All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 826: Co-made lies

Chapter 826: A Lie Made Together

"Only legends can deal with legends. This sentence has almost become common sense in God's Domain."

Han Chen said, "Although under certain circumstances, a legendary existence may be killed by a non-legendary existence, but that situation is too extreme and too ideal, so it can almost be ignored. All of them are experienced and powerful, and they are not so easy to fall into the trap. Therefore, even if this sentence is not the truth, it is infinitely close to the truth."

Wu Yuan nodded, she also knew these words.

This sentence was repeatedly mentioned when the earth was in the realm of the gods. This is a psychological suggestion that is more serious than brainwashing, and it is almost impossible to doubt.

In fact, it is true.

In theory, even a legendary existence will run out of power, health is limited, defense is also limited, and it is completely possible to be killed by a group attack.

In hypothetical warfare, as long as the escape of the legendary existence can be restricted by absolute spatial means, and then some restrictions on its speed, finally everyone involved in the siege will bring some means of armor-breaking and real damage, and this will continue , Even legendary existence will fall.

Of course, there is a simpler method, that is to use the siege of the blood mage legion, under the special effect of [Magic Rainbow Bridge], even if it is a legendary existence, it will fall under the siege of three thousand blood mage.

However, this is too ideal.

Not to mention the existence of the legendary level, even if it is a king-level life in God's Domain, it has experienced countless battles and has a keen sense of danger.

Not to mention the existence of a legendary rank with huge influence, even if it is a lone legend, it will not easily give people a chance to besiege oneself.

Even if they are really under siege, they can also pay a certain price to break the blockade of space, or let their speed reach a terrifying point.

Take Han Chen as an example. Han Chen faced tens of thousands of people in his 20s. Although he used space to escape and borrowed the power of the void elves, it also represented a certain possession. The importance of absolute advantage.

"However, even if it is common sense, it doesn't mean that common sense is right. Common sense is a summary of what you see, but even if it is a truth that most people agree with, it must be true?"

Han Chen said, “We in China have an old saying that history is always written by victors. Perhaps this sentence is somewhat biased. After all, the use of spring and autumn styles and fabricating history are two different things, but the facts are exactly like this. Sometimes we see It’s only what a small number of people want most of us to see."

If history is really allowed to be written by the victors, then all the victors should be perfect. However, the fact is just the opposite. All the victors are burdened with indelible stains, so the content they fabricate is actually very limited.

Han Chen said that, it means that this sentence is not absolutely correct.

And Wu Yuan thoughtfully: "I understand what you mean. Legendary existence has absolute power in God's Domain. If all Legendary existences unite to create such a lie, then no matter what How outrageous this lie is, it may be regarded as truth by others."

She is also very smart. In fact, powerful mages rarely have low IQs, so she quickly understood what Han Chen wanted to express.

Of course, this is also related to the education environment of the earth.

She is not a superstitious authority, of course it is easy to guess.

Han Chen nodded: "Yes, there is indeed an insurmountable moat under the legendary level, but even if the legend is not reached, can't you use some legendary methods? For example, I am in kangaroo. When Zhou was under siege, what were the methods they used?"

When Han Chen dealt with the Sea Clan, those non-legendary existences exerted the power that a legendary existence could possess.

Wu Yuan said: "In the eyes of God's Domain, those who are besieging you are just a vehicle. The ones that really deal with you are the means of legendary existence. I can also seal some spells in others' bodies. If Su Yue and the others kill it by this Legend has it that no one would think that they killed it, but that I killed it."

This is not to raise the bar, but the general idea of ​​God's Domain.

At the beginning, several epic-level existences possessed legendary power for a short period of time. In the general thinking of God's Domain, they were only vehicles for legendary existence to exert their power, and they were not regarded as crossing the sky.

Wu Yuan can do the same thing. If she does, then in the eyes of everyone, it is Wu Yuan who killed the legend, not the one who borrowed her power.

Han Chen said: "That's right, but if similar methods can be simplified and popularized, will the legendary rank's superior status be broken? Such methods require a high price, but is it? Is there no lower cost?"

Wu Yuan's eyes widened: "Did you succeed?"

Han Chen stretched his hands: "Otherwise, do you think these legendary existences will really be so easily solved by some elite teams?"

The existence of God's Domain is too long, and only eternal existence can end. How could it be possible for ordinary people to crack something that has not been resolved for such a long time.

Wu Yuan exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, you have been busy working on this for the past three years. I didn't expect you to put so much energy on the research, and you can actually improve so much strength."

Han Chen shook his head and said seriously: "You are wrong. I have been improving my strength for the past three years, but I occasionally study this aspect when I am studying skills. It can be said that the results of my research are almost Inadvertently insert the willow."

Seeing Han Chen's seriousness, Wu Yuan suddenly felt like, "Is this because of your luck?"

Although she asked this question, when she asked this question, she seemed to know the answer.

"Not because of my luck, but because it was not difficult at first."

Han Chen sighed, "I admit that my talent is very high, but it is still not an easy task to do something that has not been possible for thousands of years, but in the process of researching that method. , But did not encounter too many obstacles, that can only prove one thing, my guess is correct."

Wu Yuan suddenly felt a chill: "In other words, only legends can deal with legends. This sentence is basically a lie. It is a lie made by all legendary existences. The legendary existences of the past generations have weaved together?

She suddenly understood one thing, that is, Han Chen might have opened Pandora's box.

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