All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 810: Great Army Siege

Chapter 810: Army Siege

The strength of the Lord of the Stars exceeded Han Chen's expectations and gave him unexpected joy.

However, in Han Chen's original preparations, he did not consider the strength of the Star Lord.

After all, the purpose of the other party to help him is still unknown. If the Star Palace has ulterior motives, wouldn't Han Chen want to ruin the entire earth?

Therefore, it is better to ask for yourself. In Hancheng's plan, there is no place for the Dianxing Palace. Even if it is abandoned by the Dianxing Palace, he will continue to fight.

Deng Qing saw Han Chen not speaking, and did not ask any more.

He knew that the less people knew about some things, the better. Han Chen didn't tell his plan, and he couldn't ask too much.

There was a ripple in the space, and Wu Yuan's figure appeared in front of the two.

"Han Chen, why did you come back so soon?"

Wu Yuan said in surprise, "I heard you say that there is no need to worry about God's Domain. Is this true?"

Han Chen nodded: "Yes, things are progressing better than I thought, but don't take it lightly. Maybe we have to face more than the enemy in front of you."

The Lord of the Stars will definitely not aimlessly, since he said that the enemy in front of him is not a real enemy, then they will definitely face even more powerful opponents.

Wu Yuan was surprised: "Who else dares to challenge our earth?"

Han Chen said: "I don't know, but it doesn't matter, let's solve these enemies on the earth first! If we don't solve the immediate situation, what are the long-term talks!"

Wu Yuan said: "We are ready and ready to launch at any time."

Han Chen turned to Deng Qing and said: "You go to inform the military, choose the first plan, and keep the current pattern unchanged. When the enemy makes a move, we will naturally have a way to deal with it. Also, the next world team will give it to If you have commanded, don't report the team's actions to me."

Deng Qing nodded, then turned and left.

Although he felt a little humiliated for his inability to help Han Chen, he knew that staying by Han Chen's face was the biggest obstacle to him.

Besides, the earthly team has done a lot of things secretly in the past three years, and some things are better than Han Chen expected, so he doesn't need to belittle himself.

Countless people felt a little disappointed after receiving Han Chen's order to stop.

"Why would Han Chen choose such a plan?"

"If we choose the second option, then the other party chooses to fight for aid, and we will suffer heavy losses. There is no problem with Han Chen's choice."

"His choice like this is of course no problem, but it doesn't fit his aggressive style! Killing 9 legendary existences in a row is a way of motivating morale, but he chose this conservative fighting method. This will greatly reduce the previous morale boosting practices."

"Maybe, Han Chen has his own ideas! He has never let us down."

"Up until now, I can only believe him."

In fact, the two choices have their own reasons, but in their impression, Han Chen has always been an aggressive person, and this choice will make his image somewhat compromised.

However, thanks to Han Chen's reputation, they chose to believe in Han Chen.

After the military's strategic plan was announced, those who stayed in the small gathering place sighed.

"We are going to a large gathering place."

"Why did you go early? Small gathering places are faster to spawn monsters, but large gathering places are safer. Now that you have made a choice, you have to bear the consequences of your choice."

"Or, let's break through!"

"Are you crazy? There are so many monsters outside. Do you think that in reality, you can still be like God's Domain, and can be resurrected after death? Besides, even if we finally break through the door of the large gathering place, people can open the door. Are you going in?"

"That said, I can only wait for a miracle."

"Speaking of miracles, our earth is a miracle, isn't it?"

Although this decision has caused dissatisfaction among many people, they have no choice but to accept it. After all, they decide where to live and eat, and now they have to bear the consequences of their choice even with tears.

On the shore of the East China Sea, a group of creatures of the gods gather here.

"Unexpectedly, the strength of the Star Lord is so strong."

"If we attack regardless of the cost, in fact, it is not impossible to win, but we have to sacrifice some people, but the Lord of the Stars wants to kill whom the decision is in his hands."

"However, even if the war in God's Domain is slower, it is a surprise to be able to win the war on the earth battlefield."

"Sky City, a fortress that will never fall? Ha ha, give me one day, I can keep the entire Sky City chickens and dogs!"

"Haha, let the earth see our power!"

"The City of the Sky is left to our Feather Clan, those things that the waste did not do, let our Feather Clan's royal family do it!"

"Total war, start!"

Since the beginning of the plan was to make a full-line battle, the collapse of the main battlefield of God's Domain did not affect the earth battlefield too much, but only caused some impact on their strategic deployment.

Suddenly, countless creatures of God's Domain were ordered to attack the gathering places everywhere.

All-out war has begun for the entire planet.

Outside the Sky City, countless Yu clan warships spread all over the sky, surrounding the place. 12 huge stone pillars stood on top of the sky, blocking the possibility of the Sky City escape.

A legendary existence of the feather clan opened its wings, and a gust of wind blew away countless medicine fields outside the Sky City.

"Han Chen, as the first person on earth, you dare to come out for a battle!" The voice of the saint of the feather clan resounded through the entire Sky City.

Hearing the opponent's call, the defenders of the Sky City were strange.

Han Chen and Wu Yuan beheaded nine legendary existences together, would you dare to come here to clamor for a legendary existence? Even idiots know that there should be a trap!

"Han Chen, you claim to be the first person on earth, dare to fight with me!"

The sage of the Yu clan shouted, "I will challenge you here. If you are not in vain, then fight with me. If I lose, all the Yu clan will retreat! No one will stay."

Following his screaming, a familiar black figure walked out of the castle.

Seeing Han Chen's appearance, the guards hurriedly said: "Han Chen, you can't get caught."

"The other party must have a conspiracy."

Han Chen smiled indifferently: "Don't worry, I won't look for death."

Seeing Han Chen coming out, the sage of the Yu clan said: "You finally dare to come out, well, in that case, let our battle determine the outcome of this battle!"

Han Chen pondered for two seconds, and said, "Are you really here to fight me?"

The Yu clan felt a sudden, and then forcefully pretended to be calm: "Yes, I..."

"So, why are you hiding so far?" Han Chen asked.

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