All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 814: Destruction of Titan

Chapter 814 The Destruction of Titan

For Han Chen's abilities, they had been prepared for various responses.

Even though they have determined that Han Chen is in the Sky City, there is no guarantee that Han Chen will not appear in other battlefields.

The simplest example is the shadow of Han Chen.

They all knew that Han Chen had a magical power, which was to allow his shadow to have combat power close to the deity, and the gap between the two sides was the gap in equipment.

However, if Han Chen also prepares a set of equipment for the shadow, he does not need legendary-quality equipment, but only needs a full set of epic-level equipment, which can also exert great combat effectiveness.

What's more, what if the person in the Sky City is also a shadow?

Therefore, no matter where the army is attacking, they are prepared to prepare for Han Chen's assassination, so as to ensure that no matter where Han Chen appears, they will not be caught off guard.

After saying hello, the Saint of the Ice Clan did not continue to speak, but began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Han Chen may appear at any time, and now he wants to focus all his attention on Han Chen.

Faced with a top assassin, no matter how careful you are, you can't be overstated.

The Ice Emperor also knew the severity, so instead of continuing to disturb the saint, he continued to command.

On the front line, the Titans stormed the city wall in excitement. They looked at the panic of the Chinese army, and their hearts were even more excited.

"Weak ants! Shake under our strength, surrender to us!"

The Titans excitedly raised the giant axe in their hands and began to harvest and slaughter the battlefield.

After all, the outermost line of defense has been breached by them, so the next step should be hand-to-hand combat, which is also their favorite thing to do.

They prefer such hearty and hearty battles to those mind-consuming tactics.

However, when they raised the giant axe in their hands again, preparing to carry out a massacre on the battlefield, they were shocked to find that there was no one in front of them.

After the wall was broken, they should be facing the military camp stationed within the wall, but what they looked at was only another open space, and the surrounding scenery also changed.

"What about people?"

"Is there just a clearing behind the wall?"

"Wait a minute, we just broke the city wall, why can't we see the ruins? We only saw some rubble, but it is far less than what remains after the wall was broken."

"No, contact the Ice Race to see where we are!"

Although the Titans are called a race with muscles in their brains, it does not mean that they are really lacking in brains. They just prefer to use muscles to solve problems.

After seeing this open space, they looked up and looked around, only to find that even the ruins of the city wall they had just destroyed were gone.

The sudden change in the scenery caused them a panic.

"The gate of space, they actually built the gate of space behind the city wall! They dare to fool us!"

An epic emperor of the Titan clan was extremely furious. This was actually a very simple trick, which was to build a space gate behind the city wall.

Because they were not decently blocked, when they finally broke the city wall, they would continue to charge forward for a certain distance under the effect of their own charges. This was inevitable.

But in this extremely short distance, they did not come to the space behind the city wall, but passed through the gate of space and came to a place specially prepared by Huaxia for them.

Although the construction cost of the space gate is large, the greater cost is actually to maintain the space gate. The farther the teleportation distance, the longer the maintenance time, the greater the consumption. Like before, the Chinese legion was directly from the northern Siberian plain The method of teleporting back to the Sky City is a burden to the entire China.

However, the distance of this teleportation is actually not long, and the maintenance time is very short. With the preparation of the void elves in advance, this consumption is basically insignificant for China.

Some Kongyu Stones and Tianyu Stones in exchange for the destruction of the Titans are a very cost-effective thing for them.

At this moment, a large number of Chinese soldiers appeared all around.

"Defend China, bless my territory!"

"Hua Tianwei, inviolable!"

Countless Chinese warriors appeared in all directions, shouting tidy slogans and launched a charge against the Titans. The body of the Chinese warriors in the front row suddenly swelled, holding a huge battle axe, and their strength and speed suddenly increased. warrior.

Behind the warriors with the descent of the Titans are a large number of legions of various professions. They have been ambushing here for a long time, waiting for the appearance of the Titans, and then give them a surprise.

"Good job."

"It's a joke to actually use an ambush."

"Kill these nasty humans."

After the members of the Titans saw Huaxia's ambush, they were not surprised and rejoiced. They were not afraid of encountering an ambush, but they were afraid that they would not encounter the enemy.

Now that the enemies have appeared, what are they not satisfied with?

That's it.

"The Titans are invincible on land!"

The Titans quickly arranged their lineup, and then greeted China’s ambush. They had to use their power to let these hateful Chinese people know that the majesty of the Titans should not be offended. Even if they fall into a trap with some small means, they are absolutely Under power, these traps are only trivial.

Even Huaxia also has the owner of the Titan clan bloodline and has formed a huge army. For them, it is just a sidewalk, which will only make their battles more hearty.


A Titan clan was about to move forward, and suddenly found that the ground under his feet was suddenly limp. He was shocked, and then found that the ground he was looking for had turned into a swamp at some point.

They instinctively wanted to struggle, but found that they could only sink deeper and deeper, and the gravity of this swamp was getting bigger and bigger, which greatly restricted their huge body.

"Damn Huaxia, can't you fight it upright?"

"Use Tianwei!"

Suddenly fell into a swamp, and the inner anger of the Titans reached its peak. They forcibly waved the giant axe in their hands to spread all the swamps around them.

Just when they were about to do it, they suddenly discovered that their feet were entangled with something unknown. A large number of things like tree vines appeared from the soles of their feet and bound their whole bodies.

"Does the despicable Huaxia only use these little tricks?"

The Titans have great power and are not afraid of this degree of bondage, but when they tried their best to start struggling, a large number of Titans pedigree owners armed with giant axes or built with two hands came to them and waved manual equipment.


Ten minutes later, the 50,000 Titans were all destroyed!

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