's Domain is about to begin.

For those great powers that are above it, this is actually a war of dividing the cake. To them, the earth is just a fish on the display board. Let them slaughter them. Only the Star Palace can pose some threats to them, but it is absolutely It will not be their united opponent.

"The earth is in a state of full-scale combat. All those who go deep into the wild, please return to the refuge gathering place as soon as possible.

"All people on the earth who are not in cities, please return to their gathering places as soon as possible within three hours. After three hours, all gathering places must be fully closed, and they are not allowed to open without permission. Three hours Those who return to the gathering place will be regarded as enemies."

"The creatures of God's Domain are about to usher in a full-scale explosion. Please prepare all the gathering places for battle and enter the first level of combat readiness."

"All exercises will be cancelled. Any danger found anywhere, regardless of whether it can be dealt with independently, must be the first to send the message to the headquarters of Sky City, let Sky City decide whether to support."

"In God's Domain, all people who live in the territories of epic existence on the earth are all ready to take refuge and prepare for battle, and all of them give up their personal actions and accept unified command."


Orders were sent from the headquarters of Sky City to a global scale, and people around the world began to make strategic deployments in an orderly manner.

Unlike in the past, a disaster, or even a slightly more serious danger, would cause widespread panic. Now the people on Earth have been prepared enough psychologically, so there is no panic when preparing for war. Everyone They are all ready to be called up and dispatched.

The earth has gone through too many tribulations, and those who panic when confronted with danger have basically lost their lives in the tribulations.

Those who have poor brains, or those who are desperate for the future of the earth, have also been spotted in the large-scale census.

For such people, the death penalty is their only result, but what they will experience before death is unknown.

Countless people in the wilderness heard the announcement and immediately began to return.

However, there are also some teams that are engaged in key actions, and are struggling with their hearts.

"Captain, in another 20 minutes, we will be able to close the net. This time the harvest is enough to give us two more level 50 purple equipment."

An archer unwillingly protested to the captain, "We have been preparing for this operation for a week, and it is hard to get the chance to obtain the core treasure during the dangerous period."

The other players also looked at the captain with pleading eyes.

"Captain, we can complete the entire action in at most 30 minutes. With the speed of our team returning to the gathering place, it only takes 20 minutes at most. It is less than 1/3 of the time from the specified three hours. These There is more than enough time."

"Yes! Captain."

"We finally waited for this opportunity. We can't miss it!"

"Captain, let us wait!"

However, in the face of everyone's pleading, the captain remained unmoved: "Do you know what it means to set aside these three hours?"

The archer said: "Of course I know that this is our last free time. After missing this time, we will enter a state of full preparation for battle."

The captain sternly said: "You know what a shit! Since the full preparation for war has begun, it means that a major explosion of creatures in God's Domain may appear at any time. Even within these three hours, we are not absolutely safe, especially The act of standing at the door of the danger zone right now is simply killing him."

A priestess murmured, "Where can I not take risks if I want to get benefits?"

Her words have been recognized by many people, and everyone has a fluke mentality deep in their hearts. What if nothing happens within these three hours? So would they just miss an excellent opportunity because of their own fluke?

"If we want to take risks, we can risk our lives."

The captain said, "But since the military has promised us these three hours, within these three hours, if we encounter any danger, the military will definitely carry out rescue at any cost. At that time, risking our lives. It’s not us, but members of the military."

Hearing what the captain said, several people bowed their heads in shame.

What they said is indeed very likely to happen.

In the past three years, the earth has indeed become a lot safer, but before this safe period, the earth has experienced too many hardships and lost 1/3 of its population.

However, if there is no army fighting ahead, this loss ratio will continue to expand.

The captain said: "Now is the time when the earth is alive and dead, and there is not much we can do. In the face of the elite legions of those veteran races, we may not even be able to delay time, but we can do at least one thing. That is not to hold anyone back."


The archer slapped his face with a slap, "Captain, it's me who is not good, it's me who is obsessed with money, we will return now."

Everyone also has a fever on their faces. They are all people with high morale. They were just unwilling to be reconciled just now. Now that they are reminded, they can't comfortably put others in danger because of their greed.

The captain immediately ordered: "Now, return immediately, and those who violate the order, expel the team and expel the danger zone."

As a result, the whole team began to return.

Just as they left the danger zone, a space channel suddenly began to expand in the middle of the danger zone behind them.

In the monitoring backstage of the Huaxia military, an alarm sounded: "Danger, danger, the fifth-level danger zone of No. 198 is upgrading to the sixth-level danger zone."

Because the prestige of the Huaxia military is too high, and the death rate of disobedient people is too high, most of the teams in Huaxia started their return journey the moment they received the order, no matter how critical they are. The actions are no exception.

Of course, some people who were too far away from the original gathering place also went to the nearby gathering place to try their best not to trouble others.

However, only Huaxia's military has such a high reputation.

There are still a large number of people all over the world focusing on the three-hour time limit.

"Three hours, hurry up."

"Three hours, hurry up."

"We seem to have time to get out of town once."

"hurry up."

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