All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 807: bluff?

Chapter 807 Bluffing?

After the two of them came to the outside world, the starry sky above the Dianxing Palace was divided and turned into a blue sky.

A vast voice came from the blue sky: "The Lord of the Stars, for the sake of a new civilization, to offend us so many forces, is it worth it?"

When seeing this iconic realm, Han Chen immediately recognized the identity of the other party. This is a well-known strong man, the lord of the blue sky, whose status is equal to the lord of the stars.

However, the lord of the blue sky comes from the feather clan and has never had any allies, so his reputation is a little worse, and he is less threatening to others.

A sea of ​​blood appeared in another direction, also separating the star-shrouded area, occupying a space alone: ​​"Lord of the stars, finally give you another opportunity to hand over everything from earth civilization, and to separate from earth civilization, Then give us the secrets of the Dragonborn Legion, otherwise, the foundation of the Star Palace will be destroyed."

A blue ocean swept across the earth, and countless sea warriors came on the huge waves. After the huge waves, the lord of the deep sea was full of majestic voice: "Lord of the stars, for the sake of a new civilization, he will do with us. Enemy, this is not a rational act."

Listening to these, there are obviously no sincerity conditions. The expression on the face of the Lord of the Stars has not changed in the slightest: "The irrational person should not be me, but you. For the sake of a new civilization, you dare to act with me. Enemy, this is not a rational act."

Although there is no jealousy in the tone, the words of the Lord of the Stars seem to be more arrogant than anyone.

Now that more than half of Tianzhuyuan's forces are besieging the Lord of the Stars, it should have been the Lord of the Stars that was in desperation, but he threatened everyone in turn.

The Lord of the Deep said: "Han Chen, you are also a genius, but are you sure you want to stick to your civilization?"

Without waiting for Han Chen to speak, the Lord of Blood Desert said: "Although you are the strongest person in a civilization, because you were born in this civilization, you cannot use all the power of the entire civilization. If you are willing to surrender, We can give you a broader future."

Han Chen sneered, "How is your credit, don't you have any points in your heart?"

For Han Chen's unconcealed look of contempt, several strong men did not have much trouble, and some weak men would often release some scenes when they knew they were going to die.

In their view, Han Chen is also one of these weak.

Even if it is a bigger ant, it is still an ant after all.

The Lord of the Stars scanned the crowd for a week and said, "Didn't the Moon Sage and the Lord of Yellow Sand come? Could it be that I spared the Lord of Yellow Sand the last time, and he wants to thank me for not killing?"

After destroying the last space channel last time, he opened the shield of the Lord of the Yellow Sands with a single blow. He could have killed him with the pursuit of victory, but he eventually left the opponent's life. When it fell 30%, he recovered his starlight.

The Lord of the Blue Sky said: "The Lord of the Yellow Sands is not willing to share the results. Of course, we are also happy to have one less competitor. The Cloud City of the Moon Sage is not taking care of the common affairs. She has blocked the Cloud City."

The Lord of Blood Desert said: "Why do you talk so much nonsense with him? It's enough for a few of us to join forces, Lord of the Stars, if you want to say a last word, it's early now, otherwise it's too late."

As they spoke, the army around them had already started.

With the help of the legion, several top Legendary beings are constantly approaching the direction of the Lord of the Stars. Since they have the chance to win, of course they must adopt a safer style of play.

After all, the Lord of the Stars is a powerful man whose name exceeds his status. They can look down upon each other, but they dare not be sloppy in their actions.

Even if it is a legendary existence, it may be severely damaged in the magic torrent of the wizard group, so it needs to be hidden in the legion. Of course, for them, the biggest role of the legion is this, and it can provide them with a fair battlefield.

"If Sage Yue is still there, you still have hope of going back alive."

A star above the Lord of Stars suddenly became bright and bright, bursting with dazzling silver light, and a silver star fell on the hand of the Lord of Stars.

The Lord of the Stars stretched out his hand and held the ray of starlight in his hand, turning it into a silver spear.

After seeing this silver spear, all the legendary beings felt that the needles were on their backs. The yellow sand shield of the lord of the sand was known as the strongest defense, but under this silver spear, it was still penetrated. A hole.

As a result, countless groups of wizards began to do a good job of welcoming this trick, and then bought time for their masters to save their lives.


"Ready to intercept!"

"Stop him!"

Looking at the enemies facing the enemy, the Lord of the Stars said indifferently: "Although I don’t want to kill you, but if I don’t kill you, the next trouble will never end, so even if it is In order to give others a warning, I also trouble you to die once."

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Stars, many people secretly began to taunt.

"Even if your strength is really strong, can you beat so many people?"

"It's just a bluff."

"Unless you use a skill that can be activated at a huge price, or consume the origin of your domain, how can you kill an existence of the same level?"

"Hehe, if you use this move, you will only die faster."

"With the legion as a shield, you can't hurt us."

Obviously they didn't think that the Lord of the Stars could kill a few people, even if he used his full strength, at most he would destroy a few elite legions.

Even if he can really lock down the legendary beings hidden in the legion and use powerful skills to kill them, they don't think that such an attack can be launched several times.

In their view, this should be more of a bluffing method by the Lord of the Stars.

If they were really bluffed by the words of the Lord of the Stars, it would really be a joke.

And Han Chen received the alarm from God Domain Watch at this time.

Anyway, it was now the home court of Lord of the Stars, so he opened it and took a look.

In the present world of the earth, there have been a lot of monsters out of idle land, and then began to besieged the city. These monsters did not immediately start attacking the gathering places, but they divided the gathering places of various places into different places. Became islands.

Under the action of the human sea tactics, the battle has not yet begun, and the gathering places on the earth are in a situation of isolation and helplessness.

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