All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 812: Encircle

Chapter 812 Surrounded

After hanging up the communication, the face of the sage of the feather tribe was hideous.

Thinking of the group of ants who dared to yell at the legendary existence gate, he hated the roots of his teeth. Where did these ants have the courage to taunt the legendary existence?

However, anger returns to anger, and in the end, we must persist in unshakable interests.

For each force delivered to reality, they have to pay a great price, especially in order to maintain the stability of the space channel, they must use precious enough treasures as the core, this is the rules specially formulated by God's Domain in order to balance the benefits and risks. .

So although they have the confidence to capture the city in the sky, they are not willing to take risks alone.

Otherwise, even if the Sky City is really taken, it will be picked up by other races.

On the other side of the communication, several legendary existences are gathering together.

"It has been confirmed that Han Chen and the female mage are both in the Sky City, and there is the Realm of Leaving the Wind. They will have to pay a great price if they want to come out."

A murloc sacrificed and said, "You have heard the conditions of Yu Sheng. They are the fastest-moving race, if they want to pit us, it is also the easiest. Therefore, the Sky City is also used to contain the Yu clan's forces. Everyone, don’t hide your personal information, and contain all the suits of Huaxia!"

Everyone came to grab fat this time, and they weren't united to deal with powerful enemies. Therefore, it is inevitable that people will have uneven hearts.

Even in joint offenses, they will calculate each other. It's better to have a clear division of labor now, and it's up to you to get as many benefits as you can.

A legendary existence of the Wood Spirit clan said: "There are three legendary existences in Mizhou, so our pressure is the greatest, so don't think about getting reinforcements from us."

The Saint of the Ice Clan said angrily: "Is it possible that with the strength of your Wood Spirit Clan, after the restrictions have been lifted, even the existence of the three legendary ranks can’t easily cope with it? You simply use this as an excuse, wanting Let us take all the pressure."

The sage of the Wood Spirit Race said: "Han Chen and that mage defeated the nine sages by two people."

The Saint of the Ice Race said: "Of course the strength of the two of them cannot be measured by ordinary legendary existence, but those three are just new legends."

The sage of the Wood Spirit Race said: "The development of earth civilization is originally a bit weird. Who knows if these three legendary existences also hide their own strength? In case they really hide their own strength, then we will Without sufficient preparation, I have lent you a lot of troops. Do you have to bear the losses caused by this?"

The Saint of the Ice Clan said: "You are arrogant, the Wood Spirit Clan must send troops to China."

The sage of the Wood Spirit Clan sneered: "Since you disagree with my plan, I also don't agree with your plan. It's better to exchange the battle zone between us. We deal with China, how would you deal with Mi Zhou? If you agree, I can Don’t need your help from a single force."

The sage of the ice race was immediately speechless.

Of course, he is not willing to accept this condition.

Risks and returns have always been proportional. As the richest country on the planet, China has the highest returns from fighting here.

The sage of the Rock Clan persuaded: "Don’t be arguing, everyone just wants to maximize their own profits, but also want others to help take risks! But no matter how you allocate it, you will eventually allocate it after you get it down. Yes, if you quarrel now, but eventually lose the war, this is a joke."

Hearing his persuasion, several legendary existences immediately exploded.

"Joke, will we lose?"

"A New Civilization..."

"Everyone be quiet."

The murloc sacrifices forcibly ended the quarreling meeting, "Don’t everyone think that one thing is weird? Why didn’t the blood family take action in this incident? Even since Dawn City was recaptured by the human race, the blood family has not Too many actions, it doesn’t fit their style!"

The Saint of the Ice Race disdainfully said: "It's nothing more than that they have invested too much in the early stage, and now they have suffered heavy losses, and then they dare not continue!"

The murloc sacrificial shook his head: "The kinship is very tolerant, and the number is extremely large. When new civilizations appeared in the past, the kinship was always very active, especially when the human civilization appeared, whether they succeeded or failed, They are all able to recruit some new members, and for them they are all profitable."

Everyone frowned when they heard the murloc sacrifice.

They come to grab meat and take some risks, but for the vampires, this is a profitable business for them. No matter how badly they lose, they will also have fresh blood supplements as a base gain. Such an opportunity should not be missed.

The murloc sacrificial continued: "I also got information that the holy land of vampires is forbidden to open to the human race. Even before the new civilization is integrated into the gods, they prohibit all human races from entering it. This is not in line with their style! "

This information made everyone feel a sudden shock.

The vampires have the ability to transform humans into vampires, and they are very tolerant. They will only discriminate against the weak, not the newcomers.

As long as they show sufficient strength, they will never mind regardless of their origin. Such a very tolerant race should not show discrimination against the earth.

The sage of the rock clan said: "Anyway, we can't stop our actions this time. Just be careful when we act at most. Don't be greedy for meritorious work. Sometimes the long flow of water can have a better effect."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

They are now in a situation where they cannot retreat. It is impossible for them to give up the action because of a suspicion, and before this action starts, they are ready to be stabbed by their allies. Don't the oriole people beware?

If this oriole is too strong, then they can join forces again.

Anyway, stabbing a knife while joining hands is commonplace for them. Wars caused by hatred are almost non-existent for them, and they will only fight for profit.

After completing the general division of labor, they each took their own ethnic forces and started separate operations, and went to their respective goals.

In the North China Theater, a group of Titan giants armed with giant axes surrounded the military area on three sides, leaving only the side leading to the north open. Behind them was a heavily armed ice race.

In the South China Theater, the Yan Clan and the Yan Clan almost cut off the Yangtze River Tianmo.

In East China, countless sea people left the sea and walked onto the coast.

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