All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 828: Zulong Dynasty

Chapter 828: Ancestral Dragon Dynasty

After seeing two familiar figures, Wu Yuan said in surprise: "Li Long, Alizee, are you back?"

The two people are Li Long and Alizee.

She didn’t have that much thought, or she didn’t want to put too much thought on her own person. In her opinion, Li Long was fine. She would still appear once in a few months, but Alizee disappeared for three years. .

Now is the fiercest time of the battle. With the help of these two people, it should be easier to fight in the future, at least to reduce a lot of casualties.

As for the way the two appeared, she didn't care so much, because she had seen a lot of various means by Han Chen's side. It was not surprising that these two people appeared in the form of external incarnations or projections. of.

Han Chen smiled and said, "You don't treat me as a careerist."

Li Long smiled bitterly: "If you said something like this three years ago, maybe I would have to keep a 12-point vigilance against you and monitor everything you say and do. After all, sometimes compared to the heinous person. , A person who maintains a firm belief and is willing to do everything for his own goals may cause more damage."

Not all good intentions can be exchanged for good results. There are too many good intentions to do bad things, and there are too many lunatics in history who sacrifice everything for their goals.

Wu Yuan said angrily: "You have doubts about us."

Han Chen said indifferently: "Li Long can maintain 10 points of trust in us, but as the highest person in charge of the Huaxia military, he must be vigilant towards anyone, even if he trusts, he must be rational. Not based on feelings."

War is inherently ruthless, and as the head of the military, he must never be emotional.

So Han Chen didn't care much about it.

For example, in today's war, everyone's attention is attracted by the fall of the legendary existence, but who has noticed how many sacrifices have been made to give those elite teams the opportunity to assassinate the legend?

If you are afraid of sacrifice, don't fight at all.

The premise is to be able to do it!

Li Long sighed and said: "But the most moving thing in this world is not the rhetoric, but the reality that is colder than anything. These three years of travel have allowed me to meet countless people, but How many people can remember their hometown?"

He is not someone who is easily moved by words, but he will be moved by facts.

China's homesickness plot is very deep. From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many famous stories about homesickness have been eulogized through the ages. The bright moon in the sky, I don't know how much homesickness is entrusted.

However, after entering the realm of the gods, he found that not all lives attach so much importance to their hometown, or in the process of their constant battles and deaths, at the same time some things will be lost in their souls, such as the longing for hometown.

This is not a metaphor, but their souls are really drying up.

Epic existences above level 50 can choose to become a lord, and then protect some life levels or beings that have not reached the level, so that their souls will not die due to exhaustion, but in the long years, their souls are still Will decay.

Even the vampire who claims to be the closest to eternity cannot avoid this problem.

After witnessing countless lives from various civilizations that can be forgotten even in his hometown, even if he is fearless, he will inevitably feel a little frightened.

Will the future of the earth become like this?

"Since everyone agrees, there is no problem."

Han Chen said, "But you should also tell us some things! For example, the relationship between the earth and Zulongxing, you should know a lot more than I know."

Wu Yuan was surprised: "Aren't we from two different civilizations?"

Han Chen shook his head: "Not necessarily two."

Wu Yuan is a little confused, not two civilizations, can it be three or more civilizations? But even if there is a certain gap between Chinese civilization and Western civilization, it cannot be said that there are two civilizations!

Li Long smiled bitterly: "When did you find out?"

Han Chen said: "Although my team members rarely fight with me now, this does not mean that they have been doing nothing. In the process of chasing my footsteps, they also discovered many things in Zulongxing. Some news I knew, and a reminder from a friend, I came to an amazing conclusion that the Zulong dynasty of Zulong star is actually the same as our Chinese Zulong."

Wu Yuan was shocked. This was the first time she heard such news.

How can it be possible that two completely different civilizations have the same origin?

Han Chen seems to have seen her doubts: "Among the novels or film and television dramas we read, there is a type that is the beginning of the same story background, extending two completely different story development directions, like It is the same as two parallel time and space separated from the same origin.

The relationship between the earth and Zulong star is like this, but there are some differences. Because the myths and development origins of these two civilizations are not the same, but at a certain critical time point, the same miraculous coincidence, and then to different branches. "

Wu Yuan was shocked. She had also seen this type of novel, but she did not expect that in the eyes of high-dimensional life, the earth might just exist like a movie and TV series.

Alizee said: "I didn't conceal your meaning, because after I left the Cavaliers League, I suddenly got the approval of the will of the Western world and became an existence like Li Long. In these three years, I have also been investigating such things."

Wu Yuan felt even more confused: "Recognition of the will of the Western world? What is this?"

Han Chen said: "You can understand it as the son of destiny, that is, the emperor of the Chinese feudal era, which condenses the existence of the luck of an era."

Wu Yuan nodded. She felt that she couldn't get into the topic at all, so she could only listen in silence.

Li Longdao: "The connection between Zulongxing and the earth has never been severed. Although the bodies of both sides cannot cross the distance of the universe, there are always some strange people who can hear the sound of another world. , And firmly believe that there is another world."

Alizee added: "The glorious Holy See of Zulongxing is actually connected to our Western Illuminati Church. Even the founder of Illuminati Church is because of hearing the voice of another world, or the spiritual perception of another. The world sees it as heaven."

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